View the project demo on Flow Hack Demo YouTube
Chainlink hackathon demo Chainlink Hack Demo Youtube
- An RPG game built on the Flow Blockchain, check the youtube video to view the demo.-
Signup using Blockto Wallet using your email to obtain an addresss
Story based gameplay, Player has to collect loot from the chests, and kill the guarding monsters who have different hit points.
Player has to unlock the locked token gates to reach the Flow NFT collectible found at the End of the gameplay.
For achieving this, he has to break open the walls to unlock and find the mysterious wizard who is held captive and fetch the key to the gate.
In the end, after killing the evil angel, the player finally gets the key to the ultimate gate to get to the Flow NFT.
Player has three lives and is minted 4 coins and an NFT for every every Chest collected, and also mints a non-fungible token to his Blockto custodial wallet
Players can also view their game collectibles in the Player Dashboard on the game UI
Game NFT Contract deployed on Flow Testnet : 0x9f690718478ff417

- PhaserJS
- React
- Flow fcl
- Blockto Wallet
- Aseprite
- Introduce Game Token
- Introduce Native Maketplace and multi-character feature
- Allow players to create and uplaod their own storylines and characters to the platform with DAO token incentives
- Stake and Battle modes
- In game DEX on Flow Blockchain
In the project root:
yarn && yarn start
In blockchain/src/components/App.js
, please verify the flow client library config
fcl.config() .put("app.detail.title", "My Flow NFT DApp") .put("accessNode.api", "https://rest-testnet.onflow.org") .put("discovery.wallet", "https://fcl-discovery.onflow.org/testnet/authn")
Block explorer: https://testnet.flowscan.org/
flow init
flow accounts create
- Added the new account to flow.json.
- Saved the private key to test.pkey.
- Added test.pkey to .gitignore. Fund Wallet with TEST FLOW Tokens: https://testnet-faucet.onflow.org/fund-account
- flow accounts add-contract .cdc -n testnet --signer