To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add helm-openldap
$ helm install my-release helm-openldap/openldap
A Helm cart to deploy and manage your OpenLDAP instance on Kubernetes provided by Symas, ready for production use.
This Helm chart packages the Symas OpenLDAP container. For general help on OpenLDAP please take a look at our knowledge base, or go to the OpenLDAP site and read the documentation, the quick start guide, and the detailed manual pages. What we publish is what we provide to you in this format to help you adopt and use OpenLDAP. As always, everything is open-source.
If you need help, please contact us at: +1.650.963.7601 or email sales or send mail to our support teams directly with questions. More on our support offerings can be found on our website.
Reach out to us, we're here to help.
- Symas has, for over a decade, built, maintained, and commercially supported the OpenLDAP codebase.
- All our work on OpenLDAP has always been, and will always be open-source. We are a commercial support company, here if and when you need us.
- We commit to promptly publish new versions of this chart for every release of the software going forward.
- Our images contain the latest bug fixes and features released, not just in OpenLDAP but in supporting libraries.
- We've based our chart on the existing jp-gouin chart that uses the Bitnami containers having recently changed from the abandoned Osixia OpenLDAP containers.
- We'd like to thank Jean-Philippe Gouin for open sourcing his work allowing the community to benefit. Our shared philosophy makes us stronger.
We may eventually merge our work into his, for now we'd like to remain on a fork that we provide and support for our customers that is under our direct control.
Fundamentally, we're a company that supports OpenLDAP as our primary business model so it is important for us to own this Helm chart allowing for easy deployent of OpenLDAP within Kubernetes clusters.
- Replication is setup by configuration. Extra schemas are loaded using
LDAP_EXTRA_SCHEMAS: "cosine,inetorgperson,nis,syncprov,serverid,csyncprov,rep,bsyncprov,brep,acls
. You can add your own schemas to load during setup via thecustomSchemaFiles
A default tree (Root Organization, users and group) is created during startup, this can be skipped using LDAP_SKIP_DEFAULT_TREE
, however you need to use customLdifFiles
or customLdifCm
to create a root organization.
- Kubernetes 1.8+
- Persistent Volume (PV) support on the underlying infrastructure
This chart will:
- Create 3 instances of OpenLDAP server with multi-master replication.
- Install and configure a single pod running phpldapadmin using the Osixia container, an admin web-GUI for OpenLDAP.
- Install and configure ltb-passwd using the Tired of It container for self-service password changes.
We, at Symas, contribute to and maintain the OpenLDAP software as open source software. We work within the community of contributors to this project, that's how open source works. We don't sell licenses to the software, the software is free for anyone to use. We do provide commercial support for OpenLDAP, and in that capacity we've run across bugs that others may not have encountered. We fix those issues and contribute them back to OpenLDAP through the community process. Sometimes we find bugs impacting OpenLDAP in supporting libraries, and in those cases we fix those issues and offer them to the package maintainers. When that process isn't fast enough, we apply our fixes to a fork of the package and include that within our package of OpenLDAP. When that fix is upstreamed and released, we return to using the community provided library. All that is to say that it is possible that the Symas supplied packages include fixes that are not available in other builds of OpenLDAP unless those builds included our forks of those dependencies.
In addition, Symas sometimes includes packages or configuration by default that we've found useful to our customers. For instances, this Helm chart includes lib-passwd which is a web-based self-service password management application developed by the Linux toolbox Project. It has some nice features useful when administering OpenLDAP. Ppm is a password complexity module for OpenLDAP, it also comes password management features, but the only overlap between Ppm and lib-passwd is that they both can enforce password complexity rules, albeit in different ways. So, with this release of OpenLDAP you get the best of both worlds.
We use the Symas provided container image forked from, and compatible with, the Bitnami OpenLDAP container. Please consult to documentation of the image for more information.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the symas/openldap
with their default values.
Global parameters to configure the deployment of the application.
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.imageRegistry |
Global image registry | "" |
global.imagePullSecrets |
Global list of imagePullSecrets | [] |
global.ldapDomain |
Domain LDAP can be explicit dc=example,dc=org or domain based | |
global.existingSecret |
Use existing secret for credentials - the expected keys are LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD and LDAP_CONFIG_ADMIN_PASSWORD | "" |
global.adminUser |
OpenLDAP database admin user | admin |
global.adminPassword |
Administration password of OpenLDAP | Not@SecurePassw0rd |
global.configUserEnabled |
Whether to create a configuration admin user | true |
global.configUser |
Openldap configuration admin user | admin |
global.configPassword |
Configuration password of OpenLDAP | Not@SecurePassw0rd |
global.ldapPort |
Ldap port | 1389 |
global.sslLdapPort |
Ldaps port | 1636 |
Parameters related to the configuration of the application.
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
Number of replicas | 3 |
users |
User list to create (comma separated list) , can't be use with customLdifFiles | "" |
userPasswords |
User password to create (comma seprated list) | "" |
group |
Group to create and add list of user above | "" |
env |
Environment variables as a list of key value pairs available within the container. | [see values.yaml] |
initTLSSecret.tls_enabled |
Set to enable TLS/LDAPS with custom certificate - should also set tls.secret |
false |
initTLSSecret.secret |
Secret containing TLS cert and key must contain the keys tls.key , tls.crt and ca.crt |
"" |
customSchemaFiles |
Custom OpenLDAP schema files used in addition to default schemas | "" |
customLdifFiles |
Custom OpenLDAP configuration files used to override default settings | "" |
customLdifCm |
Existing configmap with custom ldif. Can't be use with customLdifFiles | "" |
customAcls |
Custom openldap ACLs. Overrides default ones. | "" |
replication.enabled |
Enable the multi-master replication | true |
replication.retry |
Retry period for replication in sec | 60 |
replication.timeout |
Timeout for replication in sec | 1 |
replication.starttls |
Enable starttls replication | critical |
replication.tls_reqcert |
TLS certificate validation for replication | never |
replication.interval |
Interval for replication | 00:00:00:10 |
replication.clusterName |
Set the clustername for replication | "cluster.local" |
Parameters related to PHPLdapAdmin
Parameter | Description | Default |
phpldapadmin.enabled |
Enable the deployment of PhpLdapAdmin | true |
phpldapadmin.ingress |
Ingress of Phpldapadmin | {} |
phpldapadmin.env |
Environment variables for PhpldapAdmin | {PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_CLIENT_TLS_REQCERT: "never"} |
For more advance configuration see For all possible chart parameters see chart's
Parameters related to LDAP Tool Box Self Service Password.
Parameter | Description | Default |
ltb-passwd.enabled |
Enable the deployment of Ltb-Passwd | true |
ltb-passwd.ingress |
Ingress of the Ltb-Passwd service | {} |
For more advance configuration see For all possible parameters see chart's
Parameters related to Kubernetes.
Parameter | Description | Default |
updateStrategy |
StatefulSet update strategy | {} |
kubeVersion |
kubeVersion Override Kubernetes version | "" |
nameOverride |
String to partially override common.names.fullname | "" |
fullnameOverride |
fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname | "" |
commonLabels |
commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects | {} |
clusterDomain |
clusterDomain Kubernetes cluster domain name | cluster.local |
extraDeploy |
extraDeploy Array of extra objects to deploy with the release | "" |
service.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service | {} |
service.externalIPs |
Service external IP addresses | [] |
service.enableLdapPort |
Enable LDAP port on the service and headless service | true |
service.enableSslLdapPort |
Enable SSL LDAP port on the service and headless service | true |
service.ldapPortNodePort |
Nodeport of External service port for LDAP if service.type is NodePort | nil |
service.clusterIP |
Static cluster IP to assign to the service (if supported) | nil |
service.loadBalancerIP |
IP address to assign to load balancer (if supported) | "" |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
List of IP CIDRs allowed access to load balancer (if supported) | [] |
service.sslLdapPortNodePort |
Nodeport of External service port for SSL if service.type is NodePort | nil |
service.type |
Service type can be ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer | ClusterIP |
persistence.enabled |
Whether to use PersistentVolumes or not | false |
persistence.storageClass |
Storage class for PersistentVolumes. | <unset> |
persistence.existingClaim |
Add existing Volumes Claim. | <unset> |
persistence.accessMode |
Access mode for PersistentVolumes | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.size |
PersistentVolumeClaim storage size | 8Gi |
extraVolumes |
Allow add extra volumes which could be mounted to statefulset | None |
extraVolumeMounts |
Add extra volumes to statefulset | None |
customReadinessProbe |
Liveness probe configuration | [see values.yaml] |
customLivenessProbe |
Readiness probe configuration | [see values.yaml] |
customStartupProbe |
Startup probe configuration | [see values.yaml] |
resources |
Container resource requests and limits in yaml | {} |
podSecurityContext |
Enabled OpenLDAP pods' Security Context | true |
containerSecurityContext |
Set OpenLDAP pod's Security Context fsGroup | true |
existingConfigmap |
existingConfigmap The name of an existing ConfigMap with your custom configuration for OpenLDAP | |
podLabels |
podLabels Extra labels for OpenLDAP pods | {} |
podAnnotations |
podAnnotations Extra annotations for OpenLDAP pods | {} |
podAffinityPreset |
podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Superceeded by affinity . Allowed values: soft or hard |
podAntiAffinityPreset |
podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Superceeded by affinity . Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
pdb.enabled |
Enable Pod Disruption Budget | false |
pdb.minAvailable |
Configure PDB to have at least min healthy replicas. |
1 |
pdb.maxUnavailable |
Configure PDB to have at most max unhealthy replicas. |
<unset> |
nodeAffinityPreset |
nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Superceeded by affinity . Allowed values: soft or hard |
true |
affinity |
affinity Affinity for OpenLDAP pods assignment | |
nodeSelector |
nodeSelector Node labels for OpenLDAP pods assignment | |
sidecars |
sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the OpenLDAP pod(s) | |
initContainers |
initContainers Add additional init containers to the OpenLDAP pod(s) | |
volumePermissions |
'volumePermissions' init container parameters | |
priorityClassName |
OpenLDAP pods' priority class name | |
tolerations |
Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
Alternatively, provide a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters when installing the chart.
Example :
$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/openldap
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml or customize it as you require
To enable PhpLdapAdmin set
to true
(which is the default).
Configure ingress to expose the service. Setup the env part of the configuration to access the OpenLDAP server.
Note : The OpenLDAP host should match the following
enabled: true
enabled: true
annotations: {}
# When using NGiNX (ingress-nginx)
ingressClassName: nginx
path: /
## Ingress Host
- phpldapadmin.local
To enable Self-service-password set ltb-passwd.enabled
to true
(which is
the default).
Configure ingress to expose the service. Setup the ldap
part with the
information of the OpenLDAP server. Set bindDN
accordingly to your ldap
Note : The OpenLDAP server host should match the following
Example :
enabled : true
enabled: true
annotations: {}
# When using NGiNX (ingress-nginx)
ingressClassName: nginx
host: "ssl-ldap2.local"
Deleting the Helm deployment of this chart will not delete any associated Persistent Volumes. Firts delete the chart, then do the following to remove orphaned Persistent Volumes. Failing to do this will leave resources allocated and unused in your Kubernetes cluster.
$ kubectl delete pvc -l release=${RELEASE-NAME}
Override the default LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD
creating a Kubernetes secret referenced by global.existingSecret
to override
the default secret.yaml provided. That will then trigger an init container that
will replace occurrences of %%CONFIG_PASSWORD%%
with the
in any .ldif
files found in the /custom-config
or /cm-schemas-acls
directories before starting slapd
In order to scale the cluster, first use helm
to updrgade the number of replica
helm upgrade -n openldap-ha --set replicaCount=4 openldap-ha .
Then connect to the <openldap>-0
container, under /schemas/
, edit :
and remove existingolcServerID
(only keep the one you added by scaling)brep.ldif
and remove existingolcServerID
(only keep the one you added by scaling)- Apply your changes
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/serverid.ldif
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/brep.ldif
Tips : to edit in the container, use :
cat <<EOF > /tmp/serverid.ldif
You can increase the level of log using env.LDAP_LOGLEVEL=265|0|-1
, and/or env.SYMAS_DEBUG_SETUP=true
(more information in
the container's
or in OpenLDAP documentation
Level | Keyword | Description |
-1 | any | enable all debugging |
0 | no debugging | |
1 | (0x1 trace) |
trace function calls |
2 | (0x2 packets) |
debug packet handling |
4 | (0x4 args) |
heavy trace debugging |
8 | (0x8 conns) |
connection management |
16 | (0x10 BER) |
print out packets sent and received |
32 | (0x20 filter) |
search filter processing |
64 | (0x40 config) |
configuration processing |
128 | (0x80 ACL) |
access control list processing |
256 | (0x100 stats) |
stats log connections/operations/results |
512 | (0x200 stats2) |
stats log entries sent |
1024 | (0x400 shell) |
print communication with shell backends |
2048 | (0x800 parse) |
print entry parsing debugging |
16384 | (0x4000 sync) |
syncrepl consumer processing |
32768 | (0x8000 none) |
only messages that get logged whatever log level is set |
The desired log level can be input as a single integer that combines the (bitwise ORed) desired levels, both in decimal or in hexadecimal notation, as a list of integers (ORed internally), or as a list of the names shown between brackets, such that:
loglevel 129
loglevel 0x81
loglevel 128 1
loglevel 0x80 0x1
loglevel acl trace
are equivalent.
Examples :
loglevel -1
: this will enable all log levels.floglevel conns filter
: just log the connection and search filter processing.loglevel none
: log those messages configured without loglevel, this differs from setting the log level to 0, when no logging occurs, as it requires at least theNone
level to have high priority messages logged.loglevel stats
: basic stats logging, the default.
Warning when using custom ldif in the customLdifFiles
or customLdifCm
section you have to create the high level object organization
Example :
dn: dc=test,dc=example
dc: test
o: Example Inc.
objectclass: top
objectclass: dcObject
objectclass: organization
Note : This chart does not yet provide a way to create a custom admin user
or modify internal configuration (e.g. cn=config
, cn=module{0},cn=config
- Sync'ed with [email protected]
- Updated tests
- Reviewed by Symas engineers, changes integrated.
- The first functional chart using the Symas OpenLDAP container.
- The Symas fork of the jp-gouin Helm chart so as to use our containers and provide commercial support.