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Releases: mdconaway/fastapi-cruddy-framework

Release: 1.10.1

30 Oct 13:36
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Release 1.10.0

21 Aug 13:28
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  • Update sqlmodel to 0.0.21
  • Update internal functions to handle native UUIDs

Release 1.9.2

12 Aug 13:23
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  • Relax Repository return types to allow user space typing

Release 1.9.1

11 Jul 18:29
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  • Upgrade base sqlmodel version to 0.0.19

Release 1.9.0

08 Jul 17:57
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  • Adds support for polymorphic relationships, which do not have directly associated foreign keys.

Release 1.8.0

27 Jun 17:43
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  • Adds new exception CruddyNoMatchingRowException
  • Raises CruddyNoMatchingRowException whenever a CRUD operation that looks completely valid based on model validation unexpectedly fails on the database side of the transaction. This is typically due to row-level access control policies implemented in languages like plpgsql.
  • Added example function to the example sever which adds a global funnel to catch all CruddyNoMatchingRowExceptions and return a 404.

Release 1.7.2

25 Jun 12:39
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  • Removes TaskGroup usage throughout the library.
  • Updates all AbstractRepository functions to only ever claim 1 DB session at a time. This prevents session deadlock under massive load.

Release 1.7.1

24 Jun 22:03
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  • Adds a fix to pass the async session object to the new DB session hooks in addition to the request context.

Release 1.7.0

24 Jun 21:41
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  • Adds session_setup and session_teardown hooks to all primary DB adapters that allow all CRUD actions to propagate user information all the way to the DB level to enable role-based (and row based!) access control. The session hooks will gain access to the request context of the calling user, allowing app developers to grab request state or session values and pass them all the way to a DB like MySQL or Postgres.
  • Adds greater scrutiny to allowed filter columns in the where query forge. Only columns listed as a part of view model (response schema) are allowed to be used as filters.

Release 1.6.0

13 Jun 13:45
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  • Adds CruddyHTTPBearer class to enable HTTPBearer auth on Websockets AND Requests
  • Updates get_state and set_state to accept HTTPConnection (Now supports Request, Websocket and HTTPConnection)