Django Social Auth is an easy to setup social authentication/authorization mechanism for Django projects.
Crafted using base code from django-twitter-oauth and django-openid-auth, implements a common interface to define new authentication providers from third parties.
You can check this documentation on Read the Docs too.
There's a demo at Note: It lacks some backends support at the moment.
This application provides user registration and login using social sites credentials, some features are:
Registration and Login using social sites using the following providers at the moment:
Some contributions added support for:
Basic user data population and signaling, to allows custom fields values from providers response
Multiple social accounts association to single users
Custom User model override if needed (auth.User by default)
Dependencies that must be meet to use the application:
- OpenId support depends on python-openid
- OAuth support depends on python-oauth2
- Several backends demands application registration on their corresponding sites.
From pypi:
$ pip install django-social-auth
$ easy_install django-social-auth
or clone from github:
$ git clone git://
and add social_auth to PYTHONPATH:
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/django-social-auth/
$ cd django-social-auth $ sudo python install
Add social_auth to
and installed applications:INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'social_auth' )
Add desired authentication backends to Django's AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_auth.backends.twitter.TwitterBackend', 'social_auth.backends.facebook.FacebookBackend', '', '', '', '', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.linkedin.LinkedinBackend', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.livejournal.LiveJournalBackend', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.orkut.OrkutBackend', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.foursquare.FoursquareBackend', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.github.GithubBackend', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.dropbox.DropboxBackend', '', 'social_auth.backends.OpenIDBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', )
Take into account that backends must be defined in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS or Django won't pick them when trying to authenticate the user.
Define desired backends for your site:
SOCIAL_AUTH_ENABLED_BACKENDS = ('google', 'google-oauth', 'facebook', ...)
All backends are enabled by default.
Setup needed OAuth keys (see OAuth section for details):
Setup login URLs:
LOGIN_URL = '/login-form/' LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/logged-in/' LOGIN_ERROR_URL = '/login-error/'
Check Django documentation at Login URL and Login redirect URL
If a custom redirect URL is needed that must be different to
, define the setting:SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/another-login-url/'
A different URL could be defined for newly registered users:
SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_USER_REDIRECT_URL = '/new-users-redirect-url/'
or for newly associated accounts:
SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_ASSOCIATION_REDIRECT_URL = '/new-association-redirect-url/'
or for account disconnections:
SOCIAL_AUTH_DISCONNECT_REDIRECT_URL = '/account-disconnected-redirect-url/'
In case of authentication error, the message can be stored in session if the following setting is defined:
SOCIAL_AUTH_ERROR_KEY = 'social_errors'
This defines the desired session key where last error message should be stored. It's disabled by default.
Configure authentication and association complete URL names to avoid possible clashes:
SOCIAL_AUTH_COMPLETE_URL_NAME = 'socialauth_complete' SOCIAL_AUTH_ASSOCIATE_URL_NAME = 'socialauth_associate_complete'
Add URLs entries:
urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'', include('social_auth.urls')), ... )
URLs names havesocialauth_
prefix.Define context processors if needed:
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'social_auth.context_processors.social_auth_by_type_backends', ) check `social_auth.context_processors`.
Sync database to create needed models:
./ syncdb
Not mandatory, but recommended:
SOCIAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'new_social_auth_user'
import random SOCIAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_USERNAME = lambda: random.choice(['Darth Vader', 'Obi-Wan Kenobi', 'R2-D2', 'C-3PO', 'Yoda'])
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify SOCIAL_AUTH_USERNAME_FIXER = lambda u: slugify(u)
in case your user layout needs to purify username on some weird way.
Final user name will have a random UUID-generated suffix in case it's already taken. The UUID token max length can be changed with the setting:
Backends will store extra values from response by default, set this to False to avoid such behavior:
Also more extra values will be stored if defined, details about this setting are listed below on OpenId and OAuth sections.
Session expiration time is an special value, it's recommended to define:
and use such setting name where expiration times are returned. View that completes login process will set session expiration time using this name if it's present or
by default. Expiration configuration can be disabled with setting:SOCIAL_AUTH_SESSION_EXPIRATION = False
It's possible to override the used
model if needed:SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.CustomUser'
This class must have a custom Model Manager with a
method that resembles the one on auth.UserManager.Also, it's highly recommended that this class define the following fields:
username = CharField(...) last_login = DateTimeField(blank=True) is_active = BooleanField(...)
and the method:
is_authenticated(): ...
These are needed to ensure a better
integration, in other case login_required won't be usable. A warning is displayed if any of these are missing. By default auth.User is used.Check example application for implementation details, but first, please take a look to User Profiles, it might be what you were looking for.
It's possible to disable user creations by
It is also possible to associate multiple user accounts with a single email address as long as the rest of the user data is unique. Set value as True to enable, otherwise set as False to disable. This behavior is disabled by default (false) unless specifically set:
You can send extra parameters on auth process by defining settings per provider, example to request Facebook to show Mobile authorization page, define:
FACEBOOK_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {'display': 'touch'}
For other providers, just define settings in the form:
<uppercase backend name>_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {...}
By default the application doesn't make redirects to different domains, to disable this behavior:
Inactive users can be redirected to a different page if this setting is defined:
Defaults to
Authentication process starts with socialauth_begin
Template code example:
<ul> <li> <a href="{% url socialauth_begin 'twitter' %}">Enter using Twitter</a> </li> <li> <a href="{% url socialauth_begin 'facebook' %}">Enter using Facebook</a> </li> </ul>
In the example above we assume that Twitter and Facebook authentication backends enabled, and following settings provided:
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = 'real key here' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'real secret here' FACEBOOK_APP_ID = 'real id here' FACEBOOK_API_SECRET = 'real secret here'
A pre_update
signal is sent when user data is about to be updated with new
values from authorization service provider, this apply to new users and already
existent ones. This is useful to update custom user fields or User Profiles,
for example, to store user gender, location, etc. Example:
from social_auth.signals import pre_update from social_auth.backends.facebook import FacebookBackend def facebook_extra_values(sender, user, response, details, **kwargs): user.gender = response.get('gender') return True pre_update.connect(facebook_extra_values, sender=FacebookBackend)
New data updating is made automatically but could be disabled and left only to signal handler if this setting value is set to True:
Take into account that when defining a custom User
model and declaring signal
handler in
, the imports and handler definition must be made
after the custom User
model is defined or circular imports issues will be
Also a new-user signal (socialauth_registered
) is sent when new accounts are
from social_auth.signals import socialauth_registered def new_users_handler(sender, user, response, details, **kwargs): user.is_new = True return False socialauth_registered.connect(new_users_handler, sender=None)
OpenId support is simpler to implement than OAuth. Google and Yahoo providers are supported by default, others are supported by POST method providing endpoint URL.
OpenId backends can store extra data in UserSocialAuth.extra_data
by defining a set of values names to retrieve from any of the used schemas,
and SimpleRegistration
. As their keywords differ we
need two settings.
Settings is per backend, so we have two possible values for each one. Name is dynamically checked using uppercase backend name as prefix:
<uppercase backend name>_SREG_EXTRA_DATA <uppercase backend name>_AX_EXTRA_DATA
GOOGLE_SREG_EXTRA_DATA = [(..., ...)] GOOGLE_AX_EXTRA_DATA = [(..., ...)]
Settings must be a list of tuples mapping value name in response and value alias used to store.
OAuth communication demands a set of keys exchange to validate the client authenticity prior to user approbation. Twitter, Facebook and Orkut facilitates these keys by application registration, Google works the same, but provides the option for unregistered applications.
Check next sections for details.
OAuth backends also can store extra data in UserSocialAuth.extra_data
field by defining a set of values names to retrieve from service response.
Settings is per backend and it's name is dynamically checked using uppercase backend name as prefix:
<uppercase backend name>_EXTRA_DATA
FACEBOOK_EXTRA_DATA = [(..., ...)]
Settings must be a list of tuples mapping value name in response and value alias used to store.
Twitter offers per application keys named Consumer Key
and Consumer Secret
To enable Twitter these two keys are needed. Further documentation at
Twitter development resources:
Register a new application at Twitter App Creation,
mark the "Yes, use Twitter for login" checkbox, and
Consumer Key
andConsumer Secret
You need to specify an URL callback or the application will be marked as Client type instead of the Browser. Almost any dummy value will work if you plan some test.
Facebook works similar to Twitter but it's simpler to setup and redirect URL is passed as a parameter when issuing an authorization. Further documentation at Facebook development resources:
Register a new application at Facebook App Creation, and
App Id
andApp Secret
also it's possible to define extra permissions with:
If you define a redirect URL in Facebook setup page, be sure to not define or http://localhost:8000 because it won't work when testing. Instead I define and setup a mapping on /etc/hosts or use dnsmasq.
Orkut offers per application keys named Consumer Key
and Consumer Secret
To enable Orkut these two keys are needed.
Check Google support and Orkut API for details on getting your consumer_key and consumer_secret keys.
Consumer Key
andConsumer Secret
add any needed extra data to:
configure extra scopes in:
Google provides Consumer Key
and Consumer Secret
keys to registered
applications, but also allows unregistered application to use their authorization
system with, but beware that this method will display a security banner to the
user telling that the application is not trusted.
Check Google OAuth and make your choice.
Consumer Key
andConsumer Secret
anonymous values will be used if not configured as described in their OAuth reference
configure the display name to be used in the "grant permissions" dialog that Google will display to users in:
shows 'Social Auth' by default, but that might not suite your application.
setup any needed extra scope in:
Check which applications can be included in their Google Data Protocol Directory
Recently Google launched OAuth2 support following the definition at OAuth2 draft. It works in a similar way to plain OAuth mechanism, but developers must register an application and apply for a set of keys. Check Google OAuth2 document for details.
- Note:
- This support is experimental as Google implementation may change and OAuth2 is still a draft.
To enable OAuth2 support:
Client ID
andClient Secret
settings, these values can be obtained easily as described on OAuth2 Registering doc:GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = '' GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = ''
previous name
is supported for backward compatibility.scopes are shared between OAuth mechanisms:
Check which applications can be included in their Google Data Protocol Directory
LinkedIn setup is similar to any other OAuth service. To request extra fields using LinkedIn fields selectors just define the setting:
with the needed fields selectors, also define LINKEDIN_EXTRA_DATA properly, that
way the values will be stored in UserSocialAuth.extra_data
By default id
, first-name
and last-name
are requested and stored.
GitHub works similar to Facebook (OAuth).
Register a new application at GitHub Developers, and
App Id
andApp Secret
values in the settings:GITHUB_APP_ID = '' GITHUB_API_SECRET = ''
also it's possible to define extra permissions with:
Dropbox uses OAuth v1.0 for authentication.
Register a new application at Dropbox Developers, and
App Key
andApp Secret
values in the settings:DROPBOX_APP_ID = '' DROPBOX_API_SECRET = ''
Flickr uses OAuth v1.0 for authentication.
Register a new application at the Flickr App Garden, and
values in the settings:FLICKR_APP_ID = '' FLICKR_API_SECRET = ''
To test the app just run:
./ test social_auth
This will run a bunch of tests, so far only login process is tested, more will come eventually.
User accounts on the different sites are needed to run tests, configure the credentials in the following way:
# twitter testing TEST_TWITTER_USER = 'testing_account' TEST_TWITTER_PASSWORD = 'password_for_testing_account' # facebook testing TEST_FACEBOOK_USER = 'testing_account' TEST_FACEBOOK_PASSWORD = 'password_for_testing_account' # google testing TEST_GOOGLE_USER = '[email protected]' TEST_GOOGLE_PASSWORD = 'password_for_testing_account'
There's support for Selenium tests too on root contrib directory. To run install selenium:
$ pip install selenium
and create a
fill the needed account information. Then run:
cd contrib/tests ./
Join to django-social-auth community on Convore and bring any questions or suggestions that will improve this app.
South users should add this rule to enable migrations:
try: import south from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules add_introspection_rules([], ["^social_auth\.fields\.JSONField"]) except: pass
If defining a custom user model, do not import social_auth from any that would finally import from the that defines your User class or it will make your project fail with a recursive import because social_auth uses get_model() to retrieve your User.
There's an ongoing movement to create a list of third party backends on, so, if somebody doesn't want it's backend in the
directory but still wants to share, just split it in a separated
package and link it there.
Maybe several, please create issues in github
Attributions to whom deserves:
- caioariede (Caio Ariede):
- Improvements and Orkut support
- krvss (Stas Kravets):
- Initial configuration
- jezdez (Jannis Leidel):
- Improvements and documentation update
- alfredo (Alfredo Ramirez)
- Facebook and Doc improvements
- mattucf (Matt Brown)
- Twitter and OAuth improvements
- Quard (Vadym Zakovinko)
- LinkedIn support
- micrypt (Seyi Ogunyemi)
- OAuth2 migration
- bedspax
- Foursquare support
- revolunet (Julien Bouquillon)
- GitHub support
- danielgtaylor (Daniel G. Taylor)
- Dropbox support
- Flickr support
- Provider name context processor
Base work is copyrighted by:
Original Copyright goes to Henrik Lied (henriklied) Code borrowed from
django-openid-auth - OpenID integration for django.contrib.auth Copyright (C) 2007 Simon Willison Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Canonical Ltd.