First year I actually stuck through and finished got all 50 stars.
All solutions written in Java.
For most days, the input is read as "input.txt"
Most of the stuff from the initial upload is exactly what I used to submit, working on polishing some of the code when I have time.
Also, a lot of the part1 & part2s reuse the same code because I would copy/paste part 1 to part 2, and then just modified as needed.
General known issues:
- Day 15: part 2 currently just finds the gap, in the x and the y, should return the exact point
- Day 21: part 2 just returns an equation in terms of x, which I plugged into Wolfram to solve. Gonna add to make it solve for x on its own.
- Day 22: part 2 is hard coded to just my input shape. Gonna add a solution to solve for generalized cube nets in the future.
Time issues (for solutions that take more a second, based on just the solution part and not i/o):
- Day 15 part 2
- Day 16 part 2
- Day 23 part 2