This repo provides the board support files for the EchoPilot AI hardware.
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd echopilot_ai_bsp
Checkout the appropriate branch for your EchoPilot AI board revision (Revision is noted near the FAN connector). E.g., for revision 0:
git checkout board_revision_0
Now proceed using the install scripts below based on what firmware you are building.
Assuming that ArduPilot is installed at ~/ardupilot
To install the hwdef files for ArduPilot (assuming ArduPolot code base is already set up and you can succesfully compile), then:
./ ~/ardupilot
Assuming that PX4 is installed at ~/PX4-Autopilot
. If not, please adjust the path argument to the script below.
To install the board files for PX4 (assuming PX4 code base is already set up and you can succesfully build PX4):
./ ~/PX4-Autopilot
Assuming that L4T (Linux_for_Tegra) folder is installed at ~/XavierNX/Linux_for_Tegra
. If not, please adjust the path argument for the script below.
Select the appropriate install script for the Jetson hardware used. e.g. XavierNX =
To install the BSP files to build L4T:
./ ~/XavierNX/Linux_for_Tegra
Assuming that L4T (Linux_for_Tegra) folder is installed at ~/Nano/Linux_for_Tegra
. If not, please adjust the path argument for the script below.
Select the appropriate install script for the Jetson hardware used. e.g. Nano =
To install the BSP files to build L4T:
./ ~/Nano/Linux_for_Tegra