Clone into .config/nvim
and start NeoVim.
- fzf
- fd
- luarocks
- lazygit
- lazy for plugin management
- telescope for search and navigation
- file tree-view and file manager integrated
- lsp with autocomplete
- language server management integration using mason
- treesitter for code analysis and coloring
- lualine for bottom status line
- customizable theme
- replace alpha.nvim with echasnovski/mini.starter
- integrate echasnovski/mini.surround
- integrate Vigemus/iron.nvim
- config hints:
- configure LSP servers in lua/config.lua
- set theme in lua/config.lua
- create/override theme settings in lua/themes/
Here is a list of some of the custom binds and commands.
Command | Description |
:Lazy |
Plugin management |
:Mason |
Language server management |
Using for extended textobjects.
- defines mappings for both
Default textobject is activated for identifiers from digits (0, ..., 9), punctuation (like _
, *
, ,
, etc.), whitespace (space, tab, etc.)
Key | Name |
Default | |
( |
Balanced () |
[ |
Balanced [] |
{ |
Balanced {} |
< |
Balanced <> |
) |
Balanced () |
] |
Balanced [] |
} |
Balanced {} |
> |
Balanced <> |
b |
Alias for ),],} |
" |
Balanced " |
' |
Balanced ' |
` | Balanced ` |
q |
Alias for ",',` |
? |
User prompt (typed e and o) |
t |
Tag |
f |
Function call |
a |
Argument |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | K |
Move selected lines UP with auto-indent |
n | J |
Move selected lines DOWN with auto-indent |
x | <Space>p |
Paste-overwrite selected |
n/v | <Space>y |
Begin yank to system clipboard |
n | <Space>Y |
Yank line to system clipboard |
n/v | <Space>d |
Begin delete without clipboard |
n | <Space>ss |
Search and replace |
n | <Ctrl-k> |
Quickfix next |
n | <Ctrl-j> |
Quickfix previous |
n | <Space>k |
Loclist next |
n | <Space>j |
Loclist previous |
n | <Space>bx |
Delete current buffer and switch to next |
n | <Space>bX |
Force delete current buffer and switch to next |
n | <Space>bd |
Delete current buffer |
n | <Space>bD |
Force delete current buffer |
n | <Space><CR> |
Alternate buffer (:e #) |
n | <Space>zz |
Zen-Mode |
n | <Space>? |
Buffer Keymaps |
n | <Space>xx |
LUA execute line |
v | <Space>x |
LUA execute selected |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n/x/o | s |
Flash - jump |
n/x/o | S |
Flash - treesitter |
o | r |
Flash - remote (in o-pending mode) |
o/x | R |
Flash - treesitter search |
c | <Ctrl-s> |
Toggle Flash Search |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | <Space><Space> |
Search buffers |
n | <Space>sf |
Search Files |
n | <Space>sg |
Search Git files |
n | <Space>sr |
Search by Grep |
n | <Space>s. |
Search recently opened files |
n | <Space>sw |
Search current Word |
n | <Space>sd |
Search Diagnostics |
n | <Space>st |
Search TODO |
n | <Space>sT |
n | <Space>sn |
Search Noice/Notifications |
n | <Space>sh |
Search Help |
n | <Space>sk |
Search Keymaps |
n | <Space>su |
Search Undo-tree |
n | <Space>/ |
Fuzzily search in current buffer |
Command | Description |
:FormatLSP |
Format current buffer with LSP |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | <Space>rn |
Rename |
n | <Space>ca |
Code Action |
n | gd |
Goto Definition |
n | gr |
Goto References |
n | gI |
Goto Implementation |
n | <Space>D |
Type Definition |
n | <Space>ds |
Document Symbols |
n | <Space>ws |
Workspace Symbols |
n | K |
Hover |
n | gK |
Signature Documentation |
i | <Ctrl-k> |
Signature Documentation |
n | gD |
Goto Declaration |
n | <Space>wa |
Workspace Add Folder |
n | <Space>wd |
Workspace Remove Folder |
n | <Space>wl |
Workspace List Folders |
Keys | Description |
<Ctrl-d> |
Scroll docs up |
<Ctrl-f> |
Scroll docs down |
<Ctrl-Space> |
Show autocomplete dialog |
<Ctrl-e> |
Close autocomplete dialog |
<Enter> |
Accept autocomplete |
<Tab> |
Next item / Snip next jump |
<Shift-Tab> |
Prev item / Snip prev jump |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | <Space>q |
Open diagnostic details |
n | <Space>e |
Open diagnostics loclist |
n | [d |
Diagnostic goto prev |
n | ]d |
Diagnostic goto next |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | <Space>cs |
Symbols |
n | <Space>cS |
LSP references/definitions/... |
n | <Space>td |
Diagnostics |
n | <Space>tD |
Buffer Diagnostics |
n | <Space>tl |
Location List |
n | <Space>tq |
Quickfix List |
n | <Space>ts |
Telescope Results |
n | <Space>tt |
n | <Space>tT |
n | [q |
Previous Trouble/Quickfix Item |
n | ]q |
Next Trouble/Quickfix Item |
n | [t |
Previous TODO comment |
n | ]t |
Next TODO comment |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | <Space>ff |
mini.files - file dir |
n | <Space>fd |
mini.files - file dir expanded |
n | <Space>fp |
mini.files - project dir |
n | <Space>ft |
treeview toggle |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | ]h |
Next Hunk |
n | [h |
Prev Hunk |
n/v | <Space>hs |
Stage Hunk |
n/v | <Space>hr |
Reset Hunk |
n | <Space>hS |
Stage Buffer |
n | <Space>hR |
Reset Buffer |
n | <Space>hb |
Blame Line |
n | <Space>hB |
Toggle Line Blame |
n | <Space>hd |
Diff This |
n | <Space>hD |
Diff This ~ |
n | <Space>lg |
open lazygit floating |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n/t | <M-t> |
Toggle floating terminal |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | <Space>wf |
Find/Search sessions |
n | <Space>wp |
Persist session |
n | <Space>ww |
Restore session |
Mode | Keys | Description |
n | mt |
Markdown preview toggle |