Set Up EnvironmentSet Up ReduxDesign Duck ArchitectureCompletion of API through PostmanEject ExpoHydrate/Persist redux storeAdd Login PageAuthenticationNavigationDisplay Movie ListAdd Search- Show Movie Details
- Show Movie Review
- Show Rating
- Post Rating
- Delete Rating
- Add to Watchlist
Listing of movies in watchlist- Improve overall design
This will build your code.Do this only if you have package added Add a build folder in ios. it means its ready to execute xcode
- yarn install
- cd ios/ && pod install
- yarn ios Make sure you have the latest Xcode. If you don't have it already, install CocoaPods, which is a native dependency manager for iOS. Run pod install from your project's ios directory. Open your project's xcworkspace file in Xcode. Use Xcode to build, install and run the project on your test device or simulator. (this will happen by default if you click the big "Play" button in Xcode.) Once it's running, the iOS app should automatically request your JS bundle from the project you're serving from Expo CLI.
this is already set in package json. just make sure to change it environement if needed put all environement here
- ENVFILE=.env.staging react-native run-ios
- Download X-code on Mac
- move ducks files to /modules file with same level with screens folder
- ducks files should be independent to screens component since we can use same ducks files to different screens component. ex (movies, movie details)
- home ducks folder should be replace to movies.
- Currently movie details wont add new set of data once reach the bottom.
- Read more article on how ducks architecture works
- Used this to store our sessions
- Identify reducers on what to whitelist or blacklist
- aquire api key in themoviedb website
- use api key to request for request key
- login using username and password to validate our request key
- using validated key, now we can request session id to be used as authorisation
- use hoc hooks to authenticate all screens
- sesion id
- account id
- username
- fullname
api - Handle api
persist redux store - Use to authenticate via store
async storage - Need by persist redux for store
hoc hooks - Hooks to handle authentication
expokit - Exit expo and use expokit
xcode run and build - Run xcode in react native project
tutorial on how to infinite scroll in react >