Immutable persistent collections for Kotlin
jon-bell / javaslicer
Forked from backes/javaslicerJavaSlicer is an open-source dynamic slicing tool developed at Saarland University
Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin
Command line wrapper to interact with CodeGuru Reviewer
Python code examples for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer
Java code examples for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer
cppcryptfs is an implementation of the gocryptfs encrypted overlay filesystem in C++ for Windows.
Execute your Gradle build and trigger dependency submission
by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
This library adds LatexMk support to AUCTeX.
minor mode for emacs to run gradle from emacs and not have to go to a terminal
📥 Adds a download task to Gradle that displays progress information
Python API wrapper for Instructure's Canvas LMS. Easily manage courses, users, gradebooks, and more.
Chrome extension which blocks requests to sites which have used legal threats to remove themselves from other blacklists.
A simple Nautilus script to create Unity launchers (.desktop files) by right-clicking on files
T.J. Watson Libraries for Analysis, with frontends for Java, Android, and JavaScript, and may common static program analyses