Opensoundscape version 0.12.0
This release includes some (but not too many) breaking changes compared to 0.11.0, some bug fixes, and some new functionality.
A few highlights:
argument for CNN.predict(), CNN.train(), and similar functions
this means your annotation and output csvs can contain (much shorter) relative audio paths rather than the absolute audio path
eg my_cnn.predict(['sub1/file1.wav','sub2/file2.wav'], audio_root="/Users/user/folder/project/")
This should make it easier to transfer projects between machines file systems, by simply changing the audio_root argument and leaving the dataframes of labels/scores (with file/start_time/end_time index) untouched.
bioacoustics_model_zoo module has been removed. Instead, please install the bioacoustics_model_zoo directly from github with
pip install git+
enable automatic mixed precision on mps (this was previously disabled beacuse it wasn't supported yet)
GradCAM plotting (
CNN.generate_cams -> cam.plot()
) has improved, it shouldn't give ugly results with white pixels from over-saturation now (#964) -
reduce default random gain reduction in AudioAugmentationPreprocessor
changed behavior of data_selection.resample to retain all-0 rows
quickly get a short audio clip of bird song, or the path to it:
import opensoundscape as opso
opso.birds # Audio object with 10s of Pennsylvania bird song
opso.birds_path # path to 10s audio clip
- Save mp3/opus format audio with custom bitrate mode and compression levels"output.mp3", bitrate_mode="VARIABLE", compression_level=0.8)
interactive display of preprocessor w/params interactive widget when Preprocessor objects are returned from a notebook cell (expand sections to show parameters of each action in the preprocessor's pipeline)
BoxedAnnotations.from_raven_files allows the user to pass a list of options for the name of the annotation column rather than just one option
added add train_test_split method for BoxedAnnotations
What's Changed
- enable passing list of options for annotation_column by @sammlapp in #1099
- implement audio_root argument by @sammlapp in #1103
- Version 0.12.0 release by @sammlapp in #1107
Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0