Releases: letscontrolit/ESPEasy
Releases · letscontrolit/ESPEasy
Release mega-20200829
Changes in mega-20200829 (since mega-20200812):
Gijs Noorlander (32):
[docs] Fix table for P095
[docs] Replace code-block:: html with code-block:: none
[SI7021] Convert state to enum class
[SI7071] Allow multiple instances of the same plugin
[SI7071] Add timeout for reading sensor (1 sec)
[Build] Add normal_ESP8266_4M1M_VCC env.
[ESPEasy p2p] Init node data to 0
[Build size] Do not include I2C device names for minimal OTA builds
[Controller] Convert controller delay handler to pointer
[BME280] Allow to be used with I2C multiplexer
[Docs] Add some description for P029 Output Domoticz MQTT helper
[I2C] Add PLUGIN_WEBFORM_SHOW_I2C_PARAMS to separate I2C address setup
[I2C] Move I2C address selector for all I2C plugins with address field
[Cleanup] Uncrustify all I2C plugins
Revert changes in P095 as they are already already covered by #3205
[I2C multiplexer] Fix build issue on units not using I2C multiplexer
[Build] Fix build size exceeded for testing builds
[Docs] Add documentation for ESP32 ethernet + missing config page
[ESP32 ETH] Add pre-defined Olimex ESP32-EVB config
[ESP32 ETH] Fix JSON when Ethernet is enabled.
[Docs] Fix images with .PNG instead of .png extension
[Sphinx docs] Change deprecated add_stylesheet to add_css_file
[Docs] Updated DL-bus documentation as it was hard to find
[Ethernet] Create enum class for NetworkMedium
[Ethernet] Create enum class for EthClockMode
[Ethernet] Create enum class for EthPhyType
[Ethernet] Fix UDP p2p when using ethernet.
[Cleanup] Try not using default: to let compiler find missing used enums
[Factory Defaults] Add Olimex ESP32 GATEWAY definitions
Fix default settings for I2C and ethernet
Only show matching factory default settings
[Ethernet] Switch to WiFi when Ethernet adapter is not found
Michał Obrembski (1):
Fixed compile-time defines not working in ESP32 platform
TD-er (3):
Fix build issue for P094 CUL reader
Fix C002 Domoticz dimmer switch set value (#3230)
automatically updated release notes for mega-20200829
Ton Huisman (5):
[I2C] Some fixes and improvements
[I2C] Add TCA9543a multiplexer, updated docs
[I2C Docs] Emphasize configuration with multiplexer
[I2C Docs] Add note about multiplexer address
[P044] Accept '_' in meter ID
tonhuisman (11):
[Docs] Updated commands reference
[Docs] Fixed some typos and Sphinx syntax errors
[OLED] Don't change shared bus speed
[I2C] Implement I2C Multiplexer
[I2C] Improve I2C Multiplexer support
[I2C] Fix builderror on SettingsStructSize (again)
[P008] Fix saving/loading new setting
[P008] Fix saving/loading new setting
[I2C] Bugfixes and improvements for multiplexer implementation
[I2C] Optimizations and improvements
[I2C/Doc] Add Hardware page documentation, RTD help button
uwekaditz (2):
[P092_DLBus] Move plugin data from lib to PluginStructs
Update _P092_DLbus.ino
Release mega-20200812
Changes in mega-20200812 (since mega-20200801):
Gijs Noorlander (19):
[Python] Update of python packages in requirements.txt
[C011] Fix incorrect load/save settings.
[Uncrustify] Clean up C011 code using Uncrustify.
[Blynk] Make C015 Blynk controller compile again
Include C015 in the custom build for testing
[GPS] Apply sanity check on received data.
[Rules Timer] Use scheduler for rules timer
[Timers] Make loop timers with fixed interval and nr of loops
[Docs] Add documentation for msec timers and loop timers
[Timers] Cleanup of timer code.
[Scheduler] Move global scheduler functions into C++ class
[Timers] Change interval timer defines into enum class
[Scheduler] Change plugin pointer type into enum class
[Dallas iButton] Enable interrupts when no sensor found
[Dallas] Fix NoInterrupt calls for ESP32
Uncrustify both Dallas plugins
[Dallas] Make sure function forward declaration is on one line
[Dallas] Add warning about the need for a pull up
[Docs] Update mentioned dates of introduced feature
TD-er (2):
[Dallas] Enable interrupts when no sensor found
automatically updated release notes for mega-20200812
Wiki591 (1):
Update URLs.rst
jimmys01 (1):
[IR] Update Library
tonhuisman (4):
[Docs] Update [P036] documentation that went missing
[P010] Changes to enable use on ESP32 (#3175)
[P010] Remove some left-overs from testing
[P010] Correction in I2C handing, and fix for old issue
Build is generated by hand as Travis still does not generate the correct .zip files.
Release mega-20200801
Changes in mega-20200801 (since mega-20200721):
Chris-1965 (14):
Fonts usage added
minor formatting
updated suggested requests
chneged requested items from last pull request
comment on pins added
added cusrom-sample-h file to repository
updated doc files
also in ino file -> docs adapted
new update
changed fonts can disabled by define, font names instead of numbers
resolved a bug : commands other than tft were all sucussfull. Also the output log moved in else otherwise message appears for all commands
platformio changed
Changed naming as proposed
Gijs Noorlander (25):
[Framed OLED] Add checks for display initialized
[P036_FramedOLED] Reduce stack and heap memory usage
[Web form] Force value in number field within given range
[P036_FramedOLED] Uncrustify source code
[Framed OLED] Move plugin data to separate .h/.cpp
[Framed OLED] Clean up code + use temp. object for load/save lines
[e-ink] Include LOLIN_EPD in the lib_deps to make it compile
[Alternate WiFi] Use different SDK build for nodes with WiFi issues (#2931)
[GCC 10] Fix compile issues with GCC 10.1
[Cleanup] Move RTC struct code to .h/.cpp
[Build] Remove test VCC MDNS SD build from Travis build
Fix build errors
[ESP32] Fix build issue (spiffs.h vs SPIFFS.h)
[ESP32 build] Fix build issues with lots of lib_ignore set (#3083)
[Docs] Document /json and /csv URLs
[Arduino] Update to core 2.7.3
[SDK] Disable alt_wifi and use SDK22x_191122 for all builds
[Travis] Split builds in several jobs
[Build] Do not generate .bin.gz for 1M builds as no support 2-step OTA
[Build] Revert back to SDK22x_190703 + alt_wifi build
[Build] Disable custom_alt_wifi_ESP8266_1M as it is too large
[Build] Fix using GCC 10.1 toolchain
[core_3.0.0 alpha] Fix build issue analog PWMRANGE
Fix build issue on ESP32 finding SPIFFS.h
[Travis] Enable some core 3.0.0 alpha (*_beta_*) builds
Jean-Michel DECORET (6):
Add eInk plugin
Add SPI device type
Optimize code: - remove unwanted output - move http answer only in debug mode - fix functions args to const - optimize parsing color data
Remove useless comments Use BUILD_NO_DEBUG define Add display timings Fix input text to handle degress and monetary symbols (specific for adafruit gfx lib with eink screen)
Fix documentation typo
Fix documentation typo
Michael Schröder (1):
Decrease the longpress min interval to 500ms
TD-er (1):
automatically updated release notes for mega-20200801
tonhuisman (4):
[Build] Enable P029 for hard_shelly builds
[Build] Move USES_DOMOTICZ logic together and in a more useful order
[Build] Remove superfluous #defines
uwekaditz (7):
merged Release mega-20200328
[P036] Memory optimization (issue #2799)
[P036] temporary pointer to P036_data_struct was not deleted
[P036] merged with Tonis PR #3026
[P036] re-schedule Settings.TaskDeviceTimer after JumpToPage
[P036] clearing window for scrolling lines was 1pix too large in y direction
[P036] Fixed: display_indicator() crashed
Zip files built separately as Travis did not create proper ZIP files.
Release mega-20200721
Changes in mega-20200721 (since mega-20200720): Gijs Noorlander (22): [WiFi] Reduce wifi reset calls and call full wifi init at reset [WiFi] Add timeout to get out of incorrect WiFi.connected() state [WiFi] Convert bit-wise operations to use bitSet/bitClear/bitRead [WiFi] No longer rely on WiFi.isConnected() [WiFi] Detect and work around missing events Fix issue where task name / task var name was incorrect Reduce minimal OTA build slightly [WiFi] Small fixes for WiFi related code [ESP32] Fix build error on ESP32 [WiFi] Clear event callback on ESP32 + correct order of log/disconnect [PIO] revert custom_beta env to stage core lib [PIO ESP32] Update to latest Platformio [email protected] [ESPEasy p2p] Reload UDP port settings when changed [UDP] Reduce max UDP packet size [NTP] After timeout or receiving invalid packet, port could be held [Syslog] Add custom port to the syslog IP (#1258) [Docs] Update docs related to p2p UDP port no longer need reboot [UDP p2p] Fix crash on ESP32 where UDP is started before connected [ESP32] Recognize last boot state as Deepsleep (#3155) [TimeZone] Move timezone configuration line to location settings (#3141) [Docs] Document Tools => Advanced Settings [WiFi] Copy DNS servers from DHCP when using fixed last octet (#3111) TD-er (1): automatically updated release notes for mega-20200721
Release mega-20200720
Changes in mega-20200720 (since mega-20200703): Gijs Noorlander (13): [Modbus RTU] Move Modbus code to .h/.cpp file to reduce size Convert scheduler from .ino to .cpp/.h [Build] Fix missing include building ESP32 [Build] Fix build error for C018, due to removed forward declaration Make delay queue macro a bit more logical [Frontend] Only show "Submitted" message when pressing submit (#3144) [ESP32 ETH] Fix build issue due to recent changes [Arduino IDE] Fix build issue with Arduino IDE Fix typo in filename for P044 data struct [Arduino IDE] Make P076 compile again on Arduino IDE [Arduino IDE] Fix build issue for P035_IRTX.ino [Arduino IDE] Fix compile issues when selecting specific controllers [Syslog] Fix crash with syslog enabled on wifi (re)connect (#3147 #3072) TD-er (2): Fix ADS1115 mixing input signals (#3159) automatically updated release notes for mega-20200720 jimmys01 (1): arduJSON library update llevet (2): Update _P095_ILI9341.ino P095 Plugin: Fix bug #3047 tonhuisman (5): [P008] Add option to convert value to 'hex' (#3068), and updated documentation [TaskDisable] Bugfix for plugins without PLUGIN_EXIT implementation [TaskDisable] Improve readability of code after bugfix [TaskDisable] Remove unneeded else & return [P076] fix: Custom pin settings in same order as Sensor pins, improved label, improved cast
Release mega-20200703
Changes in mega-20200703 (since mega-20200608): Florin (1): Disable Arduino OTA by default for ESP32 Gijs Noorlander (31): [ESP32] Only define FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA in build config, not in .h files [Build] Disable test_beta_ESP8266_4M1M for now as it is too big [PIO] Use [email protected] with fixed esp8266_stack_decoder [Controller] Memory optimization for sending SENSOR_TYPE_STRING [Controller] Check if controller host/IP is set before MQTT connect [MQTT] Add function to check MQTT queue full state [Cleanup] Free ControllerSettings as soon as possible to free memory [Cleanup] Try to use move constructor when adding to controller queue [Controller] Cache needed controller info to reduce memory usage [MQTT] More efficient MQTT copy incoming messages [Controller] Check if MakeControllerSettings failed due to low RAM [MQTT import] Check if MakeControllerSettings failed due to out of RAM Fix merge issue WiFiConnected changed to NetworkConnected [P001 Switch] Reduce stack usage on PLUGIN_WEBFORM_LOAD [Blynk] Reduce stack usage on Blynk_get [Web Frontend] Reduce stack usage on DST configuration [Python] Update package versions in requirements.txt addFormSelectorI2C Fix high stack usage (#3130) Minimize stack allocation in plugins [Build] Add LittleFS to lib_ignore [build] Exclude function from build for minimal OTA [C011] Generic HTTP Advanced Reduce stack usage (#3123) [Controller] Check success of controller settings allocation processing queue [HTTP controller] Memory optimization, prevent copy queue element [Build] Allow building using SD support for special debug builds [Frontend] Use stringProvider on some more strings [Domoticz HTTP] Make sending slightly more efficient [Web interface] Fix bug in I2C address selector [Rules] Fix rules handling of set 2...4 when using admin login (#3113) [Syslog] Fix high stack usage for Syslog (#3128) [Documentation] Add documentation on the log settings. Grzegorz Dziubak (1): Update _P047_i2c-soil-moisture-sensor.ino Michał Obrembski (10): Initial Ethernet support Added displaying Ethernet parameter in sysinfo and root page Added configuration of Eth Phy via Hardware settings web page Added Olimex ESP32-PoE board to DeviceModel and default settings Increased BUILD number to 20107 Fix build on devices without Ethernet. Remove ifdefs for Ethernet in settings Renamed functions in ESPEasyEth, added eth* prefix Moved WifiGetHostname into more generic createRFCCompliantHostname Added basic implementation of Ethernet Static IP Pavel Moravec (1): Fixed IP address range checking Peter Kretz (24): atlas Sensor for pH an Redox (ORP) added - Atlas EZO new webserver added - Serial --> logging - No [TESTING] Extended the great work from Michał Obrembski mobrembski, so that: - mqtt works - WifiConnected works as EthernetConnected - Moved ETHEvent from ESPEasy.ino to ESPEasyEthEvent.ino - Corrected Hostname Setting - ESPEasy P2P works now with some minor changes for IP-Address Handling in Network.ino Change requested by TD-er review: clarification of build file ESP32 with Ethernet or Wifi, not both at the same time configurable via Hardware Page. - ESP P2P is working - Only ETH.beginPacket() with Standard Parameter is working at the moment, configuration will follow. - not cpp/h files but this will be changed in future - Some TODO: PKR: comments will be removed in the future, too Removed some comments Build now working with HAS_ETHERNET not defined - Ethernet Commands - remove useless comments - ETH.config moved after ETH.begin - Added note: Be aware with ESPEasyP2P Network, since IP Address will change. There could be conflicts. - Ethernet JSON - Ethernet Variables - ETHEvents moved to WifiEvents, because they are the same type ESPEasyEth.ino --> ESPEasyEth.cpp/h Network.ino --> Network.cpp/h ESPEasyWiFi_credentials.ino --> cpp/h ESPEasyWiFi_ProcessEvent.ino --> cpp/h ESPEasyWiFi.ino --> cpp/h Network.h/cpp --> ESPEasyNetwork.h/cpp removed upload flags - New events: ETHERNET#Connected and ETHERNET#Disconnected Fixed ci build error Fixed ci compile bug Fixed bug reported by mobremski - UDP / ESPEasyP2P now works for ETHERNET - Hostname Handling refactored for better overview: - String NetworkGetHostNameFromSettings() returns Settings.getHostname() - String NetworkCreateRFCCompliantHostname() creates a RFCcompliant Hostname from Settings.cpp - String NetworkGetHostname() returns the Hostname prevoiusly set in ETH or Wifi dependong on Mode - MacAddress Handling refactored - String NetworkMacAddress() returns the Mac addres of ETH or Wifi depending on Mode - String WifiSoftAPmacAddress() returns WiFi.softAPmacAddress(mac) as String This String function is not needed, because there is a ETH.macAddress() which returns a String. I changed it to the byte version of the function and now uint8_t * NetworkMacAddressAsBytes(uint8_t* mac) returns either this in Ethernet mode or WiFi.macAddress(mac) in Wifi mode. Check changed as requested by TD-er addFormNote(F("Be aware with ESPEasyP2P Network, since IP Address will change. There could be conflicts.")); not used anymore because P2P UDP works good removede personal upload flags _P124_Atlas_EZO_pH.ino and _P222_Atlas_EZO_ORP.ino deleted since ther are not in ESPEasy but in Playground. There is another Issu, to put them in ESPEasy mega - Error in Network Name fpr WiFi fixed - logging improvements TD-er (1): automatically updated release notes for mega-20200703 bccrew (1): Change FormSubHeader to clarify difference between IP settings of LAN or WiFi tonhuisman (5): [P064] Gesture - APDS-9960 plugin: Added switching plugin mode and settings to fine-tune without recompiling source [APDS-9960 library] Added extensions and applied fixes from original Github project (including not merged yet improvements) [P064] Added/updated documentation for Gesture - APDS-9960 plugin [Documentation] Updated footer copyright notice to show 2018..2020 [P064] Made code-readability and other improvements as TD-er suggested, fixed a swapped argument bug [Tasks] Call PLUGIN_INIT/PLUGIN_EXIT using TaskEnable/TaskDisable from rules [Transformation] Add P/p (Password display) [Transformation] Optimizations for Password transformation
Release mega-20200608
Changes in mega-20200608 (since mega-20200515): Bartlomiej Zimon (11): rfid events update for P008/P017/P040, plus send event after log line. PN532: remove hardcoded scl/sda pins reading and use hardware configuration instead PN532: update comment Webserver - add port number setting into Advanced options, resolves #3031 and #573 P2P: send and receive webserver port number, add port to link on rootpage #2252 NodeStruct: init webgui_portnumber value p2p infopacket - use low/highByte Webserver - increase BUILD number and set default value for port number Webserver port setting - add reboot note MDNS - send service with actual webserver port P2P: respect also build number in condition Florin (7): Adding buzzer capabilities back to ESP32. Allow to set the Latitude and longitude when resetting the firmware from custom.h or using the build_flags clean up code and variables when NOTIFIER_SET_NONE is defined. ESP32: Allow to select one of the two available SPI ports clean up code and variables when NOTIFIER_SET_NONE is defined. Fix for allowing negative timeOffset from UTC in constructor rename the tone to toneESP32 to be more specific Gijs Noorlander (27): [MQTT] Process publish LWT connect message asynchronous [MQTT] Stop trying to send LWT connected when client disconnects [LittleFS] Make switching between SPIFFS and LittleFS easy to do [ESPEasySerial] Update to v2.0.3 adding I2C UART to ESP32 + fix bug ESP32 [Build] Fix merge error [PIO] Move to esp8266/Arduino core 2.7.1 [PIO] Hide deprecated warning for SPIFFS [Vagrant] Fix vagrant build installing all required Python packages [Notifications] Make sure all custom defines are set at compile time [Travis] Fix deploy multiple ZIP files + split ESP82xx and ESP32 files [Build] Fix Python 3.8 build when no .git dir or pygit2 not installed [GPS] Add GPS#travelled=... event (#3099) [Build] Add ina219 and mpu6050 to custom build (#3100) [Build] Disable diagnostics code for test_ESP8266_4M1M_VCC to fit size [Build] Disabling timing stats results in build errors for ESP32 [Commands] Split commands.ino to .h/.cpp to overcome build/link issues [Build] Limit build size (no diagnostics) for test_beta_ESP8266_4M1M [Notifications] Show notification tab when notifiers set via Custom.h [Notifiers] switch from NOTIFIER_SET_NONE to USES_NOTIFIER in code [ESP32] Fix Disabling ARDUINO_OTA fails the build (#3083) [ESP32 build] Fix capitalization error in #include <esp_partition.h> [ESP32] Update to [email protected] [PIO] Add exception_decoder as serial monitor filter [WiFi] Reduce excessive logs WIFI : Disconnected: WiFi.status() [GPS] Add sanity check for reporting distance travelled event Transform defines in EventValueSource into enum [Build] Disable diagnostics in test/dev build to reduce build size Michał Obrembski (2): Added /raw endpoint which gives an easy access to raw value of sensor Changed format of RAW to CSV, added ability to filter values Michał Obrembski (3): Fixed invalid check of valnr validity in CSV output mode Renamed RAW to CSV, added printing of header Removed usage of String.clear() Saverio Cisternino (1): Fix parse_uint ref TD-er (2): [Bug] ControllerIndex not set when calling CPLUGIN calls automatically updated release notes for mega-20200608 denisfrench (1): [MQTT] Connect message honors LWT settings (#3006) jimmys01 (1): [IR] Update Library sakinit (18): Show for ESP32 also the first rule on the webserver rules page Fix ESP32 undefined pin initialisation Don't repeat the last rule on the next webserver page Revert P1WifiGateway to 30cbb4c to bugfix this more generic code Cherry-pick relevant P1WifiGateway updates since 30cbb4c Fix the datagram check to be able to send valid messages again Fix the serial reading algorithm Fix P1WifiGateway webserver start Remove temporary comments Use ESPeasySerial Restart P1WifiGateway if webserver start failed Optimize serial reading algorithm and move client from plugin into task Fix ESP32 reboot cause at boot/setup Optimize serial in duration Update due to review comments Add sanity checks based on review comments Discard data received from WiFi client due to review comment Update based on review comments tonhuisman (6): [Rules page] Add RTD help button and fix page layout issue ('Old Engine') [Transformation] Add R/r transformations (LEFT/RIGHT and L/R) [Transformations] Adjusted R/r to L/l and added c [Justifications] Add 'C' (Capitalize, OPEN -> Open) option [Justifications] Added u/l for upper/lowercasing the value, removed dash-check from C justificaion [Docs] Describe 'elseif' with some examples
Release mega-20200515
Changes in mega-20200515 (since mega-20200426):
Gijs Noorlander (58):
[ADC] Allow multiple instances of ADC plugin (ESP32)
[ADC] Perform VCC read before starting any WiFi activity
[ADC] Format using uncrustify
[ADC] Perform ADC read at boot + improve filtering for P002_ADC
[ADC] Add Touch/Hall Effect for ESP32 + ADC pin selection
[Bitset operators] Use Arduino macros instead of our own functions
[Touch] Split Touch Pad support into new plugin
[Docs] Add documentation for P097_Touch and P095_ILI9341
[docs] Update docs for P002_ADC
[PVS-Studio] sizeof(Device) -> Device.size()
[PVS-Studio] EventStruct has no operator=
[PVS-Studio] Not all members of a class are initialized
[PVS-Studio] Missing break; in switch statement (C018 RN2483 TTN)
[PVS-Studio] FrasmedOLED display pointer dereference before check !NULL
[PVS-Studio] Error log in rules not complete
[PVS-Studio] File info struct in webserver rules not all initialized
[PVS-Studio] Redundant check in rules conditionMatchExtended
[PVS-Studio] CWE-1164:The 'note' variable was assigned the same value.
[PVS-Studio] ESPEasy p2p incorrect check for binary data
[PVS-Studio] SSDP Specify printf format
[PVS Studio] Framed OLED: Simplify check for turning on display
[PVS-Studio] Suppress char out of range warning in static data
[PVS-Studio] Fix 'dangerous' macro by using braces.
[PVS-studio] Fix possible out of range array access
[PVS-studio] Suppress char out of range warning in static data
[PVS-Studio] Merge duplicate case statements
[PVS-Studio] Use implicit cast to float in scheduler idle time stats
[PVS-Studio] Remove unused variable in SenseAir plugin
[PVS-Studio] Use correct array index in Plugin_Helper_serial.ino
[ILI9341] Fix build error when building for 1M units
[Core 2.7.0] Switch to esp8266/Arduino 2.7.0
[Build] Add custom_beta_1M build
[Build] Rename PIO environments referring core_263 to core_270
[PIO] Generate filename at build, not in post processing
[PIO] Fix showing binary file name in sysinfo page
[PIO] Attempt to fix missing quote level in Linux
[PIO] Fix Windows/Linux detection in number of quote levels
[PIO] Final fix for proper quote level per OS + store build platform
[PIO] Add Git branch description to build info
[PIO] Move build environment to Python 3.8 as 2.7 is no longer supported
[PIO] Python 3.8 requirements.txt list
[PIO] Updated packages in Python 3.8 requirements.txt list
[PIO] Relax PlatformIO version in requirements.txt to >= 4.3.3
[PIO] Use Python 3.8 on Vagrant/Ubuntu builds
[PIO] GZip and copy files to build_output directory
[PIO] Include PlatformIO env dump in build output for diagnostics
[PIO] Update docs/requirements.txt
[PIO] Compare build sizes when copying the build files.
[PIO] Adopt deploy scripts to new situation where Python scripts do all
[PIO] Split zip files in before_deploy
[PIO] Zip docs dir recursive
[PIO] Add missing parts in the included source dir in the build ZIP file
[Vagrant] Fix issue where update fails due to Grub interactive update
[Vagrant] Show Vagrant build as build origin on sysinfo page
[Shelly PLUG-S] Add template + build definition for Shelly PLUG-S
[PIO] Upgrade to platformio / platform-espressif8266 @2.5.0
[Docs] Describe files in nightly builds
[RN2483] Controller should also send to TTN when not connected to WiFi
TD-er (1):
automatically updated release notes for mega-20200515
sakinit (1):
Fix ESP32 build if P001 is not included
As the Travis build failed in the final collecting script, I built it on a computer at home.
So the GIT tag in the build is not like the regular builds and also the sysinfo page may show it as a 'self built' build.
Known issue:
- #3072 - Reboot after deepsleep
Release mega-20200426
Changes in mega-20200426 (since mega-20200410): Bartlomiej Zimon (12): P004_dallas: esp32 optimisation - move bit read/write to IRAM add factory bins into release zip - to be found in factory_bin dir before_deploy: remove echo set BaseVarIndex and sensortype in event before call PLUGIN_TIMER_IN P008_RFID: little reorder P040_ID12/RDM6300: fix for triggering new tag and detection of tag unavailable #2982 crc2: move to hashlib rfid: clean up in logging ESP32: add to webserver firmware update feature ESP32: add new ESP32HTTPUpdateServer lib ESP32: fill binary filename, count MD5 only for esp8266 ESP/ESP32: add id_tag for future proposes and use it to detect firmware.bin Gijs Noorlander (29): [MQTT] Add checkbox for extended Controller Settings [Storage] Move SettingsType code to separate .h/.cpp [MQTT] Move global MQTT parameters to controller settings [Controller] Allow to use longer controller credentials [MQTT] Fix build issue with disabled MQTT [PIO] Change depicated -Wl,-T into board_build.ldscript [Settings] Improve SettingsType handling Fix reporting binaryFileName in sysvars page [Build size] Optimize command handling macro to reduce build size [LWIP2] Change LWIP2 from low mem to high bandwidth [P092] Mark plugin as [TESTING] [ILI9341] Rename plugin to P095 + rebase to current HEAD of mega branch [ILI9341] Move to custom build due to build size [PulseCounter] Add SetPulseCounterTotal command [Cleanup] Code formatting for Pulse Counter Fix build issue [ESP32 OTA] Show sketch size in sysinfo page [ESP32 OTA] Exclude ESP32HTTPUpdateServer lib for ESP82xx builds [Pulse Counter] Call PLUGIN_READ after set counter (#3019) [Pulse Counter] Use unused 4th UserVar to restore total pulse counter [Rules] Check for common mistakes and patch before parsing [Controller] Make use extended credentials optional per controller [ESPEasySerial] Update v2.0.1: Only use SWserial override on HW serial [RN2483] SWserial override as a define [RN2483] Only alter set keys if either OTAA or ABP is set [RN2483] Improve Autobaud + unit detection at boot [RN2483] Fix build error for ESP32 [RN2483] Rename sendAutoBaud to sendWakeSequence [Rules] Clarify syntax error auto correct log entry Jan-Jonas Sämann (1): Make default reset button gpio configurable Jean-Michel DECORET (9): Add plugin Display TFT - ILI9341 Conform plugin to guidelines Add comments Add plugin Display TFT - ILI9341 Conform plugin to guidelines Add comments Change plugin number (242 -> 090) Change to plugin 091 Make plugin compatible with ESP32 TD-er (8): [rules] Allow "if [" and "if[" in rules (#2987) [rules] Allow "elseif [" and "elseif[" in rules [RTC task values] Clear last task values when adding new task [GitHub] Add stale bot to manage inactive issues [WiFi] Fix WiFiConnect command should force (re)connect (#2985) [Controller] Only update password when it is not "*****" (#3015) [HTTP command] Fix incorrect check for valid port automatically updated release notes for mega-20200426 Toni (1): HeatpumpIR 1.0.15 update sakinit (1): Fix ESP32 serial write uwekaditz (14): [P092] New PlugIn to decode the DL-Bus [P092] New PlugIn to decode the DL-Bus Update _P092_DLbus.ino Update _P092_DLbus.ino [P092] Timing optimized [P092] Memory usage optimized [P092] Changes requested by TDer [P092] Documentation added [P092] More documentation added [P092] Documentation updated [P093] Documentation updated Memory improvement for _P092 plug in Merge conflicts solved merged with release mega-20200305
Release mega-20200410
Changes in mega-20200410 (since mega-20200328): Bartlomiej Zimon (1): ESP32: add subtarget for genuine units firmware-factory.bin Resolves #2964 #2941 #2486 Gijs Noorlander (16): [Frontend] Fix reload on change for selectors (#2974 ) [Frontend] Fix crash when loading config + controller page [CUL Reader] P094_CULReader [CUL Reader] Clean up code [CUL Reader] Add 4th filter parameter [CUL Reader] Fix bug in save/load settings [CUL Reader] Add positional match [Sysvar] Fix show %ip% and %ip4% instead of %ip4% twice [CUL Reader] Add basic docs [Webserver] Fix ambiguous function definitions for selectors [Serial Plugins] Share more code among plugins using serial [Build] Fix build issue [build] New attempt to fix build for unused static function [PulseCounter] Restore from RTC before initializing pin triggers [WiFi] Fix problem with static IP and reconnect ESP32 (#2997) [WiFi] Switch to default PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190703 Michael Schröder (2): Fix DeepSleep0 command Update deepsleep-command docs TD-er (3): [P020_Ser2Net] Fix missing break; PLUGIN_SERIAL_IN [CUL Reader] 12 items per filter line + extra chars on filter whitelist automatically updated release notes for mega-20200410 tonhuisman (5): [P036] Added setting for 'Keep display off receiving text' [P036] Added setting for 'Wake display on receiving text' [P036] Added new setting to plugin documentation Fixed note wording Made note wording more functional