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CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between projects no matter what technologies the projects are using


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A CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between many projects no matter what technologies the project is using.
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What is shuttle?

shuttle is a CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between many projects no matter what technologies the project is using.


DISCLAIMER: shuttle is in beta, so stuff may change. However we are using shuttle heavily at Lunar Way and we use it to deploy to production, so it is pretty battle proven.

Go Report Card


Projects that use shuttle are always referencing a shuttle plan. A plan describes what can be done with shuttle. Fx:

# plan.yaml file
    description: Build the docker image
      - name: tag
        required: true
      - shell: docker -f $plan/Dockerfile build -t $(shuttle get docker.image):$tag
    description: Run test for the project
      - shell: go test

The plan.yaml is located at the root of the plan directory which is located elsewhere of the actual project using it. The plan directory can be locally stored or in a git repository. The directory structure could be something like:

└───moon-base          # project
│   │   shuttle.yaml   # project specific shuttle.yaml file
│   │   main.go
└───station-plan       # plan to be shared by projects
    │   plan.yaml
    │   Dockerfile

To use a plan a project must specify the shuttle.yaml file:

plan: ../the-plan
    image: earth-united/moon-base

With this in place a docker image can be built:

$ cd workspace/moon-base
$ shuttle run build tag=v1

You can also put your plan.yaml in a different git repository, and then reference it from your shuttle.yaml:

# shuttle.yaml
plan: git://[email protected]:lunarway/station-plan.git


  • Fetch shuttle plans from git repositories
  • Create any script you like in the plan
  • Overwrite scripts in local projects when they defer from the plan
  • Write templates in plans and overwrite them in projects when they defer
  • ...

Golang actions

Execute golang directly from shuttle, replacing shell scripts with a more thoroghly engineered Developer Experience.

└───moon-base          # project
│   │───actions        # golang actions
│   │   │   go.mod     # shuttle run build script file as golang code
│   │   │   build.go
│   │   shuttle.yaml   # project specific shuttle.yaml file
│   │   main.go
└───station-plan       # plan to be shared by projects
│   │───actions        # golang plan actions
│   │   │   go.mod     
│   │   │   build.go
    │   plan.yaml
    │   Dockerfile

see golang actions


see telemetry


Plan documentation can be inspected using the shuttle documentation command.

When writing shuttle plans you can hint as to where to find documentation for the plan. Users of the plan will open the specified URL when requesting documentation.

# plan.yaml

If no specific documentation field is set in the plan it will be inferred from the plan reference. In below example shuttle will open

# shuttle.yaml
plan: git://[email protected]:lunarway/shuttle-example-go-plan.git

Git Plan

Specify the protocol to use for pulling the remote repository using either https:// for HTTPS, or git:// for SSH:

  • git://[email protected]:lunarway/shuttle-example-go-plan.git

Choose a specific branch to use:

  • git://[email protected]:lunarway/shuttle-example-go-plan.git#change-build

The #change-build points the plan to a specific branch, which by default would be master.

It can also be used to point to a tag or a git SHA, like this:

  • git://[email protected]:lunarway/shuttle-example-go-plan.git#46ce3cc


By default shuttle will pull the upstream plan on every pull. To prevent this you can use

export SHUTTLE_CACHE_DURATION_MIN=60 # Cache a plan for 60 minutes

This feature caches pr. repo, as such the cache isn't shared between working repositories.

Overloading the plan

It is possible to overload the plan specified in shuttle.yaml file by using the --plan argument or the SHUTTLE_PLAN_OVERLOAD environment variable. Following arguments are supported

  • A path to a local plan like --plan ../local-checkout-of-plan. Absolute paths is also supported
  • Another git plan like --plan git://
  • A git tag to append to the plan like --plan #some-branch, --plan #some-tag or a SHA --plan #2b52c21


Mac OS

curl -LO$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | grep -o '[^/]*$')/shuttle-darwin-amd64
chmod +x shuttle-darwin-amd64
sudo mv shuttle-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/shuttle

Mac OS Sonoma (broke grep)

Use ripgrep instead (rg)

curl -LO$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | rg -o '[^/]*$')/shuttle-darwin-amd64
chmod +x shuttle-darwin-amd64
sudo mv shuttle-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/shuttle


curl -LO$(curl -Lso /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | grep -o '[^/]*$')/shuttle-linux-amd64
chmod +x shuttle-linux-amd64
sudo mv shuttle-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/shuttle

GitHub Actions

Shuttle can be installed on your GitHub Runner by adding this line to your workflow:

- use: lunarway/shuttle

After this point you can use shuttle in the scripts in your workflow job.


shuttle get <variable>

Used to get a variable defined in shuttle.yaml

$ shuttle get some.variable
> some variable content

$ shuttle get does.not.exist
> # nothing

shuttle plan

Inspect the plan in use for a project. Use the template flag to customize the output to your needs.

$ shuttle plan

shuttle has <variable>

It is possible to easily check if a variable or script is defined

shuttle has some.variable
shuttle has --script integration

Output is either statuscode=0 if variable is found or statuscode=1 if variables isn't found. The output can also be a stdout boolean like

$ shuttle has my.docker.image --stdout
> false

Template functions

The template command along with commands taking a --template flag has multiple templating functions available. The masterminds/sprig v3.2.2 functions are available along with those described below.

Examples are based on the below shuttle.yaml file.

Function Description Example Output
array <path> <value> Get array from path. If value is a map, the values of the map is returned in deterministic order. array "args" . helloworld
fileExists <file-path> Returns whether a file exists. fileExists ".gitignore" true
fromYaml <value> Unmarshal YAML string to a map[string]interface{}. In case of YAML parsing errors the Error key in the result contains the error message. See notes below on usage. fromYaml "api: v1" map[api:v1]
get <path> <value> Get a value from a field path. . is read as nested nested objects get "docker.image" . earth-united/moon-base
getFileContent <file-path> Get raw contents of a file. getFileContent ".gitignore" dist/
getFiles <directory-path> Returns a slice of files in the provided directory as os.FileInfo structs. {{ range $i, $f := (getFiles "./") }}{{ .Name }} {{ end }} .git .gitignore ...
int <path> <value> Get int value without formatting. Note that this is a direct int cast ie. value 1.2 will generate an error. int "replicas" . 1
is <value-a> <value-b> Equality indication by Go's == comparison. is "foo" "bar" false
isnt <value-a> <value-b> Inequality indication by Go's != comparison. isnt "foo" "bar" true
objectArray <path> <value> Get object key-value pairs from path. Each key-value is returned in a { Key Value} object. {{ range objectArray "docker" . }}{{ .Key }} -> {{ .Value }}{{ end }} image -> earth-united/moon-base
rightPad <string> <padding> Add space padding to the right of a string. {{ rightPad "padded" 10 }}string padded string
strConst <value> Convert string to upper snake casing converting . to _. strConst "a.value" A_VALUE
string <path> <value> Format any value as a string. string "replicas" . "1"
toYaml <value> Marshal value to YAML. In case of non-parsable string an empty string is returned. See notes below on usage. toYaml (get "args" .) - hello
- world
trim <string> Trim leading and trailing whitespaces. Uses strings.TrimSpace. trim " a string " a string
upperFirst <string> Upper case first character in string. upperFirst "a string" A string
plan: ../the-plan
    image: earth-united/moon-base
  replicas: 1
    - hello
    - world

Notes on YAML parsers: The toYaml and fromYaml template functions are intented to be used inside file templates (not template flags). Because of this they ignore errors and some YAML documents canont be parsed.

Release History

See the releases for more information on changes between releases.


CLI for handling shared build and deploy tools between projects no matter what technologies the projects are using






