A math CLI tool in Clojure.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mebble/mcj/main/scripts/install.sh | sh
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mebble/mcj/main/scripts/remove.sh | sh
mcj add 2 3 | mcj div . 2
- Scaffolded using
lein new app mcj
- Get started with clojure
Run cp .env.sample .env
and set the appropriate environment variables in .env
lein run add 2 3
cd <project-root>
lein repl
Now you can access variables in the mcj.core
namespace. You can also switch to another namespace in the REPL. For example, to switch to mcj.command
, run (ns mcj.command)
. To exit the REPL, press ctrl+d
# Automatically re-run tests on file changes
make test-watch
# Run tests once
make test
make build
Run the build with:
java -jar target/mcj.jar -h
java -jar target/mcj.jar add 2 3
cd ~/.local
watch 'tree -L 2'
watch 'cat bin/mcj'
watch 'file share/mcj/mcj.jar'
sh ./scripts/install.sh
sh ./scripts/remove.sh