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Jack Cui Jack-Cherish

Northeastern University China

yihong yihong0618
The best is yet to come.


Home Assistant home-assistant
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts.

Your home

openvela open-vela
The openvela operating system is tailored for the AIoT field, with lightweight, standard compatibility, security and high scalability as its core features.


京东零售 jdf2e


Justine Tunney jart

Google Mountain View, CA

tldraw tldraw
Infinite canvas SDK.

United Kingdom

Tien Do Nam Tienisto
I like Flutter

Berlin, Germany

LocalSend localsend
An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop


tison tisonkun
Do not take it seriously.

@scopedb Guangzhou

xiaoyu yu199195

@Dromara @apache beijing

Frank Zhao frank-zsy
OpenDigger & OpenRank & Hypertrons


开源社 kaiyuanshe
成立于2014年,以 “立足中国、贡献全球” 为愿景,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成,是最早以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、开源项目” 为使命的开源社区联合体。2017年,开源社转型为完全由个人成员组成,链接了数万名开源人,集聚了上千名社区成员及志愿者、海内外数百位讲师,合作了近百家赞助、媒体、社区伙伴。


Sky.Greedy Greedysky
C++/Qt/Linux/Python Programmer. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Robot SuZhou, JiangSu, China

Haruka HarukaMa
If you see my name in your commit, then you are using a wrong email address on that commit. Fix that instead.


Coder, Pioneer


Draven draveness
HFT / C++ / Go

@spectra-fund Beijing, China

joyqi joyqi
Write less, think more.

SegmentFault Hangzhou, China

柴树杉 chai2010

@wa-lang Hangzhou, China

Hugging Tree huggingtree
The Hugging Tree Company


Hugging Face huggingface
The AI community building the future.

NYC + Paris

polarisxu polaris1119

studygolang Beijing, China

Dai Jie geektutu

Fudan University Shanghai,China

Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
Asensing AsensingGroup
Guangzhou ASENSING Technology Co., Ltd.


Doocs doocs
📌 GitHub 技术社区 Doocs,致力于打造一个内容完整、持续成长的互联网开发者学习生态圈!欢迎 Follow 关注我们 👉


ruki waruqi
🔥 Creator of @tboox and @xmake-io 💕 Love C & Lua forever

@tboox & @xmake-io

Apple OSS Distributions apple-oss-distributions
OSS Code distributed by Apple, Inc.

United States of America

Nadia jiangbonadia
Head of Open Source Growth at @antgroup, Open Source Enthusiast

@AntGroup UK

GitSir gitsir-team
一个 Git 开源项目分享平台,软件供应链管理系统


GitHub github
How people build software.

San Francisco, CA

Listen Notes ListenNotes
The best podcast search engine and database. We also provide a simple & no-nonsense podcast search & directory API: the official

San Francisco, CA

Gabor Kiss-Vamosi kisvegabor
Author of @lvgl, a free and open-source embedded UI library.

LVGL @lvgl Hungary, Budapest

Yudong Jin krahets
3D Vision Researcher. Interested in DSA.

SJTU Shanghai

阿崔cxr cuixiaorui


ntop ntop
Open source network traffic monitoring software:


ROS Perception ros-perception
place where standard perception stuff is maintained
Ivan Kravets ivankravets
Ph.D., Inventor, CEO at @platformio

@platformio Ukraine

LFAPAC Open Source Evangelist lfapac-open-source-evangelist
Linux Foundation APAC 开源布道者(Open Source Evangelist)团队
Morefun Network Technology Co., Ltd mnt-ltd
深圳市摩枫网络科技有限公司 MNT.Ltd


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