Tasks are defined by adding them to your schedule. See Defining the Schedule to see where to add these.
This task runs a Symfony console command.
Define in PHP:
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule->addCommand('my:command', 'arg1', '--option1', '--option2=value');
// alternative
->arguments('arg1', '--option1', '--option2=value')
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command arg1 --option1 --option1=value
frequency: '0 * * * *'
This task runs a callback. The optional return value of the callback is considered the task output.
This task can only be defined in PHP.
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule->addCallback(function () {
// do something
return 'task output';
This task executes shell commands.
Define in PHP:
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */
// alternatively, add your own Process instance
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: bash:/bin/my-script # note the "bash:" prefix
frequency: '0 * * * *'
This task requires
:$ composer require symfony/process
The default working directory is the working directory of the current PHP process. If the task requires a specific working directory, it is best to set it explicitly.
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; /* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */ $schedule->addProcess( Process::fromShellCommandline('bin/my-script') ->setWorkingDirectory('/www/my-project') );
In Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml zenstruck_schedule: tasks: - task: 'bash:cd %kernel.project_dir% && bin/my-script' frequency: '0 * * * *'
This task pings the provided URL. This task type is useful for Cron health monitoring tools like Cronitor, Laravel Envoyer and Healthchecks.
Define in PHP:
use Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task\PingTask;
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule->add(new PingTask('https://example.com'));
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: ping:https://example.com # note the "ping:" prefix
frequency: '0 * * * *'
This task type requires
:$ composer require symfony/http-client
Optionally customize the
service in your configuration:# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml zenstruck_schedule: http_client: my_http_client
This is a special task that allows you to group other tasks together that share a frequency, timezone and extensions. When due, grouped tasks are run in the order they are defined.
Define in PHP:
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */
->addCallback(function () { /* do something */ })
->emailOnFailure('[email protected]')
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task:
- my:command arg --option
- bash:/bin/my-script
frequency: '0 * * * *'
timezone: UTC
email_on_failure: ~
- task: # optionally key by the desired task description
"run my command": my:command arg --option
"run my bash bash script": bash:/bin/my-script
Optionally add a unique description to your task. If none is provided, tasks define a default description based on their input.
Define in PHP:
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule $schedule */
->description('this describes my task')
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
frequency: '0 * * * *'
description: this describes my task
These are the options for defining how often your task runs:
A standard Cron expression. Check crontab.guru for
help. The extended expression syntax may be used (@hourly
, @daily
, @weekly
, @yearly
, @annually
Define in PHP:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->cron('0,30 9-17 * * 1-5'); // every 30 minutes between 9am and 5pm on weekdays
$task->cron('@daily'); //daily @ midnight
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
frequency: '0,30 9-17 * * 1-5' # every 30 minutes between 9am and 5pm on weekdays
- task: my:command
frequency: '@daily' # daily @ midnight
If defining your schedule in PHP, you
can build your cron expression using the fluent expression builder functions. The
default frequency for a task is every minute (expression: * * * * *
The following methods reset the expression. Only one should be used and before any field adjustments:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->hourly(); // every hour on the hour
$task->hourlyAt(3); // every hour, 2 minutes past the hour
$task->hourlyAt(3, 33, '48-50'); // every hour, 3, 33, 48, 49 and 50 minutes past the hour
$task->daily(); // every day @ midnight
$task->dailyOn(3); // every day @ 3am
$task->dailyOn(3, 6, '17-18'); // every day @ 3am, 6am, 5pm and 6pm
$task->dailyBetween(9, 17); // every day, hourly between 9am and 5pm
$task->twiceDaily(); // every day @ 1am and 1pm
$task->twiceDaily(9, 17); // every day @ 9am and 5pm
$task->dailyAt(3); // daily @ 3am
$task->dailyAt('17:45'); // daily @ 5:45pm
$task->weekly(); // every Sunday @ midnight
$task->weeklyOn(1); // every Monday @ midnight
$task->weeklyOn(1, 3, '5-6'); // every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday @ midnight
$task->monthly(); // every 1st of the month @ midnight
$task->monthlyOn(3); // every 3rd of the month @ midnight
$task->monthlyOn(3, 6, '8-10'); // every 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th of the month @ midnight
$task->twiceMonthly(); // every 1st and 16th of the month @ midnight
$task->twiceMonthly(3, 21); // every 3rd and 21st of the month @ midnight
$task->yearly(); // every January 1st @ midnight
$task->quarterly(); // every January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st @ midnight
The following methods adjust individual fields (with the exception if ->at()
optionally adjusts the hour and minute):
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->minutes(3); // sets the "minutes" field to "3"
$task->minutes(3, 6, '45-50'); // sets the "minutes" field to "3,6,45-50"
$task->hours(3); // sets the "hours" field to "3"
$task->hours(3, 6, '12-14'); // sets the "hours" field to "3,6,12-14"
$task->at(4); // sets the "hours" field to "4"
$task->at('4:45'); // sets the "hours" field to "4" and the "minutes" field to "45"
$task->daysOfMonth(3); // sets the "days of month" field to "3"
$task->daysOfMonth(3, 6, '18-20'); // sets the "days of month" field to "3,6,18-20"
$task->months(2); // sets the "months" field to "2" (February)
$task->months(2, 3, '10-12'); // sets the "months" field to "2,3,10-12" (February, March, October, November and December)
$task->daysOfWeek(1); // sets the "days of week" field to "1" (Monday)
$task->daysOfWeek(1, '3-5'); // sets the "days of week" field to "1,3-5" (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
$task->weekdays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "1-5" (Monday-Friday)
$task->weekends(); // sets the "days of week" field to "6,0" (Saturday,Sunday)
$task->mondays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "1" (Monday)
$task->tuesdays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "2" (Tuesday)
$task->wednesdays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "3" (Wednesday)
$task->thursdays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "4" (Thursday)
$task->fridays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "5" (Friday)
$task->saturdays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "6" (Saturday)
$task->sundays(); // sets the "days of week" field to "0" (Sunday)
If you have many tasks scheduled at midnight (0 0 * * *
) this could
create a very long running schedule right at this time. Tasks scheduled at
the same time are run synchronously. This may cause an issue if a task has
a memory leak.
This bundle extends the standard Cron expression syntax by adding a #
(for hash)
symbol. #
is replaced with a random value for the field. The value is
deterministic based on the task's description. This means that while the value
is random, it is predictable and consistent. A task with the description my task
and a defined frequency of # # * * *
will have a calculated frequency of
56 20 * * *
(every day at 8:56pm). Changing the task's description will change
it's calculated frequency. If the task from the previous example's description
is changed to another task
, it's calculated frequency would change to
24 12 * * *
(every day at 12:24pm).
A hash range #(x-y)
can also be used. For example, # #(0-7) * * *
means daily,
some time between midnight and 7am. Using the #
without a range creates a range
of any valid value for the field. # # # # #
is short for
#(0-59) #(0-23) #(1-28) #(1-12) #(0-6)
. Note the day of month range is 1-28, this
is to account for February which has a minimum of 28 days.
The following hash aliases are provided:
Alias | Converts to |
#hourly |
# * * * * (at some minute every hour) |
#daily |
# # * * * (at some time every day) |
#midnight |
# #(0-2) * * * (at some time between midnight and 2:59am, every day) |
#weekly |
# # * * # (at some time every week) |
#monthly |
# # # * * (at some time on some day, once per month) |
#annually |
# # # # * (at some time on some day, once per year) |
#yearly |
# # # # * (at some time on some day, once per year) |
Define in PHP:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
->description('my task')
->cron('# # * * #') // converts to "56 20 * * 0" (every Sunday @ 8:56pm)
->description('another task')
->cron('# #(1-4) 1,15 * *') // converts to "24 1 1,15 * *" (1:24am on the 1st and 15th of each month)
->description('yet another task')
->cron('#midnight') // converts to "52 1 * * *" (daily @ 1:52am)
->description('yet another task 2') // note the different description calculates a different frequency
->cron('#midnight') // converts to "32 2 * * *" (daily @ 2:32am)
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
description: my task
frequency: '# # * * #' # converts to "56 20 * * 0" (every Sunday @ 8:56pm)
- task: my:command
description: another task
frequency: '# #(1-4) 1,15 * *' # converts to "24 1 1,15 * *" (1:24am on the first and fifteenth days of each month)
- task: my:command
description: yet another task
frequency: '#midnight' # converts to "52 1 * * *" (daily @ 1:52am)
- task: my:command
description: yet another task 2 # note the different description calculates a different frequency
frequency: '#midnight' # converts to "32 2 * * *" (daily @ 2:32am)
Each task has an ID that is a hash of the task type,
frequency expression and description.
The schedule:list --detail
shows each task's ID. These ID's should be unique but it is not enforced.
If you have multiple tasks of the same type, frequency and description, the
their ID's will be duplicated. Running schedule:list
will alert you if
this is the case. ID's can be used to "force run"
You may optionally define the timezone to use when determining when to run a task. If none is provided, it will use PHP's default timezone.
Alternatively, you can define the timezone for all tasks (timezone defined on a task will take precedence).
Define in PHP:
/* @var \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task $task */
// alternatively, pass a \DateTimeZone instance
$task->timezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
frequency: '0 * * * *'
timezone: UTC
The following extensions are available when defining a task:
These extensions can only be configured in PHP.
use Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Exception\SkipTask;
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->filter(function () {
if (some_condition()) {
throw new SkipTask('skipped because...');
$task->when('skipped because...', some_condition()); // only runs if true
$task->when('skipped because...', function () { // only runs if return value is true
return some_condition();
$task->skip('skipped because...', some_condition()); // skips if true
$task->skip('skipped because...', function () { // skips if return value is true
return some_condition();
These extensions can only be configured in PHP.
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->before(function () {
// executes before task runs
$task->after(function () {
// executes after task runs
$task->then(function () {
// alias for ->after()
$task->onSuccess(function () {
// executes if task succeeded
$task->onFailure(function () {
// executes if task failed
This extension is useful for Cron health monitoring tools like Cronitor, Laravel Envoyer and Healthchecks.
Define in PHP:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->pingAfter('https://example.com/after-task-runs', 'POST');
// alias for ->pingAfter()
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
frequency: '0 * * * *'
ping_before: https://example.com/before-task-run
url: https://example.com/after-task-runs
method: POST
ping_on_success: https://example.com/task-succeeded
ping_on_failure: https://example.com/task-failed
This extension requires
:$ composer require symfony/http-client
Optionally customize the
service in your configuration:# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml zenstruck_schedule: http_client: my_http_client
This extension can be used to notify site administrators via email
that the task ran. Either just if it failed (email_on_failure
) or
regardless of the result (email_after
Define in PHP:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->emailAfter('[email protected]');
$task->thenEmail('[email protected]'); // alias for ->emailAfter()
$task->emailOnFailure('[email protected]');
// default "to" address can be configured (see below)
// add custom headers/etc
$task->emailAfter('[email protected]', 'my email subject', function (Symfony\Component\Mime\Email $email) {
$email->addCc('[email protected]');
$email->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-TRACKING', 'enabled');
$task->emailOnFailure('[email protected]', 'my email subject', function (Symfony\Component\Mime\Email $email) {
$email->addCc('[email protected]');
$email->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-TRACKING', 'enabled');
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
frequency: '0 * * * *'
email_after: [email protected]
email_on_failure: ~ # default "to" address can be configured (see below)
- task: my:command
frequency: '0 * * * *'
to: [email protected]
subject: my custom subject
This extension requires
:$ composer require symfony/mailer
This extension requires configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml zenstruck_schedule: mailer: service: mailer # required default_to: [email protected] # optional (exclude if defined in code) default_from: [email protected] # exclude only if a "global from" is defined for your application subject_prefix: "[Acme Inc]" # optional
Failed task emails have the subject
[Scheduled Task Failed] CommandTask: failed task description
(the subject can be configured). The email body has the following structure:Result: "failure description (ie exception message)" Task ID: <task ID> ## Task Output Failed task's output (if any) ## Exception Failed task's exception stack trace (if any)
Successful task emails (if using
) have the subject[Scheduled Task Succeeded] CommandTask: task description
. The email body has the following structure:Result: "Successful" Task ID: <task ID> ## Task Output: Task's output (if any)
This extension locks the task so it cannot run if it is still running from a previous instance. If it is still running, the task is skipped.
Define in PHP:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command
frequency: '0 * * * *'
without_overlapping: ~
This extension requires
:$ composer require symfony/lock
Optionally customize the
service in your configuration:# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml zenstruck_schedule: without_overlapping_lock_factory: my_lock_factory
This extension locks the task so it only runs on one server. The server that starts running the task first wins. Other servers trying to run a locked task will have their task skip. Be sure to configure this extension (see below) with a remote store. If you use a local store it will not be able to lock other servers.
This extension can only be defined in PHP.
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
This extension requires
:$ composer require symfony/lock
This extension requires configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml zenstruck_schedule: single_server_lock_factory: my_lock_factory_service # Be sure to use a "remote store" (https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/lock.html#remote-stores)
only_between skips the task if run outside of the given range. unless_between skips the task if run inside the the given range.
Define in PHP:
/* @var $task \Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\Task */
$task->onlyBetween(9, 17); // only runs between 9am and 5pm (skips otherwise)
$task->onlyBetween('21:30', '6:15'); // only runs between 9:30pm and 6:15am (skips otherwise)
$task->unlessBetween(9, 17); // skips if between 9am and 5pm
$task->unlessBetween('21:30', '6:15'); // skips if between 9:30pm and 6:15am
Define in Configuration:
# config/packages/zenstruck_schedule.yaml
- task: my:command1
frequency: '0 * * * *'
only_between: 9-17 # only runs between 9am and 5pm (skips otherwise)
- task: my:command2
frequency: '0 * * * *'
only_between: # only runs between 9:30pm and 6:15am (skips otherwise)
start: 21:30
end: 6:15
- task: my:command3
frequency: '0 * * * *'
unless_between: 9-17 # skips if between 9am and 5pm
- task: my:command4
frequency: '0 * * * *'
unless_between: # skips if between 9:30pm and 6:15am
start: 21:30
end: 6:15