The Acts As Messageable allows communication between the models.
To use it, add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'acts-as-messageable'
Use this fork Thanks for @openfirmware
gem 'acts-as-messageable', :git => 'git://',
:branch => 'rails2.3.11_compatible'
rails g acts-as-messageable:migration table_name # default 'messages'
rake db:migrate
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_messageable :table_name => "table_with_messages", # default 'messages'
:required => :body # default [:topic, :body]
:class_name => "CustomMessages" # default "ActsAsMessageable::Message",
:dependent => :destroy # default :nullify
Just type once again
rails g acts-as-messageable:migration
And new migrations should be created.
~$ rails g acts-as-messageable:migration
create db/migrate/20110811223435_add_recipient_permanent_delete_and_sender_permanent_delete_to_messages.rb
@alice = User.first
@bob = User.last
@alice.send_message(@bob, "Message topic", "Hi bob!")
@bob.send_message(@alice, "Re: Message topic", "Hi alice!")
@alice.send_message(@bob, { :body => "Hash body", :topic => "Hash topic" })
In User model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_messageable :required => :body
@alice.send_message(@bob, { :body => "Hash body" })
@alice.send_message(@bob, "body")
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_messageable :required => [:body, :topic]
@alice.send_message(@bob, "body", "topic")
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_messageable :required => [:topic, :body]
@alice.send_message(@bob, "topic", "body")
@message = @alice.send_message(@bob, "Hello bob!", "How are you?")
@message.reply("Re: Hello bob!", "I'm fine")
Or with hash
@message.reply(:topic => "Re: Hello bob!", :body => "I'm fine")
Or in old style
@message = @alice.send_message(@bob, "Hello bob!", "How are you?")
@reply_message = @bob.reply_to(@message, "Re: Hello bob!", "I'm fine!")
@message.conversation #=> [@message, @reply_message]
@reply_message.conversation #=> [@message, @reply_message]
@alice.messages.are_from(@bob) # all message form @bob
@alice.messages.are_to(@bob) # all message to @bob
@alice.messages.with_id(@id_of_message) # message with id id_of_message
@alice.messages.readed # all readed @alice messages
@alice.messages.unread # all unreaded @alice messages
You can use multiple filters at the same time
@alice.messages.are_from(@bob).are_to(@alice).readed # all message from @bob to @alice and readed
@alice.deleted_messages.are_from(@bob) # all deleted messages from @bob # open message
@message.close # unread message
We must know who delete message. That why we use .process method to save context
@message = @alice.send_message(@bob, "Topic", "Body")
@alice.messages.process do |message|
message.delete # @alice delete message
Now we can find message in trash
@alice.deleted_messages #=> [@message]
We can delete the message permanently
@alice.deleted_messages.process do |message|
@alice.delete_message #=> []
Message has been deleted permanently
@alice.delete_message(@message) # @alice delete @message
@alice.deleted_messages.process do |m|
m.restore # @alice restore 'm' message from trash
@alice.restore_message(@message) # @alice restore message from trash
Copyright © 2011 Piotr Niełacny (, released under the MIT license