Generate RSS Feeds from sources that don't have one.
Feed | Uptime | Path | Link |
Groww Digest - Daily | /.netlify/functions/rss-groww | | |
Bytes - The Best JavaScript Newsletter | /.netlify/functions/rss-bytes | |
Demo images | |
![]() |
![]() |
- node and npm
- netlify cli installed globally
netlify init
netlify functions:create --name <func-name>
npm install
cp .env.sample .env # Put all environment variables here
netlify functions:serve
Automated tests:
npm run test
Manual tests:
# when caching with last-modified header
curl 'http://<host>/.netlify/functions/<func>' -Is | grep -i 'last-modified'
curl 'http://<host>/.netlify/functions/<func>' -H 'If-Modified-Since: <last-modified>' -I
# when caching with etag header
curl 'http://<host>/.netlify/functions/<func>' -Is | grep -i 'etag'
curl 'http://<host>/.netlify/functions/<func>' -H 'If-None-Match: "<etag>"' -I
Put a debugger
statement whereever you want it. Then:
Run the debugger with tests:
npm run test:debugger
Run the debugger when running functions locally:
NODE_OPTIONS="--inspect" netlify functions:serve