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c#winform custom control, has better operation support for touch screen
, the project is based on framework4.0, completely native control development, do not use any third-party controls
, you can use it safely in your project .
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Install-Package HZH_Controls
The content listed below is only part of the control, more control effects, please download the source code to see the demo running effect!
If (FrmDialog.ShowDialog(this, "Do you want to display a prompt box without a cancel button?", "Mode Form Test", true) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
FrmDialog.ShowDialog(this, "This is a prompt box without a cancel button", "Mode Form Test");
FrmInputs frm = new FrmInputs("Dynamic Multi-Input Form Test",
New string[] { "name", "telephone", "ID number", "address" },
New Dictionary<string, HZH_Controls.TextInputType>() { { "Phone", HZH_Controls.TextInputType.Regex }, { "ID number", HZH_Controls.TextInputType.Regex } },
New Dictionary<string, string>() { { "phone", "^1\\d{10}$" }, { "ID number", "^\\d{18}$" } },
New Dictionary<string, KeyBoardType>() { { "phone", KeyBoardType.UCKeyBorderNum }, { "ID number", KeyBoardType.UCKeyBorderNum } },
New List<string>() { "name", "telephone", "identity number" });
/// <summary>
/// Function Description: Constructor
/// Author: HZH
/// Creation date: 2019-08-05 10:57:26
/// Task number: POS
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strTitle">form title</param>
/// <param name="args">Input name</param>
/// <param name="inTypes">Input type corresponds to input type, key: input item name, if no default control input is not set </param>
/// <param name="regexs">The input item corresponds to the regular rule, valid when imTypes=Regex, key: input item name, if you do not set the default no control input </param>
/// <param name="keyBoards"> text box keyboard, key: input item name, if you do not set the default English keyboard </param>
/// <param name="mastInputs">Required entry name</param>
/// <param name="defaultValues">Input default value, key: input name </param>
Public FrmInputs(
String strTitle,
String[] inPutLabels,
Dictionary<string, TextInputType> inTypes = null,
Dictionary<string, string> regexs = null,
Dictionary<string, HZH_Controls.Controls.KeyBoardType> keyBoards = null,
List<string> mastInputs = null,
Dictionary<string, string> defaultValues = null)
/ / New form FrmTemp1Test inherits HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmTemp1
FrmTemp1Test frm = new FrmTemp1Test();
/ / New form FrmOKCancel1Test inherits HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmWithOKCancel1
FrmOKCancel1Test frm = new FrmOKCancel1Test();
/ / New form FrmOKCancel2Test inherits HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmWithOKCancel2
FrmOKCancel2Test frm = new FrmOKCancel2Test();
/ / New form FrmWithTitleTest inherits HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmWithTitle
FrmWithTitleTest frm = new FrmWithTitleTest();
Text box keyboard effect
`Handwriting input requires the handwriting support of Sogou, please copy the HandInput folder to the running directory.
Time control effect
- Drop-down list data binding *
/ / Use the method is similar to the native ComboBox
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> lstCom = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
For (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
lstCom.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(i.ToString(), "options" + i));
this.ucComboBox1.Source = lstCom;
this.ucComboBox2.Source = lstCom;
this.ucComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1;
this.ucComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 1;
Tree data binding
/ / Use the same method as the native Treeview, set the property IsShowByCustomModel = true to enable the custom mode, otherwise the original tree
For (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode("parent node" + i);
For (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
tn.Nodes.Add("child node" + j);
List data binding
/ / Customizable color fonts, etc.
List<ListEntity> lst = new List<ListEntity>();
For (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
lst.Add(new ListEntity()
ID = i.ToString(),
Title = "options" + i,
ShowMoreBtn = true,
Source = i
- Horizontal list data binding*
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> lstHL = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
For (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
lstHL.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(i.ToString(), "options" + i));
this.ucHorizontalList1.DataSource = lstHL;
List<DataGridViewColumnEntity> lstCulumns = new List<DataGridViewColumnEntity>();
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "ID", HeadText = "Number", Width = 70, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Name", HeadText = "Name", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Age", HeadText = "Age", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Birthday", HeadText = "Birthday", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent, Format = (a) => { return ((DateTime)a).ToString(" yyyy-MM-dd"); } });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Sex", HeadText = "Gender", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent, Format = (a) => { return ((int)a) == 0 ? "female": "male"; } });
this.ucDataGridView1.Columns = lstCulumns;
this.ucDataGridView1.IsShowCheckBox = true;
List<object> lstSource = new List<object>();
For (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
TestModel model = new TestModel()
ID = i.ToString(),
Age = 3 * i,
Name = "name -" + i,
Birthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10),
Sex = i % 2
this.ucDataGridView1.DataSource = lstSource;
When using the paging control, you no longer need to specify the DataSource data source property, just specify the DataSource property of the page turning control
If the preset table row does not meet your needs, you can also customize the row control by:
- Add a custom control to implement the interface IDataGridViewRow
- Implement your custom line with UCDataGridViewRow
- Set the RowType property of the datagridview.
Page property defines the page turning control. If UCPagerControl does not meet your needs, please customize the page turning control and inherit UCPagerControlBase. When the page flip control is not enabled when it is empty, the appropriate data will be displayed on each page when the page flip control is enabled, and the scroll bar no longer appears.
Another paging control style
List<DataGridViewColumnEntity> lstCulumns = new List<DataGridViewColumnEntity>();
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "ID", HeadText = "Number", Width = 70, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Name", HeadText = "Name", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Age", HeadText = "Age", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Birthday", HeadText = "Birthday", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent, Format = (a) => { return ((DateTime)a).ToString(" yyyy-MM-dd"); } });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Sex", HeadText = "Gender", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent, Format = (a) => { return ((int)a) == 0 ? "female": "male"; } });
this.ucDataGridView1.Columns = lstCulumns;
this.ucDataGridView1.IsShowCheckBox = true;
List<object> lstSource = new List<object>();
For (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
TestModel model = new TestModel()
ID = i.ToString(),
Age = 3 * i,
Name = "name -" + i,
Birthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10),
Sex = i % 2
UCPagerControl page = new UCPagerControl();
//UCPagerControl2 page = new UCPagerControl2();
page.DataSource = lstSource;
this.ucDataGridView1.Page = page;
If UCPagerControl does not meet your needs, please customize the page flip control and inherit UCPagerControlBase, such as changing the style, adding logic, etc.
If you need to subscript a page of data starting from 10, you can set StartIndex = 10, then call GetCurrentSource (), the usage is as follows:
m_page.PageSize = ShowCount;
this.dgv.DataSource = m_page.GetCurrentSource();
The page flip control can be used for any list-type control. The above code example only uses the datagridview to illustrate usage. The usage is as follows:
- Set the property DataSource data source
- Set the property PageSize to display the amount of data per page.
- Set the time ShowSourceChanged to set the current page data source to the target control in time.
- If the first page of data is not displayed after the page is loaded, you can manually call GetCurrentSource() and assign it to the target control, for example:
m_page.PageSize = ShowCount;
this.dgv.DataSource = m_page.GetCurrentSource();
FrmTips.ShowTipsError(this, "Error prompt message");
FrmTips.ShowTipsInfo(this, "Info prompt information");
FrmTips.ShowTipsSuccess(this, "Success prompt information");
FrmTips.ShowTipsWarning(this, "Warning prompt information");
/*Customize can be used
Public static FrmTips ShowTips(
Form frm,
String strMsg,
Int intAutoColseTime = 0,
Bool blnShowCoseBtn = true,
ContentAlignment align = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft,
Point? point = null,
TipsSizeMode mode = TipsSizeMode.Small,
Size? size = null,
TipsState state = TipsState.Default)
/ / This form is generally used in the time-consuming thread operation to display the waiting animation, the following is a multi-threaded time-consuming operation example
ControlHelper.ThreadRunExt(this, () =>
ControlHelper.ThreadInvokerControl(this, () =>
FrmTips.ShowTipsSuccess(this, "FrmWaiting test");
}, null, this);
//ControlHelper.ThreadRunExt to open a thread to perform tasks
//ControlHelper.ThreadInvokerControl is an asynchronous delegate call control
/// <summary>
/// Use one thread to perform an operation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">parent control</param>
/// <param name="func">Execution content</param>
/// <param name="callback">post-execution callback</param>
/// <param name="enableControl">Disable control list during execution</param>
/// <param name="blnShowSplashScreen">Whether waiting for a prompt is displayed during execution</param>
/// <param name="strMsg">When waiting for the prompt during execution, the default is "Processing, please wait..."</param>
/// <param name="intSplashScreenDelayTime">Delayed display waiting reminder time</param>
Public static void ThreadRunExt(
Control parent,
Action func,
Action<object> callback,
Control[] enableControl = null,
Bool blnShowSplashScreen = true,
String strMsg = null,
Int intSplashScreenDelayTime = 200)
List<MenuItemEntity> lstMenu = new List<MenuItemEntity>();
For (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
MenuItemEntity item = new MenuItemEntity()
Key = "p" + i.ToString(),
Text = "menu item" + i,
DataSource = "Have some custom data sources for extension here"
item.Childrens = new List<MenuItemEntity>();
For (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
MenuItemEntity item2 = new MenuItemEntity()
Key = "c" + i.ToString(),
Text = "menu item" + i + "-" + j,
DataSource = "Have some custom data sources for extension here"
this.ucMenu1.DataSource = lstMenu;
If the preset style does not meet your needs, you can also customize the node control by:
- Add a custom control to implement the interface IMenuItem, which can define the parent node and the child node respectively.
- Implement your custom node with reference to UCMenuChildrenItem or UCMenuParentItem
- Set the parent node ParentItemType property of the UCMenu and the childItemChildItemType property.
If you want to modify the node style, such as the background color, you can use UCMenu's ParentItemStyles or ChildrenItemStyles, such as
this.ucMenu1.ParentItemStyles = new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"BackColor",Color.Red } };
this.ucMenu1.ChildrenItemStyles = new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"BackColor",Color.Yellow } };
The default display style of the menu is Fill. When there are more menu items, the sub-items cannot be displayed. In this case, you should modify the menu style to Top.
this.ucMenu1.MenuStyle = MenuStyle.Top;
ucBtnsGroup1.DataSource = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "1", "male" }, { "0", "female" } };
ucBtnsGroup2.IsMultiple = true;
ucBtnsGroup2.DataSource = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "1", "Henan" }, { "2", "Beijing" }, { "3", "Hunan" }, { "4", " Shanghai" } };
ucBtnsGroup2.SelectItem = new List<string>() { "2","3"};
Progress bar supports ring or fan display, support for percentage and value display
The ListView item element provides an interface implementation. When you feel that the sub-items I wrote don't meet your needs, you can add a control, implement the interface, and then assign your control to the ListItem's property ItemType.
Similarly, I also provide a page turning control, property Page, as long as the page flip control that inherits UCPagerControlBase can be compatible, of course, you can also use the page turning control.
Take a look at the call.
List<object> lstSource = new List<object>();
For (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
lstSource.Add("item-" + i);
/ / Use the paging control
Var page = new UCPagerControl2();
page.DataSource = lstSource;
this.ucListView1.Page = page;
/ / Do not use paging controls
//this.ucListView1.DataSource = lstSource;
//Timer randomly adds numbers at regular intervals
Random r = new Random();
Int i = r.Next(100, 1000);
this.ucWaveWithSource1.AddSource(i.ToString(), i);
Private void FrmTemp1Test_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.ucDataGridView1.RowType = typeof(UCDataGridViewTreeRow);
this.ucDataGridView1.IsAutoHeight = true;
List<DataGridViewColumnEntity> lstCulumns = new List<DataGridViewColumnEntity>();
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "ID", HeadText = "Number", Width = 70, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Name", HeadText = "Name", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Age", HeadText = "Age", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Birthday", HeadText = "Birthday", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent, Format = (a) => { return ((DateTime)a).ToString(" yyyy-MM-dd"); } });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Sex", HeadText = "Gender", Width = 50, WidthType = SizeType.Percent, Format = (a) => { return ((int)a) == 0 ? "female": "male"; } });
this.ucDataGridView1.Columns = lstCulumns;
this.ucDataGridView1.IsShowCheckBox = true;
List<object> lstSource = new List<object>();
For (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
TestModel model = new TestModel()
ID = i.ToString(),
Age = 3 * i,
Name = "name -" + i,
Birthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10),
Sex = i % 2
AddChilds(model, 5);
Var page = new UCPagerControl2();
page.DataSource = lstSource;
this.ucDataGridView1.Page = page;
Private void AddChilds(TestModel tm, int intCount)
If (intCount <= 0)
tm.Childrens = new List<TestModel>();
For (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
TestModel model = new TestModel()
ID = i.ToString(),
Age = 3 * i,
Name = intCount + "-" + i,
Birthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10),
Sex = i % 2
AddChilds(model, intCount - 1);
List<DataGridViewColumnEntity> lstCulumns = new List<DataGridViewColumnEntity>();
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "ID", HeadText = "Number", Width = 70, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Name", HeadText = "Name", Width = 100, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Age", HeadText = "Age", Width = 100, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Birthday", HeadText = "Birthday", Width = 120, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute, Format = (a) => { return ((DateTime)a).ToString(" yyyy-MM-dd"); } });
lstCulumns.Add(new DataGridViewColumnEntity() { DataField = "Sex", HeadText = "Gender", Width = 100, WidthType = SizeType.Absolute, Format = (a) => { return ((int)a) == 0 ? "female": "male"; } });
this.ucComboxGrid1.GridColumns = lstCulumns;
List<object> lstSourceGrid = new List<object>();
For (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
TestModel model = new TestModel()
ID = i.ToString(),
Age = 3 * i,
Name = "name -" + i,
Birthday = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10),
Sex = i % 2
this.ucComboxGrid1.GridDataSource = lstSourceGrid;
HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "test prompt information \nLEFT", AnchorTipsLocation.LEFT);
HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "Test prompt information \nRIGHT", AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT);
HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "Test prompt information \nTOP", AnchorTipsLocation.TOP);
HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "Test prompt information \nBOTTOM", AnchorTipsLocation.BOTTOM);
Notice where the controls cross and there is no occlusion.
The control crops the effective work area according to the set drive to achieve no occlusion.
Finally, please like to click on the stars, if there are other commonly used controls, you can leave a message.
If you are useful to you, please reward me, thank you.