Kubecost alerts allow teams to receive updates on real-time Kubernetes spend. They are configurable via the Kubecost UI or Helm values. This resource gives an overview of how to configure alerts sent through email, Slack, and Microsoft Teams using Kubecost Helm chart values. Alerts are either created to monitor specific data sets and trends, or they must be toggled on or off. The following alert types are supported:
- Allocation Budget: Sends an alert when spending crosses a defined threshold
- Allocation Efficiency: Detects when a Kubernetes tenant is operating below a target cost-efficiency threshold
- Allocation Recurring Update: Sends an alert with cluster spending across all or a subset of Kubernetes resources.
- Allocation Spend Change: Sends an alert reporting unexpected spend increases relative to moving averages
- Asset Budget: Sends an alert when spend for a particular set of assets crosses a defined threshold.
- Asset Recurring Update: Sends an alert with asset spend across all or a subset of cloud resources.
- Cloud Cost Budget: Sends an alert when the total cost of cloud spend goes over a set budget limit.
- Monitor Cluster Health: Used to determine if the cluster's health score changes by a specific threshold. Can only be toggled on/off.
- Monitor Kubecost Health: Used for production monitoring for the health of Kubecost itself. Can only be toggled on/off.
{% hint style="info" %} values.yaml is the definitive source of truth. Alerts set through values.yaml will overwrite any alerts manually configured through the Kubecost UI. Alerts can be configured both ways, but make sure there are no conflicts. {% endhint %}
The alert settings, under global.notifications.alertConfigs
in cost-analyzer/values.yaml, accept four global fields:
optional, your cost analyzer front-end URL used for linkbacks in alert bodiesglobalSlackWebhookUrl
optional, a global Slack webhook used for alerts, enabled by default if providedglobalMsTeamWebhookUrl
optional, a global Microsoft Teams webhook used for alerts, enabled by default if providedglobalAlertEmails
a global list of emails for alerts
Example Helm values.yaml:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Kubecost alerting configuration
frontendUrl: http://localhost:9090
globalSlackWebhookUrl: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
globalMsTeamsWebhookUrl: https://m365x682156.webhook.office.com
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
# Alerts generated by kubecost, about cluster data
# list of individual alerts
# ...
{% endcode %}
In addition to all global...
fields, every alert allows optional individual ownerContact
(a list of email addresses), slackWebhookUrl
(if different from globalSlackWebhookUrl
), and msTeamsWebhookUrl
(if different from globalMsTeamsWebhookUrl
) fields. Alerts will default to the global settings if these optional fields are not supplied.
Defines spend budgets and alerts on budget overruns.
Parameter | Value(s) | Description |
type |
budget |
Alert type. |
window |
<N>d or <M>h |
The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation |
<agg-parameter> |
Configurable, accepts all aggregations supported by the Allocation API. |
filter |
<value>,<value2>... |
Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values. |
threshold |
<amount> |
Cost threshold in configured currency units. |
Example Helm values.yaml:
# Daily namespace budget alert on namespace `kubecost`
- type: budget
threshold: 50
window: daily # or 1d
aggregation: namespace
filter: kubecost
# 3d cluster budget alert on cluster `cluster-one`
- type: budget
threshold: 600
window: 3d
aggregation: cluster
filter: cluster-one
Alerts when Kubernetes tenants, e.g. namespaces or label sets, are running below defined cost-efficiency thresholds.
Parameter | Value(s) | Description |
type | efficiency | Alert type. |
window | <N>d or <M>h | The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation | <agg-parameter> | Configurable, accepts all aggregations supported by the Allocation API. |
filter | <value>,<value2>... | Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values. |
efficiencyThreshold | <value> | Optional. Efficiency threshold ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. |
spendThreshold | <amount> | The cost threshold (ie. budget) in configured currency units. |
The example below sends a Slack alert when any namespace spending is running below 40% cost efficiency and has spent more than $100 during the last day.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
- type: efficiency
efficiencyThreshold: 0.4
spendThreshold: 100
window: 1d
aggregation: namespace
slackWebhookUrl: ‘https://hooks.slack.com/services/TE6GRBNET/BFFK0P848/jFWmsadgfjhiBJp30p’
{% endcode %}
Sends a recurring alert with a summary report of cost and efficiency metrics.
Parameter | Value(s) | Description |
type |
recurringUpdate |
Alert type. |
window |
<N>d or <M>h |
The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation |
<agg-parameter> |
Configurable, accepts all aggregations supported by the Allocation API. |
filter |
<value>,<value2>... |
Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values |
whereN in [1, 7)
for every N days7d
for 0:00:00 UTC every Monday30d
for 0:00:00 UTC on the first day of the month.
requires the following format:label:<label_name>
requires the following format:annotation:<annotation_name>
This example sends a recurring alert for allocation data for all namespaces every seven days:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Recurring weekly namespace update on all namespaces
- type: recurringUpdate
window: weekly
aggregation: namespace
# Recurring weekly namespace update on kubecost namespace
- type: recurringUpdate
window: weekly
aggregation: namespace
filter: kubecost
ownerContact: # optional, overrides globalAlertEmails default
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
slackWebhookUrl: https://hooks.slack.com/services/<different-from-global> # optional, overrides globalSlackWebhookUrl default
{% endcode %}
Detects unexpected spend increases/decreases relative to historical moving averages.
Parameter | Value(s) | DEscription |
type | spendChange | Alert type. |
window | <N>d or <M>h | The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation | <agg-parameter> | Configurable, accepts all aggregations supported by the Allocation API. |
filter | <value>,<value2>... | Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values. |
baselineWindow | <N>d | Collect data from N days prior to queried items to establish cost baseline. Configurable, where N ≥ 1. |
relativeThreshold | <N> | Percentage of change from the baseline (positive or negative) which will trigger the alert. Configurable where N ≥ -1. |
Example Helm values.yaml:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Daily spend change alert
- type: spendChange
relativeThreshold: 0.20 # change relative to baseline average cost. Must be greater than -1 (can be negative).
window: 1d # accepts ‘d’, ‘h’
baselineWindow: 30d # previous window, offset by window
aggregation: namespace
filter: kubecost, default # accepts csv
{% endcode %}
Defines asset budgets and alerts when Kubernetes assets overrun the threshold set.
Parameter | Value(s) | Description |
type | assetBudget | Alert type |
window | <N>d or <M>h | The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation | <agg-parameter> | Configurable, accepts all aggregations supported by the Asset API. |
filter | <value>,<value2>... | Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values |
threshold | <amount> | The cost threshold (ie. budget) in configured currency units. |
Example Helm values.yaml:
# Daily namespace budget alert on type `Node,Loadbalancer`
- type: assetBudget
threshold: 50
window: daily # or 1d
aggregation: type
filter: Node,LoadBalancer
# 3d cluster budget alert on cluster with no filter set
- type: assetBudget
threshold: 100
window: 3d
aggregation: cluster
filter: ''
Sends a recurring alert with a Kubernetes assets summary report.
Parameter | Value(s) | Description |
type |
cloudReport |
Alert type |
window |
<N>d or <M>h |
The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation |
<agg-parameter> |
Configurable, accepts all aggregations supported by the Assets API. |
filter |
<value>,<value2>... |
Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values |
whereN in [1, 7)
for every N days7d
for 0:00:00 UTC every Monday30d
for 0:00:00 UTC on the first day of the month.
requires the following format:label:<label_name>
requires the following format:annotation:<annotation_name>
Two example alerts, one which provides weekly summaries of Kubernetes asset spend data aggregated by cluster, and one which provides weekly summaries of asset spend data for one specific cluster:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Recurring weekly cloud update on all cluster
- type: cloudReport
window: weekly # or 7d
aggregation: cluster
filter: ''
# Recurring weekly cloud update on only cluster-one
- type: cloudReport
window: weekly # or 7d
aggregation: cluster
filter: cluster-one
ownerContact: # optional, overrides globalAlertEmails default
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
slackWebhookUrl: https://hooks.slack.com/services/<different-from-global> # optional, overrides globalSlackWebhookUrl default
{% endcode %}
Defines cloud cost budgets and alerts when cloud spend overruns the threshold set.
Parameter | Value(s) | Details |
type | cloudCostBudget | Alert type |
window | <N>d or <M>h | The date range over which to query items. Configurable where 1 ≤ N ≤ 7, or 1 ≤ M ≤ 24. |
aggregation | <agg-parameter> | Configurable, accepts service , account , provider , invoiceEntity , or label . |
filter | <value>,<value2>... | Optional. Configurable, accepts any 1 or more values of aggregate type as comma-separated values |
threshold | <amount> | The cost threshold (ie. budget) in configured currency units. |
costMetric | <metric-type> | Cost metric type. Accepts ListCost , NetCost , AmortizedNetCost , InvoicedCost and AmortizedCost. |
Cluster health alerts occur when the cluster health score changes by a specific threshold. The health score is calculated based on the following criteria:
- Low Cluster Memory
- Low Cluster CPU
- Too Many Pods
- Crash Looping Pods
- Out of Memory Pods
- Failed Jobs
Example Helm values.yaml:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Health Score Alert
- type: health # Alerts when health score changes by a threshold
window: 10m
threshold: 5 # Send Alert if health scores changes by 5 or more
ownerContact: # optional, overrides globalAlertEmails default
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
slackWebhookUrl: https://hooks.slack.com/services/<different-from-global> # optional, overrides globalSlackWebhookUrl default
{% endcode %}
Enabling diagnostic alerts in Kubecost occurs when an event impacts product uptime. This feature can be enabled in seconds from a values file. The following events are grouped into distinct categories that each result in a separate alert notification:
- Prometheus is unreachable
- Kubecost Metrics Availability:
- Kubecost exported metrics missing over last 5 minutes
- cAdvisor exported metrics missing over last 5 minutes
- cAdvisor exported metrics missing expected labels in the last 5 minutes
- Kubestate Metrics (KSM) exported metrics missing over last 5 minutes
- Kubestate Metrics (KSM) unexpected version
- Scrape Interval prometheus self-scraped metrics missing over last 5 minutes
- CPU Throttling detected on cost-model in the last 10 minutes
- Clusters Added/Removed (Enterprise Multicluster Support Only)
Required parameters:
type: diagnostic
window: <N>m
-- configurable, N > 0
Optional parameters:
-- object containing specific diagnostic checks to run (default istrue
for all). See configuration example below for options:
Example Helm values.yaml:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# Kubecost Health Diagnostic
- type: diagnostic
window: 10m
ownerContact: # optional, overrides globalAlertEmails default
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
slackWebhookUrl: https://hooks.slack.com/services/<different-from-global> # optional, overrides globalSlackWebhookUrl default
prometheusUp: true
cAdvisor: true
ksm: true
kubecost: true
scrapeInterval: true
cpuThrottling: true
clusterJoinLeave: true
{% endcode %}
Cluster Health Alerts and Kubecost Health Alerts work differently from other alert types. While other alerts monitor cost data for cost or efficiency anomalies, these two monitor the health of Kubecost itself, as well as the health of the cluster running Kubecost. For this reason, multiple of these alert types cannot be created. In the UI, switches for these alert types can be toggled either on or off, managing a single instance of each, and allowing the settings of these single instances to be adjusted.
{% hint style="warning" %} There is no validation around Cluster Health Alerts. If a Health Alert configuration is invalid, it will appear to save, but will not actually take effect. Please check carefully that the alert has a Window and Threshold properly specified. {% endhint %}
Global recipients specify a default fallback recipient for each type of message. If an alert does not define any email recipients, its messages will be sent to any emails specified in the Global Recipients email list. Likewise, if an alert does not define a webhook, its messages will be sent to the global webhook, if one is present. Alerts that do define recipients will ignore the global setting for recipients of that type.
The remaining alert types all target a set of allocation data with window
, aggregation
and filter
parameters, and trigger based on the target data. The table results can be filtered using the Filter alerts search bar next to + Create Alert. This input can be used to filter based on alert name, type, aggregation, window, and/or filter.
Select + Create Alert to open the Create Alert window where you configure the details of your alert.
The fields for each alert type should resemble their corresponding Helm values in the above tables.
Alerts can also be edited, removed, and tested from the table. Editing opens a dialog similar to the alert creation dialog, for editing the chosen alert.
When creating an alert, you can have these alerts sent through email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. You can customize the subject field for an email, and attach multiple recipients. Alerts sent via email will contain a PDF of your report which shows the Kubecost UI for your Allocation/Asset page(s). This can be helpful for distributing visual information to those without immediate access to Kubecost. If a custom SMTP configuration has been created, all outbound alert emails will be sent through it.
The Test arrow icons, as well as a separate Test Alert button in the Edit Alert window, can be used to issue a "test" alert. This can be useful to ensure that alerting infrastructure is working correctly and that an alert is properly configured. Issuing a test from the alert edit modal tests the alert with any modifications that have not yet been saved.
All times in UTC. Alert send times are determined by parsing the supplied window
parameter. Alert diagnostics with the next and last scheduled run times are available via <your-kubecost-url>/model/alerts/status
Supported: weekly
and daily
special cases, <N>d
, <M>h
(1 ≤ N ≤ 7, 1 ≤ M ≤ 24) Currently Unsupported: time zone adjustments, windows greater than 7d
, windows less than 1h
An <N>d
alert sends at 00:00 UTC N day(s) from now, i.e., N days from now rounded down to midnight.
For example, a
alert scheduled on Monday will send on Saturday at 00:00, and subsequently the next Thursday at 00:00
An <N>h
alert sends at the earliest time of day after now that is a multiple of N.
For example, a
alert scheduled at any time between 12 pm and 6 pm will send next at 6 pm and subsequently at 12 am the next day.
If 24 is not divisible by the hourly window, schedule at next multiple of <N>h
after now, starting from the current day at 00:00.
For example, a
alert scheduled at 22:00 checks 00:00, 7:00, 14:00, and 21:00, before arriving at the next send time of 4:00 tomorrow.
Review these steps to verify alerts are being passed to the Kubecost application correctly.
- Check
to ensure the alerts system has been configured properly. - Check
to ensure alerts have been scheduled correctly.- The status endpoint returns all of the running alerts including schedule metadata:
: The date and time (UTC) that the alert was scheduled.lastRun
: The date and time (UTC) that the alert last ran checks (will be set to0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
if the alert has never run).nextRun
: The date and time (UTC) that the alert will next run checks.lastError
: If running the alert checks fails for unexpected reasons, this field will contain the error message.
- The status endpoint returns all of the running alerts including schedule metadata:
If using Helm:
- Run
kubectl get configmap alert-configs -n kubecost -o json
to view the alerts ConfigMap. - Ensure that the Helm values are successfully read into the ConfigMap under alerts.json under the
field. See below:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
"apiVersion": "v1",
"data": {
"alerts.json": "{\"globalAlertEmails\":[\"[email protected]\",\"[email protected]\"],\"frontendUrl\":\"http://localhost:3000\",\"globalSlackWebhookUrl\":\"\",\"alerts\":[{\"type\":\"budget\",\"threshold\":50,\"window\":\"1d\",\"aggregation\":\"namespace\",\"filter\":\"kubecost\"},{\"type\":\"spendChange\",\"relativeThreshold\":0.2,\"window\":\"1d\",\"baselineWindow\":\"30d\",\"aggregation\":\"namespace\",\"filter\":\"kubecost, default\"},{\"type\":\"budget\",\"threshold\":202.1,\"window\":\"1d\",\"aggregation\":\"cluster\",\"filter\":\"cluster-one\"},{\"type\":\"recurringUpdate\",\"window\":\"7d\",\"aggregation\":\"namespace\",\"filter\":\"*\"}]}\n"
"kind": "ConfigMap",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2022-01-05T23:43:27Z",
"labels": {
"app": "cost-analyzer",
"app.kubernetes.io/instance": "kubecost-stage",
"app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
"name": "alert-configs",
"namespace": "kubecost",
{% endcode %}
- Ensure that the .JSON string is successfully mapped to the appropriate configs
Confirm that Kubecost has received configuration data:
- Visit the Alerts page in the Kubecost UI to view configured alert settings as well as any of the alerts configured from Helm.
- Alerts set up in the UI will be overwritten by Helm
if the pod restarts.
Additionally, confirm that the alerts scheduler has properly parsed and scheduled the next run for each alert by visiting <your-kubecost-url>/model/alerts/status
to view individual alert parameters as well as the next and last scheduled run times for individual alerts.
Confirm that nextRun
has been updated from "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
If nextRun
fails to update, or alerts are not sent at the nextRun
time, check pod logs by running kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -n kubecost | awk '{print $1}' | grep "^kubecost-cost-analyzer.\{16\}") -n kubecost -c cost-model > kubecost-logs.txt
Common causes of misconfiguration include the following:
- Unsupported CSV filters:
alerts accept multiplefilter
values when comma-separated; other alert types do not. - Unsupported alert type: all alert type names are in camelCase. Check spelling and capitalization for all alert parameters.
- Unsupported aggregation parameters: see the Allocation API doc for details.