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Bunny Storage Adapter for Payload CMS

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Store and serve media files from your Payload CMS using Bunny's CDN.

Built on top of @payloadcms/plugin-cloud-storage for easy integration with Payload CMS.

Table of Contents


  • Upload files to Bunny Storage
  • Handle videos with Bunny Stream (HLS, MP4, thumbnails)
  • Show thumbnails in your admin panel
  • Control access via Payload or direct CDN links

⚡ Performance Recommendation

Set disablePayloadAccessControl: true for best performance.

This lets users download files directly from Bunny's CDN servers instead of through your Payload server - making content delivery much faster.


Requires Payload CMS 3.0.0 or higher.

# npm
npm install @seshuk/payload-storage-bunny

# yarn
yarn add @seshuk/payload-storage-bunny

# pnpm
pnpm add @seshuk/payload-storage-bunny

Quick Start

import { buildConfig } from 'payload'
import { bunnyStorage } from '@seshuk/payload-storage-bunny'

export default buildConfig({
  plugins: [
      collections: {
        media: {
          prefix: 'media',
          disablePayloadAccessControl: true, // Use direct CDN access
      options: {
        storage: {
          apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STORAGE_API_KEY,
          hostname: '',
          zoneName: 'your-storage-zone',


Important: When you use this plugin, disableLocalStorage is automatically set to true for each collection. Files won't be stored on your server.

Collections Configuration

Define which collections will use Bunny Storage:

collections: {
  // Simple
  media: true,
  // With options
  [collectionSlug]: {
    // Store files in a specific folder
    prefix: 'media',
    // Control how files are accessed
    disablePayloadAccessControl: true

The prefix option organizes files in folders within your Bunny Storage. For example, prefix: 'images' will store uploads in an "images" folder.

Storage Configuration

Connect to Bunny Storage:

storage: {
  // Your Storage API key
  apiKey: string,
  // Your CDN domain (e.g., '')
  hostname: string,
  // Your storage zone name
  zoneName: string,
  // Optional: Region code ('uk', 'ny', etc.)
  region?: string

Important: Bunny Storage requires a Pull Zone to be configured for your Storage Zone. Files will not be accessible without a properly configured Pull Zone. The hostname should be your Pull Zone hostname, not the Storage API endpoint. See Bunny's documentation on how to access and deliver files from Bunny Storage.

Stream Configuration

Optional settings for video handling:

stream: {
  // Your Stream API key
  apiKey: string,
  // Stream CDN domain
  hostname: string,
  // Your library ID
  libraryId: string, // like "123456"
  // Enable MP4 downloads (required with access control)
  mp4Fallback: {
    enabled: true
  // Deprecated: Use mp4Fallback instead
  mp4FallbackQuality?: '240p' | '360p' | '480p' | '720p',
  // When to take the thumbnail (milliseconds)
  thumbnailTime?: number

Note: If you use Payload's access control, you must enable MP4 fallback both here and in your Bunny Stream settings.

Important: Video support is always available, even without Bunny Stream configured. If Bunny Stream is disabled, video files will simply be uploaded to Bunny Storage like any other file type. Bunny Stream just provides enhanced video features (streaming, adaptive bitrates, thumbnails).

Admin Thumbnail Configuration

Control thumbnails in your admin panel:

adminThumbnail: true // Default
// or
adminThumbnail: {
  // Add timestamp to bust cache
  appendTimestamp: boolean,
  // Custom image parameters (works with Bunny Optimizer)
  queryParams: {
    width: '300',
    height: '300',
    quality: '90'

The queryParams option is particularly useful when used with Bunny's Image Optimizer service, allowing you to resize, crop, and optimize images on-the-fly.

Access Control Configuration

collections: {
  media: {
    // Optional folder prefix
    prefix: 'media',
    // How files are accessed
    disablePayloadAccessControl: true

If disablePayloadAccessControl is not true:

  • Files go through Payload's API
  • Your access rules work
  • Videos need MP4 fallback enabled
  • MP4s are served instead of HLS
  • Good for files that need protection

When disablePayloadAccessControl: true:

  • Files go directly from Bunny CDN
  • No access rules
  • Videos use HLS streams (playlist.m3u8)
  • Faster delivery but open access
  • No need for MP4 fallback

Getting API Keys

Bunny Storage API Key

To find your Bunny Storage API key:

  1. Go to your Bunny Storage dashboard
  2. Click on your Storage Zone
  3. Go to "FTP & API Access" section
  4. Use the "Password" field as your API key (important: you must use the full Password, not the Read-only password as it won't work for uploads)
  5. Your "Username" is your storage zone name (use this for the zoneName parameter)
  6. The "Hostname" value can help determine your region (e.g., if it shows, your region is ny)

Remember that the hostname parameter in the plugin configuration should come from your Pull Zone, not from this section.

Bunny Stream API Key

To find your Bunny Stream API key:

  1. Go to your Bunny Stream dashboard
  2. Select your library
  3. Click on "API" in the sidebar
  4. Find "Video Library ID" for your libraryId setting (like "123456")
  5. Find "CDN Hostname" for your hostname setting (like "")
  6. The "API Key" is found at the bottom of the page

Storage Regions

Choose where to store your files. If you don't pick a region, the default storage location is used.

Use only the region code in the region setting:

  • Default: leave empty
  • uk - London, UK
  • ny - New York, US
  • la - Los Angeles, US
  • sg - Singapore
  • se - Stockholm, SE
  • br - São Paulo, BR
  • jh - Johannesburg, SA
  • syd - Sydney, AU

To determine your region, check your Bunny Storage Zone settings. Pick a region closest to your users for best performance. The region code is found in your Storage Zone's hostname (e.g., if your endpoint is, use ny as the region).


storage: {
  apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STORAGE_API_KEY,
  hostname: '',
  region: 'ny',  // Just 'ny', not ''
  zoneName: 'my-zone'


Basic Setup with Direct CDN Access

  collections: {
    media: true,
  options: {
    storage: {
      apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STORAGE_API_KEY,
      hostname: '',
      zoneName: 'my-zone',

With Bunny Stream & Direct CDN Access

  collections: {
    media: {
      prefix: 'uploads',
      disablePayloadAccessControl: true,
  options: {
    storage: {
      apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STORAGE_API_KEY,
      hostname: '',
      region: 'ny',
      zoneName: 'my-zone',
    stream: {
      apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STREAM_API_KEY,
      hostname: '',
      libraryId: '123456',
      thumbnailTime: 5000, // 5 seconds in milliseconds

With Bunny Stream & Payload Access Control

  collections: {
    media: {
      prefix: 'uploads',
      // Not setting disablePayloadAccessControl uses Payload's access control
  options: {
    storage: {
      apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STORAGE_API_KEY,
      hostname: '',
      region: 'ny',
      zoneName: 'my-zone',
    stream: {
      apiKey: process.env.BUNNY_STREAM_API_KEY,
      hostname: '',
      libraryId: '123456',
      mp4Fallback: { enabled: true }, // Required with access control
      thumbnailTime: 5000, // 5 seconds in milliseconds