This tutorial presents ansible step-by-step. You'll need to have a (virtual or physical) machine to act as an ansible node. A vagrant environment is provided for going through this tutorial.
Ansible is a configuration management software that let's you control and configure nodes from another machine. What makes it different from other management software is that ansible uses (pottentially existing) SSH infrastructure, while others (chef, puppet, ...) need a specific PKI infrastructure to be set-up.
Ansible also emphasises push mode, where configuration is pushed from a master machine (a master machine is only a machine where you can SSH to nodes from) to nodes, while most other CM typically do it the other way around (nodes pull their config at times from a master machine).
This mode is really interesting since you do not need to have a publicly accessible 'master' to be able to configure remote nodes : it's the nodes that need to be accessible (we'll see later that 'hidden' nodes can pull their configuration too!), and most of the time they are.
You need the following python modules on your machine (the machine you run ansible on)
- python-yaml
- python-jinja2
On Debian/Ubuntu run:
sudo apt-get install python-yaml python-jinja2 python-paramiko python-crypto
We're also assuming you have a keypair in your ~/.ssh directory.
Ansible devel branch is always usable, so we'll run straight from a git checkout.
You might need to install git for this (sudo apt-get install git
on Debian/Ubuntu).
git clone git://
cd ./ansible
At this point, we can load the ansible environment :
source ./hacking/env-setup
When running from an installed package, this is absolutely not necessary. If
you prefer running from a debian package ansible, provides a make target
build it. You need a few packages to build the deb :
sudo apt-get install make fakeroot cdbs python-support
git clone git://
cd ./ansible
make deb
sudo dpkg -i ../ansible_1.1_all.deb (version may vary)
We'll assume you're using the deb packages in the rest of this tutorial.
git clone
cd ansible-tuto
It's highly recommended to use Vagrant to follow this tutorial. If you don't have it already, setting up should be quite easy and is described in step-00/
If you wish to proceed without Vagrant (not recommended !), go straight to step-01/
Just in case you want to skip to a specific step, here is a topic table of contents.
- 00. Vagrant Setup
- 01. Basic inventory
- 02. First modules and facts
- 03. Groups and variables
- 04. Playbooks
- 05. Playbooks, pushing files on nodes
- 06. Playbooks and failures
- 07. Playbook conditionals
- 08. Git module
- 09. Extending to several hosts
- 10. Templates
- 11. Variables again
If you make changes, please fill the test/expectations
file and run
the tests (test/
See the test/
file for (a bit) more information.