Mob-Droid is an advanced tool for generating and injecting Metasploit payloads into Android APK files. It also provides an easy way to install Apktool, Apksigner, and Zipalign for APK modification and signing.
- Generate Android Metasploit payloads easily.
- Inject payloads into original APK files.
- Install Apktool, Apksigner, and Zipalign automatically.
- Fully interactive and user-friendly interface.
- Colored UI for a better experience.
- Compatible with Kali Linux & Termux.
Ensure you have Metasploit-Framework installed:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install metasploit-framework
git clone
cd Mob-Droid
chmod +x
Upon running
, you will see the following options:
1️⃣ Generate Android Payload
LHOST: Enter your local host IP
LPORT: Enter the port number
Output Filename: Choose a name for your APK
2️⃣ Inject Payload into Original APK
Provide path to the original APK
Enter output filename
3️⃣ Install Apktool, Apksigner, Zipalign
This option downloads and installs necessary tools for APK modifications.
4️⃣ Exit
- Python 3
- Metasploit-Framework
- Wget (for downloading tools)
- Apktool, Apksigner, Zipalign
- Ensure Metasploit is installed properly.
- Run
. - If tools are missing, install them manually with:
sudo apt install apktool apksigner zipalign
- Developed by Mohit Kumar (@KingHacker0)
- Part of Hackersking eLearning
This tool is intended for educational purposes only. The author is not responsible for any misuse.
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