Container Orchestrator/Job Runner replacement for Autolab Tango
To test out the dev build, ensure docker is installed on your system
You will need to run 2 services
The core leviathan service
docker run --rm --network=host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Kraken, a simple node server with a frontend, that talks to leviathan, intended to mimic real usage
docker run --rm --network=host
Access the frontend at, http://localhost:3000
You will need to fill out
- Timeout: timeout for the job
- Job files - this contains any files require for your grading job:
- this should contain your grader file, student submission
- entry scripts: unlike autolab,
- makefiles are optional, you can include a *.sh, python, ruby script or whatever tool you prefer
- you can also directly call your grader using the command line by specifying it in the entry command
- Eg python
- You must ensure the required tools/dependencies are installed in the dockerfile
- Entry command: this is what starts the grading job
- Eg python
- Image tag: for your dockerfile
- Dockerfile: Your grading dockerfile
- You must ensure you have this line your dockerfile, as this is where all files will be placed
WORKDIR /home/
- Leviathan will capture the stdout of the container, and attempt to parse the last line of the stdout
- It expects a json string as the last line, the contents can be anything as long as it is valid json
- If it is unable to parse the json, it will fail the job
You can see the test files here
Before submitting Rename student_*.py files to, since the grader expects as the filename