- run with "java -ea -cp target/classes setgame.ServerMain 8080 4", where 8008 is the port and 4 is the number of attributes on a card (supports 1-4 attirbutes right now)
- /look/player route to see the current board
- /declare/player for a player to claim they have a set, giving them rights to pick cards
- /pick/player/row,col for a player to pick a card on the board (zero-indexed)
- /add/player to add 3 cards to the board
- /scores to see current scores
- /watch blocks until a new player joins, a card is clicked, cards are removed or replaced, cards are added, or someone declares a set
A card in Set has four basic attributes:
- color: red, green, purple
- number: one, two, three
- shading: solid, striped, open
- shape: diamond, squiggle, oval If 4 attributes are desired, all are used; if only 3 are desired, all shapes default to squiggle.
- If 4 attributes are being used, a 3x4 board is laid out; if 3 attributes, then a 3x3 board is used; etc.
- The objective is to find Sets, where a Set is defined as three cards where, for each basic attribute, the properties of the three cards are all the same, or all different.
- To declare you have a found a Set, you click "Declare". You then have 5 seconds to click 3 cards which you believe are a Set.
- If your 3 cards make a Set, you gain 10 points; if they are not a Set, or you time out, you lose 5 points.
- If a Set is found, and the board was at its default size (3x4 or 3x3) or smaller, those 3 cards are replaced from the remainder of deck, if any cards remain. Otherwise (if the board was larger than its default size), the 3 cards are removed, and the board is rearranged so it now contains one less column.
- If you believe no Set exists on the given board, you can vote to add 3 more cards by clicking "Add". If all players vote to add, a new column of 3 cards will be added to the board.
- some sort of time limit so someone can't say no forever?
- implementing some sort of hint mechanism? (if people can't find a Set)
- customizable shapes/colors/etc?
-, apparently any group of 12 cards is guaranteed a planet, comet, or set? :O also multidimensional set -- variant where you duplicate all cards 3 times and add a border color as a 5th distinguishing characteristic, could be fun
- shuffling two decks together maybe?
- some slides from high school math teacher haha
REQUEST ::= "/look/" PLAYER
| "/declare/" PLAYER
| "/pick/" PLAYER "/" ROW "," COLUMN
| "/add/" PLAYER
| "/scores"
| "/watch/" PLAYER
PLAYER ::= [\w]+
DECLARE ::= "none" | "up " MILLIS | "my " MILLIS
SPOT ::= "none" | "up " CARD | "my " CARD
CARD ::= [^\s\n\r]+
INT ::= [0-9]+
VOTE ::= "none" | "add"
NEWLINE ::= "\n" | "\r" "\n"?
For /look/...
, /declare/...
, /pick/...
, and /watch/...
requests, the server responds with BOARD
, the current board. In the response, ROW
is the number of rows, COLUMN
is the number of columns, DECLARE
is the declare state, and the cards are listed reading across each row, starting with the top row.
indicates no player is declaring a set, up
indicates another player is declaring a set, and my
indicates a set is being declared by the player who sent the request. MILLIS
gives, in Unix time, the time stamp at which the declare will time out.
indicates no card in that location, up
indicates a face-up card controlled by another player (or by no one), and my
is a face-up card controlled by the player who sent the request.
For /scores
and /add/...
requests, the server responds with SCORES
, the current scores. In the response, each PLAYER
is a unique player ID and INT
is their nonnegative score and VOTE
is their vote state. none
indicates the player has not voted and add
indicates the player votes to add cards to the board.