PolyMCU has been designed from the beginning to be as flexible as possible: host OS independent (support Linux, Windows, MacOS), support any toolchain (GCC, LLVM), any RTOS (ARM RTX, FreeRTOS), any micro-controller vendor SDK (Nordic Semiconductor, NXP, Freescale, ST).
Enabling such flexibility provides by the same time better software quality by testing the same piece of software in various configurations.
It supports C and C++ languages.
The framework is based on CMake. It provides some examples to build baremetal and RTOS-based projects. In opposition to ARM mBed that provides its own library, PolyMCU used Newlib. No new interface layout has been introduced in the framework. The abstraction layout for ARM architecture is driven by ARM CMSIS v3.0.
- For AppNearMe's MicroNFCBoard: here
- To port a new vendor SDK to PolyMCU: here
- Build & Install CMSIS RTOS Conformance test: here
CMake - version 2.8
- GCC: 4.9-2014: https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/4.9/4.9-2014-q4-major
- Clang: 3.6.0-2ubuntu1~trusty1 (tags/RELEASE_360/final) (based on LLVM 3.6.0)
- ARM RTX: V4.79
- FreeRTOS V8.2.3
- RioT-OS 2015.09
- AppNearMe MicroNFCBoard
- Freescale Freedom KL25
- Nordic nRF52 Preview DK
- NXP LP1768 mbed
- ST STM32L476 Nucleo
- The application defined by
can live out of the PolyMCU tree ifAPPLICATION
defined an absolute path.
- The application defined by
The latest test results are available at http://labapart.com/products/polymcu/test_results.
Board | Linux - GCC | Linux - LLVM | Windows |
AppNearMe MicroNFCBoard | Pass | Pass | Pass |
Freescale Freedom KL25 | Pass | Pass | Pass |
Nordic nRF52 Preview DK | Pass | Pass | Pass |
NXP LP1768 mbed | Pass | Pass | Pass |
ST STM32L476 Nucleo | Pass | Pass | Not Tested |
Board | Baremetal | CMSIS RTOS | FreeRTOS |
AppNearMe MicroNFCBoard | Pass | Pass | Fail |
Freescale Freedom KL25 | Pass | Pass | Pass |
Nordic nRF52 Preview DK | Pass | Pass | Pass |
NXP LP1768 mbed | Pass | Pass | Pass |
ST STM32L476 Nucleo | Pass | Pass | Pass |
The cross compilation toolchain is either in your PATH
or defined by the environment variable CROSS_COMPILE
The latest cross-compilation toolchain for ARM Cortex-M can be found at https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded.
It is recommended to build out of tree. To do that, create a new directory:
mkdir Build && cd Build
- Case when the application can support multiple board:
cmake -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> -DBOARD=<board_vendor/board_name> ../ && make
- Case when the application targets only a specific board:
cmake -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> ../ && make
- To build a release build:
cmake -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../ && make
- To make the build verbose:
cmake -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> ../ && make VERBOSE=1
- To build with Clang:
CC=<path-to-clang> cmake -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> ../ && make
- Install CMake: https://cmake.org/download/
- Install the latest GCC v4.9 2015q3 for ARM Cortex M: https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/4.9/4.9-2015-q3-update/+download/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-win32.zip
- Install MinGW: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Installer/mingw-get-setup.exe/download (mingw32-base, mingw32-gcc-g++)
Download the latest sources of PolyMCU at https://github.com/labapart/polymcu/archive/master.zip
Start a command line shell (ie:
) -
Add CMake and MinGW to your
if it is not already done. For instance:
SET PATH="c:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin";%PATH%
- Add your toolchain into the
. For instance:
SET CROSS_COMPILE=c:\Users\Olivier\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-win32\bin\arm-none-eabi-
- Create the
directory into PolyMCU root
cd <PolyMCU Root>
mkdir Build
cd Build
- [Optional] To build with LLVM
set PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\LLVM\bin";%PATH%
set CC=clang.exe
- Build the project
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> -DBOARD=<board_vendor/board_name> ..
- To make the build verbose:
mingw32-make VERBOSE=1
All CMake variables that do not start with CMAKE_
and _
are defined in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/polymcu_config.h
which is generated at build time.
This include file can be included in your project to access CMake configuration variables.
CMake variable | Value | Description |
FIRMWARE_HEAP | integer | Size in bytes of the firmware heap |
FIRMWARE_STACK | integer | Size in bytes of the firmware stack |
SUPPORT_RUN_FROM_RAM | (0|1) | Define the firmware must be built to run from RAM |
EXTERNAL_PROJECT_IN_BINARY_DIR | (0|1) | Build the external project into the binary directory instead of the source directory |
SUPPORT_DEBUG_UART | (none|itm|usb|1) | Define which UART support to use for debugging |
DEBUG_UART_BAUDRATE | integer | Debug UART Baud Rate (default: 115200) |
SUPPORT_TIMER | (0|1) | Add PolyMCU Timer API |
SUPPORT_TIMER_SYSTICK | (0|1) | Use SysTick for PolyMCU Timer API (default:1) |
TIMER_TASK_MAX | integer | Number maximum of PolyMCU Timer tasks (default: 5) |
SUPPORT_RTOS | string | Enable RTOS support with the name of specified RTOS |
SUPPORT_WATCHDOG | (0|1) | Add PolyMCU Watchdog API |
SUPPORT_RAM_VECTOR_TABLE | (0|1) | Tell if the Vector Table lives in RAM |
CMake variable | Value | Description |
SUPPORT_DEVICE_USB | (0|1) | Add USB Device support |
SUPPORT_DEVICE_USB_SERIAL | (0|1) | Add Serial USB Device support |
SUPPORT_DEVICE_USB_HID | (0|1) | Add HID USB Device support |
SUPPORT_DEVICE_USB_DFU | (0|1) | Add DFU USB Device support |
SUPPORT_DEVICE_USB_MSC | (0|1) | Add MSC USB Device support |
SUPPORT_BLE_CENTRAL | (0|1) | Add Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central support |
SUPPORT_BLE_PERIPHERAL | (0|1) | Add Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Peripheral support |
SUPPORT_I2C | (0|1) | Add I2C support |
SUPPORT_SPI | (0|1) | Add SPI support |
CMake variable | Value | Description |
DEVICE_USB_VENDOR_ID | integer | USB Vendor ID |
DEVICE_USB_PRODUCT_ID | integer | USB Product ID |
DEVICE_USB_DEVICE_REVISION | integer | USB Device Revision |
DEVICE_USB_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER | string | USB Device Manufacturer string |
DEVICE_USB_DEVICE_PRODUCT | string | USB Device Product string |
DEVICE_USB_DEVICE_SERIAL | string | USB Device Serial Number string |
DEVICE_USB_HID_INPUT_REPORT_SIZE | integer | Size of the USB HID Input Report |
DEVICE_USB_HID_OUTPUT_REPORT_SIZE | integer | Size of the USB HID Output Report |
DEVICE_USB_HID_FEATURE_REPORT_SIZE | integer | Size of the USB HID Feature Report |
CMake variable | Value | Description |
SUPPORT_RTOS_NO_CMSIS | (0|1) | Disable CMSIS wrapper of the RTOS. |
RTOS_CLOCK | integer | Frequency in Hz of the processor |
RTOS_TICK | integer | When OS_SYSTICK is not set we might need to provide a different tick |
RTOS_TASK_COUNT | integer | Number of RTOS task |
RTOS_TASK_STACK_SIZE | integer | Size in bytes of the task (excluding the main and private tasks) |
RTOS_MAIN_STACK_SIZE | integer | Size in bytes of the main task |
RTOS_IDLE_STACK_SIZE | integer | Size in bytes of the idle task |
RTOS_TIMER_STACK_SIZE | integer | Size in bytes of the timer task |
RTOS_TIMER_CALLBACK_COUNT | integer | Number of concurrent active timer callback functions |
RTOS_TASK_PRIVATE_STACK_COUNT | integer | Number of private tasks |
RTOS_TASK_PRIVATE_STACK_SIZE | integer | Size in bytes of the private task |
RTOS_STACK_WATERMARK | (0|1) | Disable/Enable the stack watermark |
CMake variable | Value | Description |
SUPPORT_NXP_USE_XTAL | (0|1) | Use external oscillator instead of the internal one |
To build the firmware to run from RAM:
cmake -DAPPLICATION=<application_vendor/application_name> -DSUPPORT_RUN_FROM_RAM=1 .. && make
- Start the debugger server
- Start the GDB client
arm-none-eabi-gdb <filepath_of_the_ELF_application>
target remote localhost:3333
- Examples of some GDB commands:
(gdb) print $pc
$1 = (void (*)()) 0x200000d8
(gdb) print $sp
$2 = (void *) 0x1fffff58
(gdb) print/x *0x400
$3 = 0x21004692
(gdb) set {int}0x20000000 = 1
(gdb) set arm force-mode thumb
(gdb) display /10i 0x0
1: x/10i 0x0
0x0 <__Vectors>: strh r0, [r0, #0]
0x2 <__Vectors+2>: movs r0, #0
0x4 <__Vectors+4>: lsls r1, r1, #24
0x6 <__Vectors+6>: movs r0, r0
0x8 <__Vectors+8>: lsls r1, r7, #24
0xa <__Vectors+10>: movs r0, r0
0xc <__Vectors+12>: adds r0, #37 ; 0x25
0xe <__Vectors+14>: movs r0, r0
0x10 <__Vectors+16>: movs r0, r0
0x12 <__Vectors+18>: movs r0, r0
(gdb) display /10i $pc
2: x/10i $pc
=> 0x1a96 <ARM_USART_Send+18>: ldr r3, [sp, #16]
0x1a98 <ARM_USART_Send+20>: ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
0x1a9a <ARM_USART_Send+22>: mov r0, r3
0x1a9c <ARM_USART_Send+24>: bl 0x2da8 <app_uart_put>
0x1aa0 <ARM_USART_Send+28>: str r0, [sp, #12]
0x1aa2 <ARM_USART_Send+30>: ldr r3, [sp, #12]
0x1aa4 <ARM_USART_Send+32>: cmp r3, #0
0x1aa6 <ARM_USART_Send+34>: bne.n 0x1a96 <ARM_USART_Send+18>
0x1aa8 <ARM_USART_Send+36>: ldr r3, [sp, #16]
0x1aaa <ARM_USART_Send+38>: adds r3, #1
- Dump memory into a file:
(gdb) dump binary memory /tmp/gdb.bin 0x0 0x1000
All the board UARTs are set with the following settings:
- Baud Rate: 115200
- Data Bits: 8
- Stop Bits: 1
- Parity: None
- Flow Control: None