A simple yet functional web-server for serving static content only. Server is based on epoll event distribution interface.
- server uses epoll functionality to process I/O events
- server decouples reception and processing of incoming requests by using an internal thread pool
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/dkhvorov/tiny_web_server
cd tiny_web_server
By default it compiles with GCC, however you can build it with clang by running that command:
make CC=clang++
Project was tested with the following compilers:
- GCC 4.9.1
- clang 3.5
Use following command to run the application:
./tiny_web_server <port> <path>
You have to specify two parameters - the port to bind and the path to the folder with static content, e.g
./tiny_web_server 8080 /home/larrypage/work/google.com
Beerware :)