Send links in tweets you fav to your Pocket account.
You need to register an app on Twitter and on Pocket. Read only permission is ok for the Twitter app while the Pocket needs add
and modify
(to send batch links) permissions. You can then pass the app credentials via environmental variables.
- POCKET_CK - Your Pocket Consumer key
- POCKET_CB - Your Pocket callback URL
- TWTR_CK - Your Twitter Consumer key
- TWTR_CS - Your Twitter Consumer Secret
- TWTR_CB - Your Twitter callback URL
- DB_URL - Your MongoDb URL
POCKET_CK=63422-9a535496a7715bd8c125bc70 POCKET_CB=[YOUR_DOMAIN]/cb/pocket TWTR_CK=sAYNdkIjSXMxm99AciaEA TWTR_CS=uQIdlDTyCKTPfmaeQZRomNSjUIwLci6KV1WEZ6sVLi8 TWTR_CB=[YOUR_DOMAIN]/cb/twitter node app.js DB_URL=https://user:[email protected]/fave
You also need to setup an ironio worker to run /worker/cron/cron.js at choice intervals. Don't forget to update the iron.json
and cron.js
file in /worker/cron
with your project details.