This project is build upon the paper German End-to-end Speech Recognition based on DeepSpeech. Original paper code can be found here.
This project aims to develop a working Speech to Text module using Mozilla DeepSpeech, which can be used for any Audio processing pipeline. Mozillla DeepSpeech is a state-of-the-art open-source automatic speech recognition (ASR) toolkit. DeepSpeech is using a model trained by machine learning techniques based on Baidu's Deep Speech research paper. Project DeepSpeech uses Google's TensorFlow to make the implementation easier.
Mozilla Common Voice ~506h
Voxforge ~32h
M-AILABS Speech Dataset ~234h
GoogleWavenet ~165h, artificial training data generated with the google text to speech service
Tatoeba ~7h
CSS10 ~16h
Zamia-Speech ~19h
Noise data: Freesound Dataset Kaggle 2019 ~103h
Noise data: RNNoise ~44h
Noise data: Zamia-Noise ~5h
- Forschergeist ~100-150h, no aligned transcriptions
- Verbmobil + Others, seems to be paid only
- Many different languages, most with login or non commercial
- GerTV1000h German Broadcast corpus and Difficult Speech Corpus (DiSCo), no links found
File structure will look as follows:
deepspeech-german <- This repository
Clone DeepSpeech and build container:
git clone
# or
git clone
cd DeepSpeech && make Dockerfile.train && cd ..
docker build -f DeepSpeech/Dockerfile.train -t mozilla_deep_speech DeepSpeech/
Build and run our docker container:
docker build -t deep_speech_german deepspeech-german/
Download datasets (Run in docker container):
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --tuda data_original/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --voxforge data_original/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --mailabs data_original/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --swc data_original/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --tatoeba data_original/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --common_voice data_original/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --zamia_speech data_original/
Download css10 german dataset (Requires kaggle account): LINK
Extract and move it to datasets directory (data_original/css_german/)
It seems the files are saved all twice, so remove the duplicate folders
Prepare datasets, this may take some time (Run in docker container):
# Prepare the datasets one by one to ensure everything is working:
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --voxforge data_original/voxforge/ data_prepared/voxforge/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --tuda data_original/tuda/ data_prepared/tuda/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --common_voice data_original/common_voice/ data_prepared/common_voice/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --mailabs data_original/mailabs/ data_prepared/mailabs/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --swc data_original/swc/ data_prepared/swc/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --tatoeba data_original/tatoeba/ data_prepared/tatoeba/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --css_german data_original/css_german/ data_prepared/css_german/
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --zamia_speech data_original/zamia_speech/ data_prepared/zamia_speech/
# To combine multiple datasets run the command as follows (not recommended):
python3 deepspeech-german/pre-processing/ --tuda data_original/tuda/ --voxforge data_original/voxforge/ data_prepared/tuda_voxforge/
# Or, which is much faster, but only combining train, dev, test and all csv files, run:
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ data_prepared/ --tuda --voxforge
# Or to combine specific csv files:
python3 /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ "" --files_output /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/tvsmc/train_mix.csv --files "/DeepSpeech/data_prepared/tuda/train.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/train.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/swc/all.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/mailabs/all.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/common_voice/train.csv"
# To shuffle and replace "äöü" characters and clean the files run (repeat for all 3 csv files):
python3 /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/train.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/train_azce.csv --replace --shuffle --clean --exclude
# To split tuda into the correct train, dev and test splits run:
# (you will have to rename the [train/dev/test]_s.csv files before combining them with other datasets)
python3 deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ data_prepared/tuda/all.csv --tuda --file_appendix _s
Preparation times using Intel i7-8700K:
- voxforge: some seconds
- tuda: some minutes
- mailabs: ~20min
- common_voice: ~12h
- swc: ~6h
You have to merge mozilla/DeepSpeech#2622 for testing with noise, or use my noiseaugmaster branch.
Run in container:
cd data_original/noise/
# Download freesound data:
wget -O
wget -O
wget -O FSDKaggle2019.audio_train_noisy.z01
wget -O FSDKaggle2019.audio_train_noisy.z02
wget -O FSDKaggle2019.audio_train_noisy.z03
wget -O FSDKaggle2019.audio_train_noisy.z04
wget -O FSDKaggle2019.audio_train_noisy.z05
wget -O FSDKaggle2019.audio_train_noisy.z06
wget -O
# Merge the seven parts:
zip -s 0 --out
rm *.zip
rm *.z0*
# Download rnnoise data:
tar -xvzf rnnoise_contributions.tar.gz
rm rnnoise_contributions.tar.gz
# Download zamia noise
tar -xvf noise.tar.xz
mv noise/ zamia/
rm noise.tar.xz
# Normalize all the audio files (run with python2):
python /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ --from_dir /DeepSpeech/data_original/noise/ --to_dir /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/noise/ --max_sec 45
# Create csv files:
python3 /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/preprocessing/
python3 /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/noise/all.csv --split "70|15|15"
Download and prepare the text corpora tuda, europarl+news:
cd data_original/texts/
wget "" -O tuda_sentences.txt.gz
gzip -d tuda_sentences.txt.gz
wget "" -O news-commentary.tgz
tar zxvf news-commentary.tgz && mv training/ && rm news-commentary.tgz && rm -r training/
# If you have enough space you can also download the other years
wget "" -O news-2012.tgz
tar zxvf news-2012.tgz && mv training-monolingual/ && rm news-2012.tgz && rm -r training-monolingual/
wget "" -O europarl.tgz
tar zxvf europarl.tgz && mv training/ && rm europarl.tgz && rm -r training/
# This needs a lot of memory for processing (~30gb, but you can also skip some of the files)
python3 /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/preprocessing/ /DeepSpeech/data_original/texts/ /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/clean_vocab_az.txt --replace_umlauts
Generate scorer (Run in docker container):
mkdir data_prepared/lm/
python3 /DeepSpeech/data/lm/ --input_txt /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/clean_vocab_az.txt --output_dir /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/lm/ --top_k 500000 --kenlm_bins /DeepSpeech/native_client/kenlm/build/bin/ --arpa_order 5 --max_arpa_memory "85%" --arpa_prune "0|0|1" --binary_a_bits 255 --binary_q_bits 8 --binary_type trie
python3 /DeepSpeech/data/lm/ --alphabet /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/data/alphabet_az.txt --lm /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/lm/lm.binary --vocab /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/lm/vocab-500000.txt --package /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/lm/kenlm_az.scorer --default_alpha 0.75 --default_beta 1.85
For me only training with voxforge worked at first. With tuda dataset I got an error:
"Invalid argument: Not enough time for target transition sequence"
To fix it you have to follow this solution:
# Add the parameter "ignore_longer_outputs_than_inputs=True" in (~ line 231)
# Compute the CTC loss using TensorFlow's `ctc_loss`
total_loss = tfv1.nn.ctc_loss(labels=batch_y, inputs=logits, sequence_length=batch_seq_len, ignore_longer_outputs_than_inputs=True)
This will result in another error after some training steps:
"Invalid argument: WAV data chunk '[Some strange symbol here]"
Just ignore this in the train steps:
# Add another exception (tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError) in the training loop in (~ line 602):
[...][train_op, global_step, loss, non_finite_files, step_summaries_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
except tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError as e:
print("Ignoring error:", e)
Add the parameter and the ignored exception in file too (~ lines 73 and 118).
To filter the files causing infinite loss:
# Below this lines ( ~ line 620):
problem_files = [f.decode('utf8') for f in problem_files[..., 0]]
log_error('The following files caused an infinite (or NaN) '
'loss: {}'.format(','.join(problem_files)))
# Add the following to save the files to excluded_files.json and stop training
from filter_invalid_files import add_files_to_excluded
Download pretrained deepspeech checkpoints.
wget -P checkpoints/
tar xvfz checkpoints/deepspeech-0.7.3-checkpoint.tar.gz -C checkpoints/
rm checkpoints/deepspeech-0.7.3-checkpoint.tar.gz
Adjust the parameters to your needs (Run in docker container):
# Delete old model files:
rm -rf /root/.local/share/deepspeech/summaries && rm -rf /root/.local/share/deepspeech/checkpoints
# Run training:
python3 --train_files data_prepared/voxforge/train.csv --dev_files data_prepared/voxforge/dev.csv --test_files data_prepared/voxforge/test.csv \
--alphabet_config_path deepspeech-german/data/alphabet.txt --lm_trie_path data_prepared/trie --lm_binary_path data_prepared/lm.binary --test_batch_size 48 --train_batch_size 48 --dev_batch_size 48 \
--epochs 75 --learning_rate 0.0005 --dropout_rate 0.40 --export_dir deepspeech-german/models --use_allow_growth --use_cudnn_rnn
# Or adjust the file and run a training using the english checkpoint:
/bin/bash /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/training/ /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/voxforge/ /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/train_azce.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/dev_azce.csv /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/test_azce.csv 1 /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/deepspeech-0.6.0-checkpoint/
# Or to run a cycled training as described in the paper, run:
python3 /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/training/ /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/voxforge/ /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/ _azce --voxforge
# Run test only (The use_allow_growth flag fixes "cuDNN failed to initialize" error):
# Don't forget to add the noise augmentation flags if testing with noise
python3 /DeepSpeech/ --test_files /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/test_azce.csv --checkpoint_dir /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/voxforge/ --scorer_path /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/lm/kenlm_az.scorer --alphabet_config_path /DeepSpeech/deepspeech-german/data/alphabet_az.txt --test_batch_size 36 --use_allow_growth
Training time for voxforge on 2x Nvidia 1080Ti using batch size of 48 is about 01:45min per epoch. Training until early stop took 22min for 10 epochs.
One epoch in tuda with batch size of 12 on single gpu needs about 1:15h. With both gpus it takes about 26min. For 10 cycled training with early stops it took about 15h.
One epoch in mailabs with batch size of 24/12/12 needs about 19min, testing about 21 min.
One epoch in swc with batch size of 12/12/12 needs about 1:08h, testing about 17 min.
One epoch with all datasets and batch size of 12 needs about 2:50h, testing about 1:30h. Training until early stop took 37h for 11 epochs.
One epoch with all datasets and only Tuda + CommonVoice as testset needs about 3:30h. Training for 55 epochs took 8d 6h, testing about 1h.
Some results from the findings in the paper German End-to-end Speech Recognition based on DeepSpeech:
- Mozilla 79.7%
- Voxforge 72.1%
- Tuda-De 26.8%
- Tuda-De+Mozilla 57.3%
- Tuda-De+Voxforge 15.1%
- Tuda-De+Voxforge+Mozilla 21.5%
To test their uploaded checkpoint you have to add a file best_dev_checkpoint
next to the checkpoint files.
Insert following content:
model_checkpoint_path: "best_dev-22218"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "best_dev-22218"
Switch the DeepSpeech repository back to tag v0.5.0
and build a new docker image.
Don't forget to fix the above issue in again.
Mount the checkpoint and data directories and run:
python3 /DeepSpeech/ --test_files /DeepSpeech/data_prepared/voxforge/test_azce.csv --checkpoint_dir /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/dsg05_models/checkpoints/ \
--alphabet_config_path /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/dsg05_models/alphabet.txt --lm_trie_path /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/dsg05_models/trie --lm_binary_path /DeepSpeech/checkpoints/dsg05_models/lm.binary --test_batch_size 48
Dataset | Additional Infos | Losses | Result |
Tuda + CommonVoice | used newer CommonVoice version, there may be overlaps between test and training data because of random splitting | Test: 105.747589 | WER: 0.683802, CER: 0.386331 |
Tuda | correct tuda test split, there may be overlaps between test and training data because of random splitting | Test: 402.696991 | WER: 0.785655, CER: 0.428786 |
Some results with a old code version (Default dropout is 0.4, learning rate 0.0005):
Dataset | Additional Infos | Result |
Voxforge | WER: 0.676611, CER: 0.403916, loss: 82.185226 | |
Voxforge | with augmentation | WER: 0.624573, CER: 0.348618, loss: 74.403786 |
Voxforge | without "äöü" | WER: 0.646702, CER: 0.364471, loss: 82.567413 |
Voxforge | cleaned data, without "äöü" | WER: 0.634828, CER: 0.353037, loss: 81.905258 |
Voxforge | above checkpoint, tested on not cleaned data | WER: 0.634556, CER: 0.352879, loss: 81.849220 |
Voxforge | checkpoint from english deepspeech, without "äöü" | WER: 0.394064, CER: 0.190184, loss: 49.066357 |
Voxforge | checkpoint from english deepspeech, with augmentation, without "äöü", dropout 0.25, learning rate 0.0001 | WER: 0.338685, CER: 0.150972, loss: 42.031754 |
Voxforge | reduce learning rate on plateau, with noise and standard augmentation, checkpoint from english deepspeech, cleaned data, without "äöü", dropout 0.25, learning rate 0.0001, batch size 48 | WER: 0.320507, CER: 0.131948, loss: 39.923031 |
Voxforge | above with learning rate 0.00001 | WER: 0.350903, CER: 0.147837, loss: 43.451263 |
Voxforge | above with learning rate 0.001 | WER: 0.518670, CER: 0.252510, loss: 62.927200 |
Tuda + Voxforge | without "äöü", checkpoint from english deepspeech, cleaned train and dev data | WER: 0.740130, CER: 0.462036, loss: 156.115921 |
Tuda + Voxforge | first Tuda then Voxforge, without "äöü", cleaned train and dev data, dropout 0.25, learning rate 0.0001 | WER: 0.653841, CER: 0.384577, loss: 159.509476 |
Tuda + Voxforge + SWC + Mailabs + CommonVoice | checkpoint from english deepspeech, with augmentation, without "äöü", cleaned data, dropout 0.25, learning rate 0.0001 | WER: 0.306061, CER: 0.151266, loss: 33.218510 |
Some results with some older code version:
(Default values: batch size 12, dropout 0.25, learning rate 0.0001, without "äöü", cleaned data , checkpoint from english deepspeech, early stopping, reduce learning rate on plateau, evaluation with scorer and top-500k words)
Dataset | Additional Infos | Losses | Training epochs of best model | Result |
Tuda + Voxforge + SWC + Mailabs + CommonVoice | test only with Tuda + CommonVoice others completely for training, language model with training transcriptions, with augmentation | Test: 29.363405, Validation: 23.509546 | 55 | WER: 0.190189, CER: 0.091737 |
Tuda + Voxforge + SWC + Mailabs + CommonVoice | above checkpoint tested with 3-gram language model | Test: 29.363405 | WER: 0.199709, CER: 0.095318 | |
Tuda + Voxforge + SWC + Mailabs + CommonVoice | above checkpoint tested on Tuda only | Test: 87.074394 | WER: 0.378379, CER: 0.167380 |
Some results with the current code version:
(Default values: batch size 36, dropout 0.25, learning rate 0.0001, without "äöü", cleaned data , checkpoint from english deepspeech, early stopping, reduce learning rate on plateau, evaluation with scorer and top-500k words, data augmentation)
Dataset | Additional Infos | Losses | Training epochs of best model | Result |
Voxforge | training from scratch | Test: 79.124008, Validation: 81.982976 | 29 | WER: 0.603879, CER: 0.298139 |
Voxforge | Test: 44.312195, Validation: 47.915317 | 21 | WER: 0.343973, CER: 0.140119 | |
Voxforge | without reduce learning rate on plateau | Test: 46.160049, Validation: 48.926518 | 13 | WER: 0.367125, CER: 0.163931 |
Voxforge | dropped last layer | Test: 49.844028, Validation: 52.722362 | 21 | WER: 0.389327, CER: 0.170563 |
Voxforge | 5 cycled training | Test: 42.973358 | WER: 0.353841, CER: 0.158554 | |
Tuda | training from scratch, correct train/dev/test splitting | Test: 149.653427, Validation: 137.645307 | 9 | WER: 0.606629, CER: 0.296630 |
Tuda | correct train/dev/test splitting | Test: 103.179092, Validation: 132.243965 | 3 | WER: 0.436074, CER: 0.208135 |
Tuda | dropped last layer, correct train/dev/test splitting | Test: 107.047821, Validation: 101.219325 | 6 | WER: 0.431361, CER: 0.195361 |
Tuda | dropped last two layers, correct train/dev/test splitting | Test: 110.523621, Validation: 103.844562 | 5 | WER: 0.442421, CER: 0.204504 |
Tuda | checkpoint from Voxforge with WER 0.344, correct train/dev/test splitting | Test: 100.846367, Validation: 95.410456 | 3 | WER: 0.416950, CER: 0.198177 |
Tuda | 10 cycled training, checkpoint from Voxforge with WER 0.344, correct train/dev/test splitting | Test: 98.007607 | WER: 0.410520, CER: 0.194091 | |
Tuda | random dataset splitting, checkpoint from Voxforge with WER 0.344 Important Note: These results are not meaningful, because same transcriptions can occur in train and test set, only recorded with different microphones |
Test: 23.322618, Validation: 23.094230 | 27 | WER: 0.090285, CER: 0.036212 |
CommonVoice | checkpoint from Tuda with WER 0.417 | Test: 24.688297, Validation: 17.460029 | 35 | WER: 0.217124, CER: 0.085427 |
CommonVoice | above tested with reduced testset where transcripts occurring in trainset were removed, | Test: 33.376812 | WER: 0.211668, CER: 0.079157 | |
CommonVoice + GoogleWavenet | above tested with GoogleWavenet | Test: 17.653290 | WER: 0.035807, CER: 0.007342 | |
CommonVoice | checkpoint from Voxforge with WER 0.344 | Test: 23.460932, Validation: 16.641201 | 35 | WER: 0.215584, CER: 0.084932 |
CommonVoice | dropped last layer | Test: 24.480028, Validation: 17.505738 | 36 | WER: 0.220435, CER: 0.086921 |
Tuda + GoogleWavenet | added GoogleWavenet to train data, dev/test from Tuda, checkpoint from Voxforge with WER 0.344 | Test: 95.555939, Validation: 90.392490 | 3 | WER: 0.390291, CER: 0.178549 |
Tuda + GoogleWavenet | GoogleWavenet as train data, dev/test from Tuda | Test: 346.486420, Validation: 326.615474 | 0 | WER: 0.865683, CER: 0.517528 |
Tuda + GoogleWavenet | GoogleWavenet as train/dev data, test from Tuda | Test: 477.049591, Validation: 3.320163 | 23 | WER: 0.923973, CER: 0.601015 |
Tuda + GoogleWavenet | above checkpoint tested with GoogleWavenet | Test: 3.406022 | WER: 0.012919, CER: 0.001724 | |
Tuda + GoogleWavenet | checkpoint from english deepspeech tested with Tuda | Test: 402.102661 | WER: 0.985554, CER: 0.752787 | |
Voxforge + GoogleWavenet | added all of GoogleWavenet to train data, dev/test from Voxforge | Test: 45.643063, Validation: 49.620488 | 28 | WER: 0.349552, CER: 0.143108 |
CommonVoice + GoogleWavenet | added all of GoogleWavenet to train data, dev/test from CommonVoice | Test: 25.029057, Validation: 17.511973 | 35 | WER: 0.214689, CER: 0.084206 |
CommonVoice + GoogleWavenet | above tested with reduced testset | Test: 34.191067 | WER: 0.213164, CER: 0.079121 |
Updated to DeepSpeech v0.7.3 and new english checkpoint:
(Testing with noise and speech overlay is done with older noiseaugmaster branch, which implemented this functionality)
Dataset | Additional Infos | Losses | Training epochs of best model | Result |
Voxforge | Test: 32.844025, Validation: 36.912005 | 14 | WER: 0.240091, CER: 0.087971 | |
Voxforge | without freq_and_time_masking augmentation | Test: 33.698494, Validation: 38.071722 | 10 | WER: 0.244600, CER: 0.094577 |
Voxforge | using new audio augmentation options | Test: 29.280865, Validation: 33.294815 | 21 | WER: 0.220538, CER: 0.079463 |
Voxforge | updated augmentations again | Test: 28.846869, Validation: 32.680268 | 16 | WER: 0.225360, CER: 0.083504 |
Voxforge | test above with older noiseaugmaster branch | Test: 28.831675 | WER: 0.238961, CER: 0.081555 | |
Voxforge | test with speech overlay | Test: 89.661995 | WER: 0.570903, CER: 0.301745 | |
Voxforge | test with noise overlay | Test: 53.461609 | WER: 0.438126, CER: 0.213890 | |
Voxforge | test with speech and noise overlay | Test: 79.736122 | WER: 0.581259, CER: 0.310365 | |
Voxforge | second test with speech and noise to check random influence | Test: 81.241333 | WER: 0.595410, CER: 0.319077 | |
Voxforge | add speech overlay augmentation | Test: 28.843914, Validation: 32.341234 | 27 | WER: 0.222024, CER: 0.083036 |
Voxforge | change snr=50:20 |
Test: 28.502413, Validation: 32.236247 | 28 | WER: 0.226005, CER: 0.085475 |
Voxforge | test above with older noiseaugmaster branch | Test: 28.488537 | WER: 0.239530, CER: 0.083855 | |
Voxforge | test with speech overlay | Test: 47.783081 | WER: 0.383612, CER: 0.175735 | |
Voxforge | test with noise overlay | Test: 51.682060 | WER: 0.428566, CER: 0.209789 | |
Voxforge | test with speech and noise overlay | Test: 60.275940 | WER: 0.487709, CER: 0.255167 | |
Voxforge | add noise overlay augmentation | Test: 27.940659, Validation: 31.988175 | 28 | WER: 0.219143, CER: 0.076050 |
Voxforge | change snr=50:20 |
Test: 26.588453, Validation: 31.151855 | 34 | WER: 0.206141, CER: 0.072018 |
Voxforge | change to snr=18:9~6 | Test: 26.311581, Validation: 30.531299 | 30 | WER: 0.211865, CER: 0.074281 |
Voxforge | test above with older noiseaugmaster branch | Test: 26.300938 | WER: 0.227466, CER: 0.073827 | |
Voxforge | test with speech overlay | Test: 76.401451 | WER: 0.499962, CER: 0.254203 | |
Voxforge | test with noise overlay | Test: 44.011471 | WER: 0.376783, CER: 0.165329 | |
Voxforge | test with speech and noise overlay | Test: 65.408264 | WER: 0.496168, CER: 0.246516 | |
Voxforge | speech and noise overlay | Test: 27.101889, Validation: 31.407527 | 44 | WER: 0.220243, CER: 0.082179 |
Voxforge | test above with older noiseaugmaster branch | Test: 27.087360 | WER: 0.232094, CER: 0.080319 | |
Voxforge | test with speech overlay | Test: 46.012951 | WER: 0.362291, CER: 0.164134 | |
Voxforge | test with noise overlay | Test: 44.035809 | WER: 0.377276, CER: 0.171528 | |
Voxforge | test with speech and noise overlay | Test: 53.832214 | WER: 0.441768, CER: 0.218798 | |
Tuda + Voxforge + SWC + Mailabs + CommonVoice | test with Voxforge + Tuda + CommonVoice others completely for training, with noise and speech overlay | Test: 22.055849, Validation: 17.613633 | 46 | WER: 0.208809, CER: 0.087215 |
Scorer with training transcriptions: Link
Checkpoints TVSMC training with 0.19 WER: Link
Graph model for above checkpoint: Link