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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Mar 11:26
· 364 commits to master since this release


For this release, 339 changes landed. In addition to the 166 feature additions and 37 fixes listed below there were 13 refactoring changes, 10 documentation improvements, 3 performance improvements, 4 improvements to the test suite and 105 other changes.


  • #6634 adds support for changing the binder annotations of existing
    variables to and from strict-implicit and instance-implicit using the
    variable command.

  • #6741 implements two rules for bv_decide's preprocessor, lowering
    ||| to &&& in order to enable more term sharing + application of
    rules about &&& as well as rewrites of the form (a &&& b == -1#w) = (a == -1#w && b == -1#w) in order to preserve rewriting behavior that
    already existed before this lowering.

  • #6744 extend the preprocessing of well-founded recursive definitions
    to bring assumptions like h✝ : x ∈ xs into scope automatically.

  • #6770 enables code generation to proceed in parallel to further

  • #6823 adds a builtin tactic and a builtin attribute that are required
    for the tree map. The tactic, as_aux_lemma, can generally be used to
    wrap the proof term generated by a tactic sequence into a separate
    auxiliary lemma in order to keep the proof term small. This can, in rare
    cases, be necessary if the proof term will appear multiple times in the
    encompassing term. The new attribute, Std.Internal.tree_tac, is
    internal and should not be used outside of Std.

  • #6853 adds support for anonymous equality proofs in match
    expressions of the form match _ : e with ....

  • #6869 adds a recommended_spelling command, which can be used for
    recording the recommended spelling of a notation (for example, that the
    recommended spelling of in identifiers is and). This information
    is then appended to the relevant docstrings for easy lookup.

  • #6891 modifies rewrite/rw to abort rewriting if the elaborated
    lemma has any immediate elaboration errors (detected by presence of
    synthetic sorries). Rewriting still proceeds if there are elaboration
    issues arising from pending synthetic metavariables, like instance
    synthesis failures. The purpose of the change is to avoid obscure
    "tactic 'rewrite' failed, equality or iff proof expected ?m.5" errors
    when for example a lemma does not exist.

  • #6893 adds support for plugins to the frontend and server.

  • #6902 ensures simp diagnostic information in included in the grind
    diagnostic message.

  • #6924 adds the EQUAL_ITE rules from Bitwuzla to the preprocessor of

  • #6926 adds the BV_EQUAL_CONST_NOT rules from Bitwuzla to the
    preprocessor of bv_decide.

  • #6935 adds the tactic expose_names. It creates a new goal whose
    local context has been "exposed" so that every local declaration has a
    clear, accessible name. If no local declarations require renaming, the
    original goal is returned unchanged.

  • #6936 fixes the #discr_tree_simp_key command, because it displays
    the keys for just lhs in lhs ≠ rhs, but it should be lhs = rhs,
    since that is what simp indexes.

  • #6937 improves grind error and trace messages by cleaning up local
    declaration names.

  • #6939 adds error messages for inductive declarations with
    conflicting constructor names and mutual declarations with conflicting

  • #6940 improves how the grind tactic performs case splits on p <-> q.

  • #6946 implements basic support for handling of enum inductives in
    bv_decide. It now supports equality on enum inductive variables (or
    other uninterpreted atoms) and constants.

  • #6947 adds the binderNameHint gadget. It can be used in rewrite and
    simp rules to preserve a user-provided name where possible.

  • #6951 adds line breaks and indentations to simp's trace messages to
    make them easier to read (IMHO).

  • #6961 adds the auxiliary tactic evalAndSuggest. It will be used to
    refactor try?.

  • #6964 adds a convenience command #info_trees in, which prints the
    info trees generated by the following command. It is useful for
    debugging or learning about InfoTree.

  • #6965 re-implements the try? tactic using the new evalAndSuggest

  • #6967 ensures try? can suggest tactics that need to reference
    inaccessible local names.

    info: Try these:
    • · expose_names; induction as, bs_1 using app.induct <;> grind [= app]
    • · expose_names; induction as, bs_1 using app.induct <;> grind only [app]
    #guard_msgs (info) in
    example : app (app as bs) cs = app as (app bs cs) := by
      have bs := 20 -- shadows `bs` in the target
  • #6979 adds support for more complex suggestions in try?. Example:

    example (as : List α) (a : α) : concat as a = as ++ [a] := by


    Try this: · induction as, a using concat.induct
      · rfl
      · simp_all
  • #6980 improves the try? tactic runtime validation and error
    messages. It also simplifies the implementation, and removes unnecessary

  • #6981 adds new configuration options to try?.

    • try? -only omits simp only and grind only suggestions
    • try? +missing enables partial solutions where some subgoals are
      "solved" using sorry, and must be manually proved by the user.
    • try? (max:=<num>) sets the maximum number of suggestions produced
      (default is 8).
  • #6988 ensures interrupting the kernel does not lead to wrong, sticky
    error messages in the editor

  • #6991 improves how suggestions for the <;> combinator are generated.

  • #6994 adds the Try.Config.merge flag (true by default) to the
    try? tactic. When set to true, try? compresses suggestions such

    · induction xs, ys using bla.induct
        · grind only [List.length_reverse]
        · grind only [bla]


    induction xs, ys using bla.induct <;> grind only [List.length_reverse, bla]
  • #6995 implements support for exact? in the try? tactic.

  • #7000 adds helper theorems for justifying the linear integer

  • #7002 implements the normalizer for linear integer arithmetic
    expressions. It is not connect to simp +arith yet because of some
    spurious [simp] attributes.

  • #7009 ensures users get an error message saying which module to import
    when they try to use bv_decide.

  • #7011 adds simp +arith for integers. It uses the new grind
    normalizer for linear integer arithmetic. We still need to implement
    support for dividing the coefficients by their GCD. It also fixes
    several bugs in the normalizer.

  • #7015 makes sure simp +arith normalizes coefficients in linear
    integer polynomials. There is still one todo: tightening the bound of

  • #7019 properly spells out the trace nodes in bv_decide so they are
    visible with just and trace.Meta.Tactic.sat
    instead of always having to enable the profiler.

  • #7021 adds theorems for interactions of extractLsb with &&&, ^^^,
    ~~~ and bif to bv_decide's preprocessor.

  • #7029 adds simprocs to bv_decide's preprocessor that rewrite
    multiplication with powers of two to constant shifts.

  • #7030 adds completes the linear integer inequality normalizer for
    grind. The missing normalization step replaces a linear inequality of
    the form a_1*x_1 + ... + a_n*x_n + b <= 0 with a_1/k * x_1 + ... + a_n/k * x_n + ceil(b/k) <= 0 where k = gcd(a_1, ..., a_n).
    ceil(b/k) is implemented using the helper cdiv b k.

  • #7033 improves presentation of counter examples for UIntX and enum
    inductives in bv_decide.

  • #7039 improves the well-founded definition preprocessing to propagate
    wfParam through let expressions.

  • #7040 ensures that terms such as f (2*x + y) and f (y + x + x)
    have the same normal form when using simp +arith

  • #7043 deprecates the tactics simp_arith, simp_arith!,
    simp_all_arith and simp_all_arith!. Users can just use the +arith

  • #7047 removes the save and checkpoint tactics that have been
    superseded by incremental elaboration

  • #7053 makes simp heed the binderNameHint also in the assumptions
    of congruence rules. Fixes #7052.

  • #7055 improves array and vector literal syntax by allowing trailing
    commas. For example, #[1, 2, 3,].

  • #7061 provides a basic API for a premise selection tool, which can be
    provided in downstream libraries. It does not implement premise
    selection itself!

  • #7069 adds the fun_induction and fun_cases tactics, which add
    convenience around using functional induction and functional cases

  • #7076 introduces the central parallelism API for ensuring that helper
    declarations can be generated lazily without duplicating work or
    creating conflicts across threads.

  • #7077 proves the helper theorems for justifying the "Div-Solve" rule
    in the cutsat procedure.

  • #7078 implements simprocs for Int and Nat divides predicates.

  • #7082 makes try? use fun_induction instead of induction … using foo.induct. It uses the argument-free short-hand fun_induction foo if
    that is unambiguous. Avoids expose_names if not necessary by simply
    trying without first.

  • #7088 fixes the behavior of the indexed-access notation xs[i] in
    cases where the proof of i's validity is filled in during unification.

  • #7090 strips lib prefixes and _shared suffixes from plugin names.
    It also moves most of the dynlib processing code to Lean to make such
    preprocessing more standard.

  • #7091 adds helper theorems for normalizing divisibility constraints.
    They are going to be used to implement the cutsat procedure in the
    grind tactic.

  • #7092 implements divisibility constraint normalization in simp +arith.

  • #7097 implements several modifications for the cutsat procedure in

    • The maximal variable is now at the beginning of linear polynomials.
    • The old LinearArith.Solver was deleted, and the normalizer was moved
      to Simp.
    • cutsat first files were created, and basic infrastructure for
      representing divisibility constraints was added.
  • #7100 modifies the structure syntax so that parents can be named,
    like in

    structure S extends toParent : P

    Breaking change: The syntax is also modified so that the resultant
    type comes before the extends clause, for example structure S : Prop extends P. This is necessary to prevent a parsing ambiguity, but
    also this is the natural place for the resultant type. Implements RFC

  • #7101 implements fun_induction foo, which is like fun_induction foo x y z, only that it picks the arguments to use from a unique suitable
    call to foo in the goal.

  • #7102 modifies grind to run with the reducible transparency
    setting. We do not want grind to unfold arbitrary terms during
    definitional equality tests. also fixes several issues
    introduced by this change. The most common problem was the lack of a
    hint in proofs, particularly in those constructed using proof by
    reflection. also introduces new sanity checks when set_option grind.debug true is used.

  • #7103 gives the induction tactic the ability to name hypotheses to
    use when generalizing targets, just like in cases. For example,
    induction h : xs.length leads to goals with hypotheses h : xs.length = 0 and h : xs.length = n + 1. Target handling is also slightly
    modified for multi-target induction principles: it used to be that if
    any target was not a free variable, all of the targets would be
    generalized (thus causing free variables to lose their connection to the
    local hypotheses they appear in); now only the non-free-variable targets
    are generalized.

  • #7119 makes linter names clickable in the trace.profiler output.

  • #7122 implements the divisibility constraint solver for the cutsat
    procedure in the grind tactic.

  • #7124 adds the helper theorems for justifying the divisibility
    constraint solver in the cutsat procedure used by the grind tactic.

  • #7127 follows up on #7103 which changes the generaliziation behavior
    of induction, to keep fun_induction in sync. Also fixes a Syntax
    indexing off-by-one error.

  • #7138 implements proof generation for the divisibility constraint
    solver in grind.

  • #7139 uses a let-expression for storing the (shared) context in
    proofs produced by the cutsat procedure in grind.

  • #7152 implements the infrastructure for supporting integer inequality
    constraints in the cutsat procedure.

  • #7155 implements some infrastructure for the model search procedure in

  • #7156 adds a helper theorem that will be used in divisibility
    constraint conflict resolution during model construction.

  • #7176 implements model construction for divisibility constraints in
    the cutsat procedure.

  • #7183 improves the cutsat model search procedure.

  • #7186 simplifies the proofs and data structures used by cutsat.

  • #7191 fixes the indentation of "Try this" suggestions in widget-less
    multiline messages, as they appear in #guard_msgs outputs.

  • #7192 prevents exact? and apply? from suggesting tactics that
    correspond to correct proofs but do not elaborate, and it allows these
    tactics to suggest expose_names when needed.

  • #7193 adds basic infrastructure for adding support for equalities in

  • #7194 adds support theorems for solving equality in cutsat.

  • #7200 allows the debug form of DiscrTree.Key to line-wrap.

  • #7202 adds support for internalizing terms relevant to the cutsat
    module. This is required to implement equality propagation.

  • #7203 improves the support for equalities in cutsat. It also
    simplifies a few support theorems used to justify cutsat rules.

  • #7213 adds SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8) during runtime initialization
    to properly display Unicode on the Windows console. This effects both
    the Lean executable itself and user executables (including Lake).

  • #7217 improves the support for equalities in cutsat.

  • #7220 implements the missing cases for equality propagation from the
    grind core to the cutsat module.

  • #7224 make induction … using and cases … using complain if more
    targets were given than expected by that eliminator.

  • #7231 implements functions for constructing disequality proofs in

  • #7234 implements dIsequality propagation from grind core module to

  • #7242 makes sure bv_decide can work with projections applied to ite
    and cond in its structures pass.

  • #7244 adds support for disequalities in the cutsat procedure used in

  • #7248 implements simple equality propagation in cutsat p <= 0 -> -p <= 0 -> p = 0

  • #7252 implements inequality refinement using disequalities. It
    minimizes the number of case splits cutsat will have to perform.

  • #7257 improves performance of LRAT trimming in bv_decide.

  • #7267 improves the cutsat search procedure. It adds support for find
    an approximate rational solution, checks disequalities, and adds stubs
    for all missing cases.

  • #7269 implements support for IntX and ISize in bv_decide.

  • #7275 adds all level 1 rewrites from Bitwuzla to the preprocessor of

  • #7278 adds counterexamples for linear integer constraints in the
    grind tactic. This feature is implemented in the cutsat procedure.

  • #7279 adds support theorems for the Cooper-Dvd-Left conflict
    resolution rule used in the cutsat procedure. During model construction,
    when attempting to extend the model to a variable x, cutsat may find a
    conflict that involves two inequalities (the lower and upper bounds for
    x) and a divisibility constraint:

    a * x + p ≤ 0
    b * x + q ≤ 0
    d ∣ c * x + s
  • #7284 implements non-choronological backtracking for the cutsat
    procedure. The procedure has two main kinds of case-splits:
    disequalities and Cooper resolvents. focus on the first kind.

  • #7290 adds support theorems for the Cooper-Left conflict
    resolution rule used in the cutsat procedure. During model
    construction,when attempting to extend the model to a variable x,
    cutsat may find a conflict that involves two inequalities (the lower and
    upper bounds for x). This is a special case of Cooper-Dvd-Left when
    there is no divisibility constraint.

  • #7292 adds support theorems for the Cooper-Dvd-Right conflict
    resolution rule used in the cutsat procedure. During model construction,
    when attempting to extend the model to a variable x, cutsat may find a
    conflict that involves two inequalities (the lower and upper bounds for
    x) and a divisibility constraint.

  • #7293 adds support theorems for the Cooper-Right conflict resolution
    rule used in the cutsat procedure. During model construction, when
    attempting to extend the model to a variable x, cutsat may find a
    conflict that involves two inequalities (the lower and upper bounds for
    x). This is a special case of Cooper-Dvd-Right when there is no
    divisibility constraint.

  • #7294 fixes bugs in Std.Internal.Rat.floor and


  • #5498 makes BitVec.getElem the simp normal form in case a proof is
    available and changes ext to return x[i] + a hypothesis that proves
    that we are in-bounds. This aligns BitVec further with the API
    conventions of the Lean standard datatypes.

  • #6326 adds BitVec.(getMsbD, msb)_replicate, replicate_one theorems,
    corrects a non-terminal simp in BitVec.getLsbD_replicate and
    simplifies the proof of BitVec.getElem_replicate using the cases

  • #6628 adds SMT-LIB operators to detect overflow
    BitVec.(uadd_overflow, sadd_overflow), according to the definitions
    and the theorems proving equivalence of such definitions with the
    BitVec library functions (uaddOverflow_eq, saddOverflow_eq).
    Support theorems for these proofs are BitVec.toNat_mod_cancel_of_lt, BitVec.toInt_lt, BitVec.le_toInt, Int.bmod_neg_iff. The PR also
    includes a set of tests.

  • #6792 adds theorems BitVec.(getMsbD, msb)_(extractLsb', extractLsb), getMsbD_extractLsb'_eq_getLsbD.

  • #6795 adds theorems BitVec.(getElem_umod_of_lt, getElem_umod, getLsbD_umod, getMsbD_umod). For the defiition of these theorems we
    rely on divRec, excluding the case where d=0#w, which is treated
    separately because there is no infrastructure to reason about this case
    within divRec. In particular, our implementation follows the mathlib
    standard where division by 0 yields
    while in SMTLIB this yields

  • #6830 improves some files separation and standardize error messages in
    UV modules

  • #6850 adds some lemmas about the new tree map. These lemmas are about
    the interactions of empty, isEmpty, insert, contains. Some
    lemmas about the interaction of contains with the others will follow
    in a later PR.

  • #6866 adds missing Hashable instances for PUnit and PEmpty.

  • #6914 introduces ordered map data structures, namely DTreeMap,
    TreeMap, TreeSet and their .Raw variants, into the standard
    library. There are still some operations missing that the hash map has.
    As of now, the operations are unverified, but the corresponding lemmas
    will follow in subsequent PRs. While the tree map has already been
    optimized, more micro-optimization will follow as soon as the new code
    generator is ready.

  • #6922 adds LawfulBEq instances for Array and Vector.

  • #6948 completes the alignment of List/Array/Vectors lemmas for

  • #6954 verifies the toListfunction for hash maps and dependent hash

  • #6958 improves the Promise API by considering how dropped promises
    can lead to never-finished tasks.

  • #6966 adds an internal-use-only strict linter for the variable names
    of List/Array/Vector variables, and begins cleaning up.

  • #6982 improves some lemmas about monads and monadic operations on
    Array/Vector, using @Rob23oa's work in
    leanprover-community/batteries#1109, and
    adding/generalizing some additional lemmas.

  • #7013 makes improvements to the simp set for List/Array/Vector/Option
    to improve confluence, in preparation for simp_lc.

  • #7017 renames the simp set boolToPropSimps to bool_to_prop and
    bv_toNat to bitvec_to_nat. I'll be adding more similarly named simp

  • #7034 adds wf_preprocess theorems for

  • #7036 adds some deprecated function aliases to the tree map in order
    to ease the transition from the RBMap to the tree map.

  • #7046 renames to UIntX.ofBitVec and adds deprecations.

  • #7048 adds the functions IntX.ofBitVec.

  • #7050 renames the functions UIntX.val to UIntX.toFin.

  • #7051 implements the methods insertMany, ofList, ofArray,
    foldr and foldrM on the tree map.

  • #7056 adds the UIntX.ofFin conversion functions.

  • #7057 adds the function UIntX.ofNatLT. This is supposed to be a
    replacement for UIntX.ofNatCore and UIntX.ofNat', but for
    bootstrapping reasons we need this function to exist in stage0 before we
    can proceed with the renaming and deprecations, so this PR just adds the

  • #7059 moves away from using List.get / List.get? / List.get! and
    Array.get!, in favour of using the GetElem mediated getters. In
    particular it deprecates List.get?, List.get! and Array.get?. Also
    adds Array.back, taking a proof, matching List.getLast.

  • #7062 introduces the functions UIntX.toIntX as the public API to
    obtain the IntX that is 2's complement equivalent to a given UIntX.

  • #7063 adds ISize.toInt8, ISize.toInt16, Int8.toISize,

  • #7064 renames BitVec.ofNatLt to BitVec.ofNatLT and sets up
    deprecations for the old name.

  • #7066 renames IntX.toNat to IntX.toNatClampNeg (to reduce
    surprises) and sets up a deprecation.

  • #7068 is a follow-up to #7057 and adds a builtin dsimproc for
    UIntX.ofNatLT which it turns out we need in stage0 before we can get
    the deprecation of UIntX.ofNatCore in favor of UIntX.ofNatLT off the

  • #7070 implements the methods min, max, minKey, maxKey,
    atIndex, getEntryLE, getKeyLE and consorts on the tree map.

  • #7071 unifies the existing functions UIntX.ofNatCore and
    UIntX.ofNat' under a new name, UIntX.ofNatLT.

  • #7079 introduces Fin.toNat as an alias for Fin.val. We add this
    function for discoverability and consistency reasons. The normal form
    for proofs remains Fin.val, and there is a simp lemma rewriting
    Fin.toNat to Fin.val.

  • #7080 adds the functions UIntX.ofNatTruncate (the version for
    UInt32 already exists).

  • #7081 adds functions IntX.ofIntLE, IntX.ofIntTruncate, which are
    analogous to the unsigned counterparts UIntX.ofNatLT and

  • #7083 adds (value-based, not bitfield-based) conversion functions
    between Float/Float32 and IntX/UIntX.

  • #7105 completes aligning Array/Vector.extract lemmas with the lemmas
    for List.take and List.drop.

  • #7106 completes the alignment of List/Array/Vector.finRange lemmas.

  • #7109 implements the getThenInsertIfNew? and partition functions
    on the tree map.

  • #7114 implements the methods values and valuesArray on the tree

  • #7116 implements the getKey functions on the tree map. It also fixes
    the naming of the entryAtIdx function on the tree set, which should
    have been called atIdx.

  • #7118 implements the functions modify and alter on the tree map.

  • #7128 adds Repr and Hashable instances for IntX.

  • #7131 adds IntX.abs functions. These are specified by BitVec.abs,
    so they map IntX.minValue to IntX.minValue, similar to Rust's
    i8::abs. In the future we might also have versions which take values
    in UIntX and/or Nat.

  • #7137 verifies the various fold and for variants for hashmaps.

  • #7151 fixes a memory leak in IO.FS.createTempFile

  • #7158 strengthens Int.tdiv_eq_ediv, by dropping an unnecessary
    hypothesis, in preparation for further work on ediv/tdiv/fdiv

  • #7161 adds all missing tree map lemmas about the interactions of the
    functions empty, isEmpty, contains, size, insert(IfNew) and

  • #7162 splits Int.DivModLemmas into a Bootstrap and Lemmas file,
    where it is possible to use omega in Lemmas.

  • #7163 gives an unconditional theorem expressing Int.tdiv in terms of
    Int.ediv, not just for non-negative arguments.

  • #7165 provides tree map lemmas about the interaction of
    containsThenInsert(IfNew) with contains and insert(IfNew).

  • #7167 provides tree map lemmas for the interaction of get? with the
    other operations for which lemmas already exist.

  • #7174 adds the first batch of lemmas about iterated conversions
    between finite types starting with something of type UIntX.

  • #7199 adds theorems comparing Int.ediv with tdiv and fdiv, for
    all signs of arguments. (Previously we just had the statements about the
    cases in which they agree.)

  • #7201 adds Array/Vector.left/rightpad. These will not receive any
    verification theorems; simp just unfolds them to an ++ operation.

  • #7205 completes alignment of
    List.getLast/List.getLast!/List.getLast? lemmas with the
    corresponding lemmas for Array and Vector.

  • #7206 adds theorem BitVec.toFin_abs, completing the API for

  • #7207 provides lemmas for the tree map functions get, get! and
    getD in relation to the other operations for which lemmas already

  • #7208 aligns lemmas for List.dropLast / Array.pop / Vector.pop.

  • #7210 adds the remaining lemmas about iterated conversions between
    finite types starting with something of type UIntX.

  • #7214 adds a ForIn instance for the PersistentHashSet type.

  • #7221 provides lemmas about the tree map functions getKey?,
    getKey, getKey!, getKeyD and insertIfNew and their interaction
    with other functions for which lemmas already exist.

  • #7222 removes the simp attribute from ReflCmp.compare_self because
    it matches arbitrary function applications. Instead, a new simp lemma
    ReflOrd.compare_self is introduced, which only matches applications of

  • #7229 provides lemmas for the tree map function getThenInsertIfNew?.

  • #7235 adds Array.replace and Vector.replace, proves the
    correspondences with List.replace, and reproduces the basic API. In
    order to do so, it fills in some gaps in the List.findX APIs.

  • #7237 provides proofs that the raw tree map operations are well-formed
    and refactors the file structure of the tree map, introducing new
    modules Std.{DTreeMap,TreeMap,TreeSet}.Raw and splittting
    AdditionalOperations into separate files for bundled and raw types.

  • #7245 adds missing @[specialize] annotations to the alter and
    modify functions in Std.Data.DHashMap.Internal.AssocList, which are
    used by the corresponding hash map functions.

  • #7249 completes alignment of theorems about

  • #7255 fixes the definition of Min (Option α). This is a breaking
    change. This treats none as the least element,
    so min none x = min x none = none for all x : Option α. Prior to
    nightly-2025-02-27, we instead had min none (some x) = min (some x) none = some x. Also adds basic lemmas relating min, max, and
    < on Option.

  • #7259 contains theorems about IntX that are required for bv_decide
    and the IntX simprocs.

  • #7260 provides lemmas about the tree map functions keys and toList
    and their interactions with other functions for which lemmas already
    exist. Moreover, a bug in foldr (calling foldlM instead of foldrM)
    is fixed.

  • #7266 begins the alignment of Int.ediv/fdiv/tdiv theorems.

  • #7268 implements Lean.ToExpr for finite signed integers.

  • #7271 changes the order of arguments of the folding function expected
    by the tree map's foldr and foldrM functions so that they are
    consistent with the API of List.

  • #7273 fixes the statement of a UIntX conversion lemma.

  • #7277 fixes a bug in Float32.ofInt, which previously returned a


  • #6928 makes extern decls evaluate as ⊤ rather than the default value
    of ⊥ in the LCNF elimDeadBranches analysis.

  • #6930 changes the name generation of specialized LCNF decls so they
    don't strip macro scopes. This avoids name collisions for
    specializations created in distinct macro scopes. Since the normal
    Name.append function checks for the presence of macro scopes, we need to
    use appendCore.

  • #6976 extends the behavior of the sync flag for etc.
    to encompass synchronous execution even when they first have to wait on
    completion of the first task, drastically lowering the overhead of such
    tasks. Thus the flag is now equivalent to e.g. .NET's

  • #7037 relaxes the minimum required glibc version for Lean and Lean
    executables to 2.26 on x86-64 Linux

  • #7041 marks several LCNF-specific environment extensions as having an
    asyncMode of .sync rather than the default of .mainOnly, so they work
    correctly even in async contexts.

  • #7086 makes the arity reduction pass in the new code generator match
    the old one when it comes to the behavior of decls with no used
    parameters. This is important, because otherwise we might create a
    top-level decl with no params that contains unreachable code, which
    would get evaluated unconditionally during initialization. This actually
    happens when initializing Init.Core built with the new code generator.

Pretty Printing

  • #7074 modifies the signature pretty printer to add hover information
    for parameters in binders. This makes the binders be consistent with the
    hovers in pi types.


  • #6886 adds recommended spellings for many notations defined in Lean
    core, using the recommended_spelling command from #6869.

  • #6950 adds a style guide and a naming convention for the standard

  • #6962 improves the doc-string for List.toArray.

  • #6998 modifies the Prop docstring to point out that every
    proposition is propositionally equal to either True or False. This
    will help point users toward seeing that Prop is like Bool.

  • #7026 clarifies the styling of do blocks, and enhanes the naming
    conventions with information about the ext and mono name components
    as well as advice about primed names and naming of simp sets.

  • #7111 extends the standard library style guide with guidance on
    universe variables, notations and Unicode usage, and structure


  • #6329 enables the language server to present multiple disjoint line
    ranges as being worked on. Even before parallelism lands, we make use of
    this feature to show post-elaboration tasks such as kernel checking on
    the first line of a declaration to distinguish them from the final
    tactic step.

  • #6768 adds preliminary support for inlay hints, as well as support for
    inlay hints that denote the auto-implicits of a function. Hovering over
    an auto-implicit displays its type and double-clicking the auto-implicit
    inserts it into the text document.

  • #6887 fixes a bug where the goal state selection would sometimes
    select incomplete incremental snapshots on whitespace, leading to an
    incorrect "no goals" response. Fixes #6594, a regression that was
    originally introduced in 4.11.0 by #4727.

  • #6959 implements a number of refinements for the auto-implicit inlay
    hints implemented in #6768.

    • In #6768, there was a bug where the inlay hint edit delay could
      accumulate on successive edits, which meant that it could sometimes take
      much longer for inlay hints to show up. implements the basic
      infrastructure for request cancellation and implements request
      cancellation for semantic tokens and inlay hints to resolve the issue.
      With this edit delay bug fixed, it made more sense to increase the edit
      delay slightly from 2000ms to 3000ms.
    • In #6768, we applied the edit delay to every single inlay hint request
      in order to reduce the amount of inlay hint flickering. This meant that
      the edit delay also had a significant effect on how far inlay hints
      would lag behind the file progress bar. adjusts the edit delay
      logic so that it only affects requests sent directly after a
      corresponding didChange notification. Once the edit delay is used up,
      all further semantic token requests are responded to without delay, so
      that the only latency that affects how far the inlay hints lag behind
      the progress bar is how often we emit refresh requests and how long VS
      Code takes to respond to them.
    • For inlay hints, refresh requests are now emitted 500ms after a
      response to an inlay hint request, not 2000ms, which means that after
      the edit delay, inlay hints should only lag behind the progress bar by
      about up to 500ms. This is justifiable for inlay hints because the
      response should be much smaller than e.g. is the case for semantic
    • In #6768, 'Restart File' did not prompt a refresh, but it does now.
    • VS Code does not immediately remove old inlay hints from the document
      when they are applied. In #6768, this meant that inlay hints would
      linger around for a bit once applied. To mitigate this issue, this PR
      adjusts the inlay hint edit delay logic to identify edits sent from the
      client as being inlay hint applications, and sets the edit delay to 0ms
      for the inlay hint requests following it. This means that inlay hints
      are now applied immediately.
    • In #6768, hovering over single-letter auto-implicit inlay hints was a
      bit finicky because VS Code uses the regular cursor icon on inlay hints,
      not the thin text cursor icon, which means that it is easy to put the
      cursor in the wrong spot. We now add the separation character ( or
      {) preceding an auto-implicit to the hover range as well, which makes
      hovering over inlay hints much smoother.
  • #6978 fixes a bug where both the inlay hint change invalidation logic
    and the inlay hint edit delay logic were broken in untitled files.
    Thanks to @Julian for spotting this!

  • #7054 adds language server support for request cancellation to the
    following expensive requests: Code actions, auto-completion, document
    symbols, folding ranges and semantic highlighting. This means that when
    the client informs the language server that a request is stale (e.g.
    because it belongs to a previous state of the document), the language
    server will now prematurely cancel the computation of the response in
    order to reduce the CPU load for requests that will be discarded by the
    client anyways.

  • #7087 ensures that all tasks in the language server either use
    dedicated tasks or reuse an existing thread from the thread pool. This
    ensures that elaboration tasks cannot prevent language server tasks from
    being scheduled. This is especially important with parallelism right
    around the corner and elaboration becoming more likely to starve the
    language server of computation, which could drive up language server
    latencies significantly on machines with few cores.

  • #7112 adds a tooltip describing what the auto-implicit inlay hints
    denote, as well as auto-implicit inlay hints for instances.

  • #7134 significantly improves the performance of auto-completion by
    optimizing individual requests by a factor of ~2 and by giving language
    clients like VS Code the opportunity to reuse the state of previous
    completion requests, thus greatly reducing the latency for the
    auto-completion list to update when adding more characters to an

  • #7143 makes the server consistently not report newlines between trace
    nodes to the info view, enabling it to render them on dedicates lines
    without extraneous spacing between them in all circumstances.

  • #7149 adds a fast path to the inlay hint request that makes it re-use
    already computed inlay hints from previous requests instead of
    re-computing them. This is necessary because for some reason VS Code
    emits an inlay hint request for every line you scroll, so we need to be
    able to respond to these requests against the same document state
    quickly. Otherwise, every single scrolled line would result in a request
    that can take a few dozen ms to be responded to in long files, putting
    unnecessary pressure on the CPU.
    It also filters the result set by the inlay hints that have been

  • #7153 changes the server to run lake setup-file on Lake
    configuration files (e.g., lakefile.lean).

  • #7175 fixes an Elab.async regression where elaboration tasks are
    cancelled on document edit even though their result may be reused in the
    new document version, reporting an incomplete result.


  • #6829 changes the error message for Lake configuration failure to
    reflect that issues do not always arise from an invalid lakefile, but
    sometimes arise from other issues like network errors. The new error
    message encompasses all of these possibilities.

  • #6929 passes the shared library of the previous stage's Lake as a
    plugin to the next stage's Lake in the CMake build. This enables Lake to
    use its own builtin elaborators / initializers at build time.

  • #7001 adds support for plugins to Lake. Precompiled modules are now
    loaded as plugins rather than via --load-dynlib.

  • #7024 documents how to use Elan's + option with lake new|init. It
    also provides an more informative error message if a + option leaks
    into Lake (e.g., if a user provides the option to a Lake run without

  • #7157 changes lake setup-file to now use Lake as a plugin for files
    which import Lake (or one of its submodules). Thus, the server will now
    load Lake as a plugin when editing a Lake configuration written in Lean.
    This further enables the use of builtin language extensions in Lake.

  • #7171 changes the Lake DSL to use builtin elaborators, macros, and

  • #7182 makes lake setup-file succeed on an invalid Lean configuration

  • #7209 fixes broken Lake tests on Windows' new MSYS2. As of MSYS2
    0.0.20250221, OSTYPE is now reported as cygwin instead of msys,
    which must be accounted for in a few Lake tests.

  • #7211 changes the job monitor to perform run job computation itself as
    a separate job. Now progress will be reported eagerly, even before all
    outstanding jobs have been discovered. Thus, the total job number
    reported can now grow while jobs are still being computed (e.g., the Y
    in [X/Y[ may increase).

  • #7233 uses the Lake plugin when Lake is built with Lake via

  • #7291 changes the Lake job monitor to display the last (i.e., newest)
    running/unfinished job rather than the first. This avoids the monitor
    focusing too long on any one job (e.g., "Running job computation").


  • #7129 optimizes the performance of the unused variables linter in the
    case of a definition with a huge Expr representation

  • #7173 introduces a trace node for each deriving handlers invocation
    for the benefit of trace.profiler

  • #7184 adds support for LEAN_BACKTRACE on macOS. This previously only
    worked with glibc, but it can not be enabled for all Unix-like systems,
    since e.g. Musl does not support it.

  • #7190 makes the stage2 Leanc build use the stage2 oleans rather than
    stage1 oleans. This was happening because Leanc's own OLEAN_OUT is at
    the build root rather than the lib/lean subdirectory, so when the build
    added this OLEAN_OUT to LEAN_PATH no oleans were found there and the
    search fell back to the stage1 installation location.