Angular Line Awesome is an Angular component to manage Line Awesome icons.
Click here to see the demo examples in the component page.
Install the package through NPM
npm install angular-line-awesome
- Import { AngularLineAwesomeModule, LaIconLibrary } from "angular-line-awesome"
- Add AngularLineAwesomeModule to the imports array
- Inject LaIconLibrary into the constructor of the module
- Import an icon like "lasHippo" from "angular-line-awesome/icons"
- Add icon to the library with library.addIcons([lasHippo]) in the AppModule constructor
import { AngularLineAwesomeModule, LaIconLibrary } from 'angular-line-awesome';
import { lasHippo, lasHeart, labAngular } from 'angular-line-awesome/icons';
imports: [
export class AppModule {
constructor(library: LaIconLibrary) {
// Add an icon to the library for convenient access in other components
library.addIcons([lasHippo, lasHeart, labAngular]);
Name | Type | Options | Optional |
icon | String, IconProp |
Line Awesome Icons *Ignore the las and la- part, this will be added by default.* |
No |
title | String |
Free text | Yes |
size | String |
xs, lg, sm, lx, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x |
Yes |
fixedWidth | Boolean |
true, false |
Yes |
rotate | Number, String |
90, 180, 270 |
Yes |
flip | String |
horizontal, vertical, both |
Yes |
pull | String |
left, right |
Yes |
spin | Boolean |
true, false |
Yes |
pulse | Boolean |
true, false |
Yes |
border | Boolean |
true, false |
Yes |
inverse | Boolean |
true, false |
Yes |
transform | String |
grow-NUMBER, shrink-NUMBER, up-NUMBER, left-NUMBER, right-NUMBER, up-NUMBER, down-NUMBER, rotate-DEGREES, flip-v, flip-h *NUMBER is a number representings pixel, DEGREES is a number representings degrees, e.g. grow-1, rotate-90* |
Yes |
<la-icon icon="hippo"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" size="2x"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" rotate="90"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" flip="horizontal"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" pull="right"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" spin="true"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" pulse="true"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" border="true"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="hippo" inverse="true"></la-icon>
<la-icon icon="las hippo" transform="grow-10 down-4 right-8 rotate-45 flip-v flip-h"></la-icon>
Note: the prefix is not necessary because the library uses the prefix 'las' as default.
Angular bind sintaxe
<!-- ['las', 'hippo'] is an array that indicates the [prefix, iconName] -->
<la-icon [icon]="['las', 'hippo']"></la-icon>
// component ts
icon: IconProp = { prefix: 'lab', iconName: 'angular' };
<!-- component view -->
<la-icon [icon]="icon"></la-icon>
// component ts
icon: IconProp = ['lab', 'angular'];
iconSize: string = '2x';
<!-- component view -->
<la-icon [icon]="icon" [size]="iconSize"></la-icon>
// component ts
transform: Transform = { size: 1, x: 1, y: -1, rotate: 90, flipX: true, flipY: true };
<!-- component view -->
<la-icon icon="lab angular" [transform]="transform"></la-icon>
- Angular 19
- Angular 18
- Angular 17
- Angular 16
- Angular 15
- Angular 14
- Angular 13
- Angular 11
- Angular 9
- Line Awesome 1.3.0 SVG Icons (the icons are now loaded in SVG format)
- Tree shakable icons (import only the necessary icons)
- Removed the Font Icons support
From the 1.0.x version, there is a small breaking changes:
- You need to import the icons that you are using in your AppModule
- You can now remove the lineawesome package from your node modules
- Remove the lineawesome styles import on your angular.json file
- Angular 8
- Line Awesome 1.3.0 Font Icons
Clone repo:
git clone [email protected]:marco-martins/angular-line-awesome.git
npm run build angular-line-awesome
Note: It's important to run the build with "npm run build" instead of "ng build" because there are some hooks running on "postbuild"
Run the project (demo-example by default):
ng serve
Run the tests:
ng test angular-line-awesome
Pull requests to the DEVELOP branch
- Create separated icons packages to the regular, solid and brands SVG icons