Type-safe parameters construction library. Useful for managing Query Parameters, Environment Variables, AWS System Manager Parameter Store, and more.
npm install construct-typed-parameters
import { TypedParameters } from 'construct-typed-parameters';
const parameters = new TypedParameters(parameterType => ({
TOKEN: parameterType.string({ required: true }),
FIREBASE_CONFIG: parameterType.json<{ apiKey: string }>({ required: true }),
const stringifiedParameters = parameters.stringify({
TOKEN: 'xxxx',
FIREBASE_CONFIG: { apiKey: 'xxxx' },
//=> { TOKEN: 'xxxx', FIREBASE_CONFIG: '{"apiKey":"xxxx"}'}
const parsedParameters = parameters.parse({
TOKEN: 'xxxx',
FIREBASE_CONFIG: '{"apiKey":"xxxx"}',
//=> { TOKEN: 'xxxx', FIREBASE_CONFIG: { apiKey: 'xxxx' }}
const queryString = new URLSearchParams(
TOKEN: 'xxxx',
FIREBASE_CONFIG: { apiKey: 'xxxx' },
//=> 'TOKEN=xxxx&FIREBASE_CONFIG=%7B%22apiKey%22%3A%22xxxx%22%7D'
const parsedParameters = parameters.parse(
new URLSearchParams(
//=> { TOKEN: 'xxxx', FIREBASE_CONFIG: { apiKey: 'xxxx' } }
TOKEN: 'xxxx',
FIREBASE_CONFIG: { apiKey: 'xxxx' },
).forEach(([parameterName, stringifiedValue]) => {
process.env[parameterName] = stringifiedValue;
// process.env.TOKEN: 'xxxx'
// process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG: '{"apiKey":"xxxx"}'
const parsedParameters = parameters.parse({
TOKEN: process.env.TOKEN,
//=> { TOKEN: 'xxxx', FIREBASE_CONFIG: { apiKey: 'xxxx' } }
see https://github.com/masahirompp/ssm-parameters-boot
see test/index.spec.ts
import { TypedParameters } from 'construct-typed-parameters';
const parameters = new TypedParameters(pt => ({
stringValue: pt.string({
// required: boolean
required: true,
// defaultValue?: T1
defaultValue: 'xxxx',
// validate?: (value: T1) => string | string[] | null;
validate: v => (v.includes('x') ? null : 'the value must contain x'),
unionStringValue: pt.unionString<'v1' | 'v2'>({
required: true,
defaultValue: 'v1',
validate: v =>
['v1', 'v2'].includes(v) ? null : 'the value must be v1 or v2',
numberValue: pt.number({
required: true,
defaultValue: 1,
validate: v => (v === 0 ? 'value must not be 0' : null),
unionNumberValue: pt.unionNumber<0 | 1>({
required: true,
defaultValue: 0,
validate: v => ([0, 1].includes(v) ? null : 'the value must be 0 or 1'),
booleanValue: pt.boolean({
required: true,
defaultValue: true,
validate: v => (v ? null : 'the value must be true'),
jsonValue: pt.json<{ apiKey: string }>({
required: true,
defaultValue: { apiKey: 'xxxx' },
validate: v => (v.apiKey.length ? null : 'apiKey must be specified'),
arrayValue: pt.json<string[]>({
required: true,
defaultValue: ['main', 'sub'],
validate: v => (v.length ? null : 'array must not empty'),
stringifiedParameters: Partial<StringifiedParameters<T>>,
shouldValidate = true
) : ParsedParameters<T>
parsedParameters: Partial<ParsedParameters<T>>,
shouldValidate = true
) : StringifiedParameters<T>