First, install Go and set up your Go workspace by following these instructions. In short:
mkdir ~/go
echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
Next, clone this repo:
mkdir -p ~/go/src/
git clone [email protected]:sp-box/boxsync.git ~/go/src/
To build:
cd ~/go/src/
go install ./... # Build all main packages underneath the current directory and install in $GOPATH/bin
# Same as `go install` in this case
To run, just run boxsync
because $GOPATH/bin
is in your $PATH
We will use govendor for vendoring.
To add dependencies, a proper usage is like:
govendor fetch
In general, conform to the style guidelines described here and configure your text editor to run gofmt on save. Project-specific code style guidelines are described below.
Imports should be organized into the following three groups, with blank lines between them.
import (
// Standard library packages
// External (vendor) packages
// Internal packages
Imports in each group should be alphabetized; gofmt
will do this automatically.
You can put anything you want for commit message. But, in general, conform to a simple "subject-body" format, and use key action word as the first word for "subject". For example:
fixed/refactored/updated/removed/changed/released/merged/... subsytem x for blab
subsystem x has a problem ..., and I did ... to fix...
more details...
I found following plugins can come handy for vim.
(1) Install Vundle for vim(
(2) Install YouCompleteMe for go (
(3) Install vim-go for go (
(4) Install screen tool tmux.
(5) Install tagging tool gotags.
Don't forget to configure ~/.vimrc, various configurations can be found online.
After building boxcl
, command line tool is ready to use.
For more help information, --help
is available for quick check.
$ boxcl [command_name] --help
Use command line example:
$ boxcl [command_name] [arguments...(will specify in following list)]
- Allow user to login with OAuth for initialization. It will print the user id after login successes.
- Check for the availability of $HOME/Box Sync
and make it the default sync folder. Print out the folder id.
- Download all contents from cloud Box Sync
up [file_id]
- Upload file to Box root directory.
up [file_id] [parent_folder_ id]
- Upload file to specific parent folder.
upN [file_id] [file_local_src_path]
- Replace a specific file with new version.
- Output event stream in real time.
mkdir [folder_name]
- Create folder with [folder_name]
in Box root directory.
mkdir [folder_name] [parent_folder_ id]
- Create folder with [folder_name]
in specific parent folder.
rm [fild_id]
- Delete file.
rmdir [folder_id]
- Delete folder recursively.
- List all files & folders in Box root directory.
ls [parent_folder_id]
- List all files & folders in the parent folder.