My solves for Advent of Code
Solves in Python 3 (solves utilizing numba do not yet support python 3.13 numba/numba#9413)
Run a single day by running its file py AoC_20XX/
Run multiple days using donner/
Enter ranges of years and days as 20XX-20XX:XX-XX
with multiple ranges separated by space.
The flag -s
will save outputs for later comparison.
cd to repo root or to directory containing file before running.
A config file is saved to ~/.cache/aoc_blitzen/config.ini
Several options may be set including:
- Input file directory
- Input file naming convention
- Holiday greeting displayed on day 25
- Output formats
Blitzen handles several functions common to every day's code:
- Append repo root to sys.path
- Retrieve input file
- Execute main()
- Print header
- Print outputs
- Print elapsed time
Modules in donner are used by solves from multiple days