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Configuration Variables

Deon George edited this page Mar 6, 2025 · 5 revisions

The following environment variables are available to tune your configuration (particularly useful with the docker container):

Variable Value Default Purpose
Required Variables
APP_KEY (value from artisan key:generate) not defined This is used to encrypt data used internally. It should only need to be set once for the life of the application
APP_URL http[s]://URL not defined The URL used to get to your PLA instance, eg:
LDAP_HOST hostname to your LDAP server not defined A resolvable hostname to your LDAP server
Other Optional Variables
APP_TIMEZONE An applicable timezone UTC This is used to timezone used, mostly for, logging. eg: Australia/Melbourne
CACHE_DRIVER preferred caching driver file You can use memcached here, memcached is included in the image
LDAP_ALLOW_GUEST true/false false Used to determine if users must login with their own details instead of using LDAP_USERNAME to search the LDAP server[2]
LDAP_CACHE true/false false We use internal caching to reduce the impact to your LDAP server, this enables that caching
LDAP_CONNECTION string ldap config/ldap.php can have definitions for multiple LDAP servers, this determines the default ldap server to use[3]
LDAP_BASE_DN Base DN undefined Base DN to your LDAP server, if unset, PLA will try to work it out
LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR LDAP Attribute uid Attribute used to login, if you dont want to use a DN[1]
LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR_DESC Description of login attribute User ID Shown in the login box, this is a friendly description for the login attribute
LDAP_LOGIN_OBJECTCLASS comma delimited list of objectclasses posixAccount Objectclass that must be on the user's DN to login. This is a comma delimited list, but any match is sufficient to login, eg: posixAccount,inetOrgPerson
LDAP_NAME text LDAP Server Free form text name for your ldap server
LDAP_PORT int 389 TCP port used to query ldap server
LDAP_PASSWORD text undefined Password to ldap server[2]
LDAP_USERNAME dn undefined Authentication DN to connect to ldap server[2]
MEMCACHED_START TRUE or FALSE [undefined] (false) Whether to start memcached when the container starts. You'll need to set this to true, if your CACHE_DRIVER is set to memcached

1 | Your LDAP server LDAP_USERNAME and LDAP_PASSWORD will need to be set - to enable searching the LDAP server to return the DN associated with the LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR. Only one result match must be returned with the query.

2 | Your LDAP server LDAP_USERNAME and LDAP_PASSWORD is mostly used to connect to your LDAP server and obtain the schema (it must have the access to read the schema). If you do use LDAP_ALLOW_GUEST=TRUE, then this LDAP_USERNAME will enable you to browse the LDAP tree and return records that this DN has access to. If LDAP_ALLOW_GUEST=FALSE (the default), then a login box will be presented. When LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR is not DN, then LDAP_USERNAME is used to search the directory to obtain the DN for the attribute value used enable logging into the LDAP server.

3 | PLA comes configured to connect to an LDAP server over an unsecure port ldap, a SSL enabled port ldaps, or with starttls (STARTTLS over an unsecure port). The hostname and port to connect to is configured with LDAP_HOSTNAME/LDAP_PORT respectively for the type of connection you want to use. (In PLA v2.0.0 these values were called openldap/openldaps/openldaptls respectively, but will be changed to ldap/ldaps/starttls in v2.0.1+). See config/ldap.php.

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