Schedule Cron jobs (commands/callbacks/bash scripts) within your Symfony
application. Most applications have jobs that need to run at specific intervals.
This bundle enables you to define these jobs in your code. Job definitions (tasks)
are version controlled like any other feature of your application. A single Cron
entry (bin/console schedule:run
) on your server running every minute executes due
The inspiration and some of the API/code for this Bundle comes from Laravel's Task Scheduling feature.
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Defining the Schedule
- Defining Tasks
- Running the Schedule
- CLI Commands
- Extending
- Full Configuration Reference
$ composer require zenstruck/schedule-bundle
If not using Symfony Flex, be sure to enable the bundle.
Add your schedule service (assumes autowire and autoconfiguration enabled):
// src/Schedule/AppScheduleBuilder.php use Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule; use Zenstruck\ScheduleBundle\Schedule\ScheduleBuilder; class AppScheduleBuilder implements ScheduleBuilder { public function buildSchedule(Schedule $schedule): void { $schedule ->timezone('UTC') ->environments('prod') ; $schedule->addCommand('app:send-weekly-report --detailed') ->description('Send the weekly report to users.') ->sundays() ->at(1) ; // ... } }
List your tasks to diagnose any problems:
$ bin/console schedule:list
Add the following Cron job on your server running every minute:
* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && bin/console schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
See Defining the Schedule and Defining Tasks for more options.
# The LockFactory service to use for the without overlapping extension
without_overlapping_lock_factory: null # Example: lock.default.factory
# The LockFactory service to use for the single server extension - be sure to use a "remote store" (
single_server_lock_factory: null # Example: lock.redis.factory
# The HttpClient service to use
http_client: null # Example: http_client
# The default timezone for tasks (override at task level), null for system default
timezone: null # Example: America/New_York
enabled: false
# The mailer service to use
service: mailer
# The default "from" email address (use if no mailer default from is configured)
default_from: null
# The default "to" email address (can be overridden by extension)
default_to: null
# The prefix to use for email subjects (use to distinguish between different application schedules)
subject_prefix: null # Example: "[Acme Inc Website]"
# Set the environment(s) you only want the schedule to run in.
environments: [] # Example: [prod, staging]
# Run schedule on only one server
enabled: false
# Maximum expected lock duration in seconds
ttl: 3600
# Send email if schedule fails (alternatively enable by passing a "to" email)
enabled: false
# Email address to send email to (leave blank to use "zenstruck_schedule.mailer.default_to")
to: null
# Email subject (leave blank to use extension default)
subject: null
# Ping a url before schedule runs (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Ping a url after schedule runs (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Ping a url if the schedule successfully ran (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Ping a url if the schedule failed (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Example:
task: send:sales-report --detailed
frequency: '0 * * * *'
description: Send sales report hourly
without_overlapping: ~
only_between: 9-17
email_on_failure: [email protected]
# Prototype
# Defaults to CommandTask, prefix with "bash:" to create ProcessTask, prefix url with "ping:" to create PingTask, pass array of commands to create CompoundTask (optionally keyed by description)
task: ~ # Required, Example: "my:command arg1 --option1=value", "bash:/bin/my-script" or "ping:"
# Cron expression
frequency: ~ # Required, Example: '0 * * * *'
# Task description
description: null
# The timezone for this task, null for system default
timezone: null # Example: America/New_York
# Prevent task from running if still running from previous run
enabled: false
# Maximum expected lock duration in seconds
ttl: 86400
# Only run between given times (alternatively enable by passing a range, ie "9:00-17:00"
enabled: false
start: ~ # Required, Example: 9:00
end: ~ # Required, Example: 17:00
# Skip when between given times (alternatively enable by passing a range, ie "17:00-06:00"
enabled: false
start: ~ # Required, Example: 17:00
end: ~ # Required, Example: 06:00
# Ping a url before task runs (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Ping a url after task runs (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Ping a url if the task successfully ran (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Ping a url if the task failed (alternatively enable by passing a url)
enabled: false
# The url to ping
url: ~ # Required
# The HTTP method to use
method: GET
# See HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS
options: []
# Send email after task runs (alternatively enable by passing a "to" email)
enabled: false
# Email address to send email to (leave blank to use "zenstruck_schedule.mailer.default_to")
to: null
# Email subject (leave blank to use extension default)
subject: null
# Send email if task fails (alternatively enable by passing a "to" email)
enabled: false
# Email address to send email to (leave blank to use "zenstruck_schedule.mailer.default_to")
to: null
# Email subject (leave blank to use extension default)
subject: null