If you want to use this configuration yourself then follow these steps:
- clone the repo in your vimrc folder (
) - Update your terminal config to have a
variable that points to the vimrc folder: (f.i.export MYVIMCONFIG=~/.config/nvim/
)- this is used to load configuration files that I've separated in their own files with meaningful names
- Make sure that all plugins are installed
- I use minpac as plugin manager
- Open Vim and type
- If there's any errors follow the installation instructions from the specific plugin that is causing the error (you can find them on GitHub)
- The
command in Neovim can be useful to troubleshoot things and may point you at a culprit
- The
- The coc plugin (used for completion and many other things) uses its own way to manage extensions. You can install the using the
:CocInstall {extension}
command. See the coc section of the vimrc for the plugins that I normally have installed
- Victory