is a super-light modifier that adds a "shimmering" effect to any SwiftUI View
, for example, to show that an operation is in progress. It works well on light and dark modes, left-to-right and right-to-left layout directions, and across all Apple platforms: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and even visionOS! 📱💻🖥️📺⌚️🥽✨
import SwiftUI
import Shimmer
Text("SwiftUI Shimmer").modifier(Shimmer())
or more conveniently
Text("SwiftUI Shimmer").shimmering()
: Convenience parameter to conditionally enable the effect. Defaults totrue
: A custom animation. Defaults toShimmer.defaultAnimation
: A custom gradient. Defaults toShimmer.defaultGradient
: The size of the animated mask's "band". Defaults to 0.2 unit points, which corresponds to 20% of the extent of the gradient.
: Convenience parameter to conditionally enable the effect. Defaults totrue
: The duration of a shimmer cycle in seconds. Default:1.5
: Whether to bounce (reverse) the animation back and forth. Defaults tofalse
: A delay in seconds. Defaults to0
You can supply any custom animation:
active: isAnimating,
animation: .easeInOut(duration: 2).repeatCount(5, autoreverses: false).delay(1)
In addition to the original masking mode (which is still the default), Shimmer now supports additional modes to apply the gradient, including as a background or an overlay with a custom blend mode:
Text("Custom Gradient Mode").bold()
gradient: Gradient(colors: [.clear, .orange, .white, .green, .clear]),
bandSize: 0.5,
mode: .overlay()
Of course, you can combine .shimmering(...)
with the .redacted(...)
modifier to create interesting animated skeleton views.
Text("Some text")
.redacted(reason: .placeholder)
The mask and animation now adjusts automatically to the environment's layoutDirection
in order to better support
different languages and locales.
Use the package URL or search for the SwiftUI-Shimmer package:
For how-to integrate package dependencies refer to Adding Package Dependencies to Your App documentation.
Add this to your Podfile:
pod 'SwiftUI-Shimmer', :git => ''
For an older, UIKit-based shimmer effect, see UIView-Shimmer.