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LL Basics: Datasets


These are example datasets that are open source, cleaned, and free to use for whatever project you would like to use them for.

Names in Lyrics

This dataset analyzes songs from the US Billboard Hot 100 from 1958-2017, identifying names from their lyrics. A more complete description of how the data was collected, as well as the visual essay, can be found in the source link. This dataset can be a good entry into dealing with text data, before diving into some larger datasets (like the Harry Potter text below.)

Number of Entries: 20,626

Column Name Data Type Description Example
artist categorical the name of the artist or band who sang the song Ed Sheeran
name categorical the name that was included the lyric Kaleigh
song categorical the song title Galway Girl
person boolean whether the name likely refers to a person (as opposed to a drug, band, etc) true
sentence categorical an example of the lyrics in the song that include the name After dancing to Kaleigh, singing to trad tunes
year categorical the earliest year that the song appeared on Billboard Hot 100 2017
highestrank numerical, ordinal the highest rank that the song reached on the Billboard Hot 100 53

Example Questions:

  • Which is the most referenced name ever?
  • Which song includes the most different names?
  • Do different names trend in different years?

Academy Award Winners

Attention has been brough to the fact that most academy award winners are, in fact, caucasian. And mostly male. Here is a dataset of academy award winners and nominees since the inception of the Oscars, 1927 through 2020.

Number of entries: 10,397

Column Name Data Type Description Example
year_film categorical the year in which the film was released 1999
year_ceremony categorical oscar ceremony year 2000
ceremony categorical, ordinal oscar ceremony number 72
category categorical the oscar award category Costume Design
gender categorical gender of the nominee Female
name categorical name of the nominee Jenny Beaven
race categorical race of the nominee White
film categorical name of the movie Anna and the King
winner binary false (nomination), true (winner) false

Example Questions:

  • What is the ratio of female nominees and winners to male nominees and winners?
  • Which category is the most diverse?
  • Have the oscars become more diversified over time? Along which axes?

Natural Disasters

The file contains natural disaster data (excluding technological and complex disasters) from 2000 - 2020 (date of download: 09/6/2021) for Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas, and Oceania. Only events where there were more than 10 deaths, 100+ people affected, and/or the government declared a state of emergency are recorded in this database.

  • Source: EM-DAT Public
  • Git File: Link
  • Cleaning:
    • Removed 'Reconstruction Costs' column due to extreme missingness of information (there was none).
    • The GLIDE (GLobal IDEntifer) column was removed because it is useful when cross-identifying events among other databases.
    • The 'Disaster Group' column was removed since we only included Natural disasters of the three available (technological, complex, natural).
    • Removed 'CPI' column because I could not find any information about what it was or meant.

Number of entries: 239155

Column Name Data Type Description Example
Dis No categorical Unique Identifier comprising of the year, four unique digits, and the country code, 2000-0706-PHL
Year categorical, ordinal The year of the event 2000
Seq categorical the sequence identifier 0706
Disaster Subgroupd categorical Bioligcal/Geophysical/Climatological/Hydrological/Meteorlogical/Extraterrestrial Meteorlogical
Disaster Type categorical main disaster type Storm
Disaster Subtype categorical subdivision of disaster type Tropical cyclone
Event Name nominal any specific name the event was referred by Xangsane (Reming0
Country categorical the country affected/impacted. (If more than one country was affected, then each country will have its own entry) Philippines (the)
ISO categorical International Organization for Standardization country code PHL
Region categorical geographical region South-Eastern Asia
Continent categorical continent to which the country belongs Asia
Location categorical as specific a location(s) as possible (e.g. city, village, province, state, etc) Cavite district (Region IV-A (Calabarzon) province), Sorsogon, Catanduanes, Albay districts (Region V (Bicol region) province), Metropolitan Manila district (National Capital region (NCR) province), Samar districts (Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) province)
Origin categorical triggering origin of the disaster (e.g. for a flood, maybe Heavy Rain)
Associated Dis categorical secondary or associated effects (e.g. fires after an earthquake )
Associated Dis2 categorical more after effects
OFDA Response binary (yes/null) whether or not OFDA responded null
Appeal binary was there a request for internationl assistance? blank
Declaration categorical was a state of emergency declared? blank
Aid Contribution quantitative total amount given ('000 US$) in immediate relief blank
Dis Mag Value quantitative the intensity of the specifc disaster 140
Dis Mag Scale categorical the unit of the intensity Kph
Latitutde quantitative North-South coordinates (used for earthquakes, floods, and volcanoes) blank
Longitude quantitative East-West coordinate ("") blank
Local Time quantitative local time when occurred, for sudden disasters blank
River Basin categorical name of river basins affected blank
Start Year/Month/Day (Separate columns) categorical, ordinal date the disaster occurred (if sudden; if slow, then no day given) 2000, 10, 28
End Year/Month/Day (Separate columns) categorical, ordinal "" finished 2000, 10, 31
Total Deaths quantitative number of people who died or are missing because of the event 154
No Injured quantitative Number of people requiring medical assistantce 314
No Affected quantitative number of people requiring assistance (includes No. Injured) 2435942
No Homeless quantitative number of people whose house was damaged or destoryed (included in No. Affected) blank
Total Affected quantitative Number of injured, affected, or homeless 2435942
Insured Damages ('000 US$) quantitative economic damages that were covered by insurance 1500
Total Damanges ('000 US$) quantitative value of damanges and loses 1700
Adm Level categorical, ordinal degree of specificity about geocoding (0 = country, 1 = state, 2 = county) 2
Admin1 Code categorical, ordinal geocodes for state level blank
Admin2 Code categorical, ordinal geocodes for county level 24210;24228;24240;24243;24245;24261
Geo Locations categorical names corresponding to geocodes Albay, Catanduanes, Cavite, Metropolitan Manila, Samar, Sorsogon (Adm2).

More information about the data can be found here

Example questions:

  • which region(s) of the world experience the most natural disasters in general?
  • based on region and time of year, which type of natural disaster is most likely?
  • which countries seem to have the best response to natural disasters (low numbers of total affected and damage costs compared to other countries experiencing similar numbers and severity of natural disasters)?


Global COVID data for February 2020 through downloaded data (9/7/2021). This dataset focuses more on big-picture numbers across countries than on a country and their specific demographic breakdown of cases.

  • Source: Our World in Data
  • Git file: Link
  • Cleaning: Removed some columns in order to simplify the data (e.g. most "[variable]_smoothed" columns since that data can be duplicated if desired).
Column Name Data Type Description Example
iso_code categorical three-letter country code BWA
continent categorical geographical location Africa
location categorical name of country Botswana
date categorical, ordinal date of information 07/19/2021
total_cases quantitative total confirmed cases of covid_19 91902
new_cases quantitative new cases reported 5769
total_cases_per_million quantitative total cases per million 38336.587
new_cases_per_million quantitative new cases per million 2406.517
total_deaths quantitative number of total deaths in the country 1328
new_deaths quantitative new deaths 54
total_deaths_per_million quantitative total deaths per million 553.97
new_death_per_million quantitative new cases per million 22.526
icu_patients quantitative number of patients in ICU on a given day blank
icu_patients_per_million quantitative no. patients in ICU per million blank
hosp_patients quantitative no. patients hospitalized on a given day blank
hosp_patients_per_million no. patients hospitalized per million blank
stringency_index categorical, ordinal how strict of a response the government had (0-100) 59.26
total_tests quantitative total tests given blank
new_tests quantitative total tests given that day blank
total_tests_per_thousand total tests per thousand blank
new_tests_per_thousand new tests per thousand blank
total_vaccinations quantitative total vaccination doses given 318107
people_vaccinated quantitative total people who have received at least one shot 200054
people_fully_vaccinated quantitative total people who are fully vaccinated 118053
total_boosters quantitative number of booster doses given
new_vaccinations_smoothed quantitative new doses given (7 day rolling average) 3531
population quantitative population in 2020 2397240
population_density quantitative number of people divided by land area (km^2) 4.044
median_age quantitative media age of population 25.8
aged_65_older quantitative percentage of population 65 & older 3.941
aged_70_older quantitative percentage of population 70 & older 2.242
gdp_per_capita quantitative GDP from most recent year available 15807.374
extreme_poverty quantitative percentage of population living in extreme proverty blank
cardiovasc_death_rate quantitative death rate from cardiovascular disease in 2017, per 100,000 237.372
diabetes_prevalence quantitative percentage of population aged 20-79 with diabeted in 2017 4.81
female_smokers quantitative percentage of women who smoke 5.7
male_smokers quantitative percentage of men who smoke 34.4
handwashing_facilities quantitative share of population with basic handwashing facilities blank
hospital_beds_per_thousand quantitative hospital beds per 1000 people 1.8
life_expectancy quantitative life expectancy at birth in 2019 69.59
human_development_index quantitative composite value representing a long, healthy life, knowledge, and decent standard of living 0.735
excess_mortality quantitative excess mortality p-scores for all ages blank

Example questions:

  • Does population density seem to play a role in number of cases/vaccination rates?
  • Are there regional differences in how countries have handled the pandemic?
  • Is there a correlation between the general health of the population and number of total cases/deaths?

Global Historical Emissions

This dataset contains information about human-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 1990 to 2018. More than 100 countries are included. Because of the way the data is formatted, it also provides an opportunity to practice reformatting the data into tidy data. (Or you can find a tidy version of the data here.)

Column Name Data Type Description Example
Country/Region categorical name of country China
Unit categorical metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent MtCO2e
Yearly Measurement categorical the column name is the year, the row value is the measurement (1990) 2873.71

Example Questions:

  • Which country has increased their emissions the most over the last two decades?
  • Which countries have decreased their emissions?
  • What are the global emissions trends?

Harry Potter Texts & Scripts

Book Texts

This folder contains .txt files of all seven books. The files have been pre-cleaned fo most punctuation and uppercase letters, with only quotation marks, periods, exclamation marks, and question marks remaining. This could be a fun dataset to work with to get experience with text mining, sentiment analysis, or if you simply want to visualize some of the language of one of the world's most popular YA franchises.

Example Questions:

  • Which characters/spells/locations are mentioned most throughout the books?
  • Does the vocabulary used increase across the books?
  • Do the books get progressively, uniformly darker?

Movie Scripts

Unlike with the raw text file of the books above, these data include who said what, as they are transcribed of the movie scripts. What is lost in all of Harry's internal narration and description of the world, is gained by being able to do character analysis.

Column Name Data Type Description Example
movie categorical the movie name Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone
chapter categorical the chapter of the movie, according to the script Doorstep Delivery
character categorical which character is speaking Albus Dumbledore
dialog text the dialog of the character speaking I should have known that you would be here...Professor McGonagall.

Example Questions:

  • Who has the most lines/words in all the movies?
  • Does the amount of dialog increase with the movies?
  • Do the movies get progressively, uniformly darker?

And if you want to take a whack at using both datasets and doing some comparing/contrasting, that could be fun. Because quotation marks were retained in the book text files, it might be possible to use regex to search out all the phrases encased by quotes, so you'll have all the dialog in the books - but without the information of who said what. You could still compare amount of total dialog and vocabulary.

Global Population Growth, Fertility, and Mortality

This is a dataset from UNdata that contains the following measurements:

  • Life expectancy at birth for males/females/both
  • Population annual rate of increase (percent)
  • Infant mortality for both sexes (per 1,000 live births)
  • Maternal mortality ratio (deaths per 100,000 population)
  • Total Fertility Rate (children per women)

The data was collected for three five-year periods and aggregated into three "years": 2005, 2010, and 2015.

Column Name Data Type Description Example
ISO Code categorical three-digit ISO code for each country, region, or area 4
Country Name categorical name of the country, region, or area Afghanistan
Year categorical the reference year 2005
Series categorical the specific data series Total fertility rate (children per women)
Value quantitative the numerical measurement for the data series in question 7.1816

Volcano Data

  • Source: Harvested from the NOAA NCEI database for natural hazards. The data was filtered for years between 1950 and Present (October 28th, 2021), and with a VEI score > 1 (to remove eruptions with null scores).
  • Git File:
  • Cleaning: Converted Tsu and Eq columns from null/numerical identifier or tsunami or earthquake event into binary indicators.
Column Name Data Type Description Example
Year categorical the year of the eruption 1950
Mo categorical the month of the eruption (values 1-12) 8
Dy categorical the date of the eruption, if known (1-31) 28
Tsu categorical whether there was a resultant tsunami event (binary) 0
Eq categorical whether there was a corresponding earthquake (binary) 0
Name categorical the name of the volcano as listed by the Smithsonian Institution Semeru
Location categorical the specific region of the volcano Java
Country categorical the country where the volcano is located Indonesia
Latitude quantitative the latitude of the volcano -8.108
Longitude quantitative the longitude of the volcano 112.922
Elevation quantitative the elevation of the volcano in meters (m) above sealevel 3657
Type categorical the type of volcano, as listed by the Smithsonian Institution Stratovolcano
VEI categorical Volcanic Explosivity Index 1
Agent categorical the component of the eruption that caused fatalities P

|VEI| General| Description| Cloud Column Height (km)| Volume (m3)| Qualitative Description| Classification| How often| Example|

| ----------- | --------- | ----------- | ------- | ----------- | ------- | ----------- | ------- |----------- | |0| non-explosive| <0.1| 1x104| Gentle| Hawaiian| daily| Kilauea| |1 |Small| 0.1-1| 1x106 |Effusive| Haw/Strombolian| daily| Stromboli| |2| Moderate| 1-5 1x107 |Explosive| Strom/Vulcanian weekly| Galeras, 1992| |3| Moderate-Large |3-15| 1x108| Explosive| Vulcanian| yearly| Ruiz, 1985| |4 |Large| 10-25 1x109| Explosive| Vulc/Plinian| 10's of years| Galunggung, 1982| |5 |Very Large| >25 1x1010 |Cataclysmic| Plinian| 100's of year|s St. Helens, 1981| |6 | |>25 km| 1x1011| paroxysmal |Plin/Ultra-Plinian| 100's of years| Krakatau, 1883| |7 | |>25 km| 1x1012| colossal| Ultra-Plinian| 1000's of years| Tambora, 1815| |8 | |>25 km |>1x1012 |colossal| Ultra-Plinian| 10,000's of years| Yellowstone, 2 Ma|

Code Agent
A Avalanche (Debris and landslides)
E Electrical (lightning)
F Floods (& Jökulhlaups)
G Gas (emission from eruptive craters as well as fumarolic/solfataric activity)
I Indirect deaths (disease, starvation, exposure, desolation)
L Lava flows
M Mudflows/Lahars
m Secondary (post-eruption) mudflows
P Pyroclastic flows, surges, & direct blasts
S Seismic, or volcanic earthquake (tectonic earthquake deaths excluded)
T Tephra (ash, bombs, lapilli, steam blasts). Killing either by ballistic impact, or with finer-grained ash, by suffocation, collapse of ash-covered roofs, etc.
W Waves or tsunami


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