Terraform module for AWS to create a lambda for syncing images
between private aws/ecr and public ecrs like dockerhub/ghcr.io/quay.io
docker pull ghcr.io/martijnvdp/lambda-ecr-image-sync:v1.0.5
see the source repo https://github.com/martijnvdp/lambda-ecr-image-sync
Configure repository to sync using tags on repositories see the full example and the source repo of the lambda https://github.com/martijnvdp/lambda-ecr-image-sync
module "ecrImageSync" {
source = "../"
docker_hub_credentials = var.docker_hub_credentials // optional
ecr_repository_prefixes = distinct([for repo, tags in local.ecr_repositories : regex("^(\\w+)/.*$", repo)[0] if try(tags.source, "") != ""])
// source container image: docker pull ghcr.io/martijnvdp/ecr-image-sync:latest
lambda_function_settings = {
container_uri = "${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}.dkr.ecr.${data.aws_region.current.name}.amazonaws.com/images/ecr-image-sync:v1.0.5"
event_rules = {
scheduled_event = {
schedule_expression = "cron(0 7 * * ? *)"
sync_settings = {
check_digest = true // wether or not to compare image digest when same tag is found on ecr and public repo
concurrent = 10 // max concurrent syncs
max_results = 5 // max tag search result
slack_errors_only = true // only errors to slack
slack_channel_id = "" // optional slack channel id
No requirements.
Name | Version |
aws | n/a |
random | n/a |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
docker_hub_credentials | Dockerhub credentials: {"username":"docker_username","password":"docker_password"} | string |
null |
no |
docker_hub_credentials_sm_item_name | AWS Secretsmanager item name for dockerhub credentials | string |
"docker-hub-ecr-image-sync" |
no |
ecr_repository_prefixes | List of ECR repository prefixes to give the lambda function access for pushing images to | list(string) |
null |
no |
lambda_function_settings | Lambda function options | object({ |
{} |
no |
s3_workflow | S3 bucket workflow options | object({ |
{} |
no |
tags | A mapping of tags assigned to the resources | map(string) |
null |
no |
No output.