C# library for sync use of IB API. It wraps up basic methods for trading by nicer interface. In conjunction with Gateway Controller you can control your entire trading from C#.
- Easy sync use
- Error handling
- Extensive logging
- Library and IB API uses decimal to prevent any inaccuracy
- Whole library uses DateTimeOffset in UTC which prevents any time zone inconvenience when dealing with date and time
- You can get trading hours of any product to determine next trading day
- Not all IB API functions are supported. If you lack something, please open an issue. Otherwise you can implement the function yourself. It should be quite straightforward :)
- Not all IB API functions were properly tested. Please make sure it works as you expect before deployment.
Example of basic usage. This and many more you can also find in Program.cs.
// Create api instance
ApiClient api = new ApiClient("DUXXXXXX", 0, 4002, new SilentLogger());
// Get information about your account
Account account = api.GetAccountSummary();
// Now find out which position you hold
List<Position> currentPositions = api.GetAllPositions();
// Let's say we want to buy 152 shares of AAPL
// At first we need to find target product
Product aapl = api.FindProduct("AAPL", ProductType.Stock);
// Now we can create whatever order we want
Order order = new Market(aapl, OrderAction.Buy, 152);
// It's time to place an order - the code doesn't wait till order finishes because of the second parameter.
api.PlaceOrder(order, false);
// There can go additional orders
// ...
// You placed all orders you wanted (just one order in our case). Now you want to wait till they finish.
// But wait, we want to know also all fill details - like commisions and fill price. So instead you may want to call this method:
// So what are those fill details?
This library was developed under MIT license. IB API code itself subjects to IB API Non-Commercial License.