cl-sip is a Common Lisp library for working with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as defined in RFC 3261.
I started writing the library with 2 goals in mind:
- Gaining experience with Common Lisp
- Building a library for use in SIP test tools
The library is a work in progress. The parsing code in msg.lisp is the most complete by far and has decent unit test coverage. The code in client.lisp is very raw -- it represents just ideas of what SIP user-agent code might look like.
cl-sip is available from
cl-sip uses ASDF to load its dependencies. To install cl-sip, download the source and link the included cl-sip.asd file into your ASDF central-registry directory. You can then load cl-sip with:
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'cl-sip)
(in-package cl-sip.msg)
See the unit tests for hints about how to use the library. (Yes, I should expand this description!)
cl-sip has been developed on Linux using SBCL. At the very least the unit tests pass with SBCL 1.0.32.
cl-sip is licensed with the LGPL.
Matt Keller
[email protected]