This repository contains a small collection of tools I use on a day to day basis that are too small or basic to warrant their own repository.
These tools are available on GitLab, GitHub and BitBucket with the primary repository being GitLab.
fork is a small program designed for spawning processes that are completely disconnected from the original parent (ie, your shell).
Think nohup(1) on steroids (with some other minor advantages).
fork v0.04 Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Todd Harbour Spawns a process that's COMPLETELY disconnected from the original parent process Usage: fork -h|--help fork -V|--version fork [--] <program> [<args> [...]] -h|--help - Displays this help -V|--version - Displays fork version [--] - Indicates all remaining parameters are for <program> <program> - Program to run <args> [...] - Any arguments to pass to <program> Example: fork youtube-dl
URL Encoder
URL Encode (urlencode) v0.01 URL Encode (urlencode) encodes a URL, obeying RFC3986 (similar to PHP's rawurlencode) Usage: urlencode.bash -h|--help urlencode.bash -V|--version urlencode.bash -C|--configuration urlencode.bash [-v|--verbose] [-f|--filepath] [-a|--all] [--] [-|<URL>] -h|--help - Displays this help -V|--version - Displays the program version -C|--configuration - Outputs the default configuration that can be placed in /etc/urlencode.conf or /home/user/.urlencoderc for editing. -v|--verbose - Displays extra debugging information. This is the same as setting DEBUG=1 in your config. -f|--filepath - Informs urlencode.bash that the URL(s) are file paths and urlencode.bash will therefore not encode '/'. -a|--all - Informs urlencode.bash that you want ALL characters encoded, not just those required by RFC3986 (-f|--filepath will still be obeyed). <URL> - The URL to encode. If no text is specified, or <URL> is "-" (minus/hyphen), then the URL(s) will be read from stdin Example: urlencode.bash " dQw4w9WgXcQ"
E-mail Obfuscater
E-mail Obfuscate (emailobfuscate) v0.01 E-mail Obfuscate (emailobfuscate) obfuscates an email URI link using encoded 2 byte hex characters. Anecdotally these don't seem to be picked up as much by spammers' email address gathering web scrapers. Usage: emailobfuscate.bash -h|--help emailobfuscate.bash -V|--version emailobfuscate.bash -C|--configuration emailobfuscate.bash [-v|--verbose] [-n|--nolink] [--] [-|<ADDY>] -h|--help - Displays this help -V|--version - Displays the program version -C|--configuration - Outputs the default configuration that can be placed in /etc/emailobfuscate.conf or /home/user/.emailobfuscaterc for editing. -v|--verbose - Displays extra debugging information. This is the same as setting DEBUG=1 in your config. -n|--nolink - Don't output an HTML mailto: link, only the address encoded. <ADDY> - The email address to encode. If no text is specified, or <ADDY> is "-" (minus/hyphen), then the address(es) will be read from stdin Example: emailobfuscate.bash [email protected]
XModKeys Release
A simple script to release any X modifier keys that are currently pressed. Occasionally, when using synergy ( | ) I find that a modifier is showing as pressed when it isn't. This tool can release it for you (requires xdotool) Usage: Easiest way to use it is probably to SSH into the afflicted machine, and run (assuming your DISPLAY is :0.0): DISPLAY=:0.0 xmodkeys_release
MagPi Magazine Downloader
A simple script to download the MagPi magazines you don't have. Usage: $ ./magpidl.bash Last downloaded issue is 55 for 2017-03 Downloading issue 56 (2017-04)... $ ./magpidl.bash Last downloaded issue is 56 for 2017-04 Up to date, nothing to download
Rep(eat) Char(acter)
Repeats a given character (or string) a specified number of times. Can be run directly or sourced ( . "repchar.bash" ). Usage: repchar.bash -h|--help repchar.bash <char> <count> -h|--help - Displays this help <char> - Character (or string) to repeat. <count> - Number of times to repeat <char>. Example: repchar.bash = 10 =========
An iCal parser, useful for viewing calendar invites that arrive in email from text mail clients such as mutt.
Simply add something like the following to your mutt mailcap (such as /.mutt/mailcap):
# iCal Calendar text/calendar; ~/bin/icalparse %s; copiousoutput
iCal Parse
iCal Parse (icalparse) parses an iCal file, displaying a summary. Usage: icalparse.bash -h|--help icalparse.bash -V|--version icalparse.bash [-v|--verbose] <file> -h|--help - Displays this help -V|--version - Displays the program version -v|--verbose - Displays extra debugging information. This is the same as setting DEBUG=1 in your config. <file> - The calendar file to parse. Example: icalparse.bash appointment.ics
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