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Louis Maddox edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 6 revisions

Issue #68 of nvtop (a htop-like program for NVIDIA GPUs) notes RE: the apt package for Ubuntu 20.04, "Canonical ruined the package totally"

The solution is to install the package manually

  • Dependencies are: CMake, ncurses, git

    sudo apt install cmake libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev git`
  • nvtop build instructions are at the end of the README (I recommend putting it in ~/opt so cd ~/opt first)

    git clone
    mkdir -p nvtop/build && cd nvtop/build
    cmake ..
    • I got the message Found NVML: /usr/local/cuda-11.2/include (found version "11") with no errors (on Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.2) but if you get an error run this:

      # If it errors with "Could NOT find NVML (missing: NVML_INCLUDE_DIRS)"
      # try the following command instead, otherwise skip to the build with make.

    then finish the installation with:

    sudo make install

Now nvtop will be available on the command line!

  • Note: for integrated Intel GPUs, sudo apt install intel-gpu-tools and then sudo intel_gpu_top will show GPU usage
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