This is my implementation of Schorre’s metaII metacompiler using perl5 regex’s for bootstrapping and compiling to lua (using lua’s model). Articles abut the implementation and random ramblings also in my blog.
Reading about metacompilers I’ve tinkered with them on and off for a couple of months, taking off from loup’s implementation, but when I was reading perlre, I rediscovered the (?{}) extended pattern, which basically does the same as metaII ouptut patterns, so I tried to bootstrap a metaII compiler using recursive regular expressions and (?{}).
Take a look at ./bootstrap.txt , and if you don’t find that a piece of self-reference beauty, you probably shouldn’t care at all.
Or call undefined regexes at compile time: Instead of directly calling them by name, you have to wrap them into (??{our $regex}) to delay the evaluation to runtime.
Perl has by far the best documentation I’ve read for any programming language. Fun to read, useful and pragmatic at the same time. Take a look at Backtracking to see a great explanation of backtracking behaviour in regexes.
- Ometa
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- Author: Raimon Grau <[email protected]>
- Gif artwork: