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⏪ Rewinds Stack

⚠️ New repo: because this repo is no longer updated

Rewinds is a Remix starter kit with Tailwind CSS v3 family of libraries and the TypeScript ecosystem.

This is an example demo to combine the best Tailwind-related ecosystem such as Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Radix UI + tailwindcss-radix, Reach UI, Vechai UI, and more. Therefore this repo is kind of over-engineered to have high flexibility and cover a lot of use cases for different projects/products.

Check out the repo and visit the live demo:

You can deploy this yourself. Just put attention to setup the environment variables on Vercel or any of the deployment target you choose beforehand.

For recommended and alternative stack selections, they are mostly listed and detailed in the Catamyst Stack documentation.

Depending on your configuration, the app might need GraphCMS to serve the content for the blog articles example. Otherwise you can remove or swap the blog content source from anywhere else.

Deploy with Vercel Clone project


Home Light

Home Dark

What's inside

More into what we can do or what you get. The complete features are listed in the about page. While the complete examples are listed in the examples page.

  • Remix as the web framework
  • React as the UI library
  • TypeScript as the programming language
    • Absolute import such as ~/components, ~/configs, ~/libs, ~/types, ~/utils
    • Auto order import with Prettier and ESLint
  • Tailwind CSS using Vechai UI as the base components
    • Various examples that use Headless UI and Radix UI
  • Multiple themes switcher and persist theme with a session cookie
    • Not yet with system theme auto detect
  • Commonly used pages/routes with contents
  • Ready to use components that highly customizable
  • Form submission with either Remix Form or React Hook Form
  • Data fetching with REST API or GraphQL
  • Nested routes use cases
  • Optimistic UI on form submit
  • Storybook for components development
  • VS Code recommended settings, extensions, and snippets
  • GitHub template for issues and pull requests
  • Only focus on the frontend styling and project structure, without particular in testing and database
    • Just a bit of backend integration through Remix loader for REST API and GraphQL
    • For the full stack integration with database and testing, check out the official Remix Stacks instead.


More into what is being used. The complete stacks are listed in the about page.

  • VS Code
  • TypeScript v4.7
    • Type checking is enforced after type inference
  • Node.js v14-v17
  • npm v8
    • Not Yarn because v1 & v2 difference
    • Not pnpm just because of familiarity
  • React v17
    • Not v18 yet because of incompatibility with Vechai UI at the moment
    • Might upgrade to v18 soon after checking with Remix and solve the issue with Vechai UI
    • Otherwise if you don't need Vechai UI for handling multiple themes of Tailwind CSS, you can use React v18 with Remix v1.6.8
  • Remix v1.6.x
  • Tailwind CSS v3.1.x
  • PostCSS v8
  • Fonts
    • Google Fonts
    • Fontbit CDN
  • Icons
    • React Icons
    • Heroicons v1
    • Font Awesome
    • Phospor Icons
    • Iconify
  • Styled the headless unstyled components
    • Headless UI v1.6 — Unstyled accessible UI components
    • Radix UI v0 — Unstyled accessible UI components
      • Tailwind Radix
    • Reach UI v0 — Unstyled accessible UI components
    • Vechai UI v0 — React Tailwind CSS components
    • Downshift — Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete/combobox or select dropdown components
    • React Aria v3 — Library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system
    • Ariakit (v2) — Toolkit for building accessible web apps with React
      • Reakit (v1) — Toolkit for building accessible UIs
  • NProgress — Navigation progress
  • React Hook Form — Complex client side form handling
  • React Lazyload
  • Markdoc for Markdown parser
  • Prism.js for code syntax highlighting
    • Alternatively can also use Highlight.js
  • CSS classname utility with clsx or cx, aliased as classx
  • GraphQL query/mutate with graphql-request and urql
  • REST API request with fetch and axios
  • ESLint v8
    • eslint-config-airbnb
    • eslint-config-prettier
  • Stylelint v14
  • Prettier v2
    • prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
  • Git hooks with Husky to lint staged files
    • eslint, stylelint, prettier, typecheck
  • Deployment to Vercel
  • Internationalization with i18next

⚠️ Make sure to not using React v18 yet as there's an issue with Vechai UI and Reach UI. Unless you want to remove them for now.


Clone repo

Choose either way:

a. Click Use this template button on GitHub.

b. Clone directly:

git clone my-rewinds-project

c. Clone with a clean Git history:

npx degit my-rewinds-project

Install dependencies

To run your Remix app locally, make sure your project's local dependencies are installed:

npm install
# Can still use yarn or pnpm, just be aware of the lock file

Environment variables

If you've run npm install, the postinstall script should copy the example .env automatically. Otherwise you can manually copy the .env.example into .env:

cp -i .env.example .env
# `-i` or `--interactive` will prompt before overwrite

Then edit .env as you prefer.

⚠️ Make sure to setup the environment variables here, on Vercel, or on your preferred deployment target. Otherwise the app will break on production. That's why I already put some preset strings in the .env.example which you can copy directly.

Important variables:

    • Session secret for persisting the themes on browser sessions
    • You can use openssl rand -base64 32 to generate a secret/key and use it
    • Primary REST API endpoint to be used with fetch or axios
    • Primary GraphQL API endpoint to be used with graphql-request or urql

If you don't need some of these, you can remove them in the .env, app/utils/env.server.ts, and all getEnvServer() function calls.

Afterwards, run the Remix development server with the dev script. This will watch and compile for both the Tailwind styles and Remix app.

npm run dev

You can also use the d script for a quick way. This will compile Tailwind styles once and only watch the Remix app changes.

npm run d

Finally, open up http://localhost:3000 and you should be ready to go!

Note if you're used to using the vercel dev command provided by Vercel CLI instead, you can also use that, but it's not needed. Although it can help with the Environment variables setup (no need to use .env file).

ℹ️ Depending on your computer processing power, the first Tailwind compilation might take around ~3 seconds. Although Tailwind CSS v3 already has Just-in-Time engine enabled by default.

Environment variables using Doppler

If you want to use Doppler to manage the environment variables, use the dev:doppler script. Therefore you won't need the .env file to be edited manually.

npm run dev:doppler
# doppler run -- npm run dev

Project structure

Keep in mind that the structure is designed for scalability for medium-large project. If your project scope is too simple or too small, Rewinds might be a bit too much to handle.

  • .husky
  • .vscode
  • api
  • app
    • components: custom and aliased components
    • configs
    • contents
    • data
    • features
    • graphql
    • hooks
    • layouts
    • libs: Wrapper for node_modules
    • routes: Remix routes
    • styles
      • out.css: Tailwind output file
    • types
    • utils
    • entry.client.tsx
    • entry.server.tsx
    • root.tsx
    • other-root-routes.server.ts
  • public
  • styles
    • global.css: Tailwind input file
  • .gitignore
  • package.json
    • .commitlintrc
    • .editorconfig
    • .eslintignore
    • .eslintrc
    • .lintstagedrc
    • .npmrc
    • .nvmrc
    • .prettierignore
    • .prettierrc
    • .stylelintrc
    • tsconfig.json
    • vercel.json
  • remix.config.js
    • .env
    • .env.example
    • postcss.config.js
    • tailwind.config.js
    • remix.env.d.ts
    • tsconfig.json
  • server.js

There are also some code you can customize with your own branding by editing all the things that commented with EDITME by using search in your editor.


  • package.json
  • .github and its contents
  • site.webmanifest

Also when using this starter kit, you might want to remove most of the code in:

  • app
    • data: custom data
    • contents: custom contents
    • routes: custom routes

Other than those you might want to keep them.

Configuration for SEO

To refresh the site preview cache for each sites, they usually have their own validators:

  • sitemap.xml and robots.txt: Google Search Console
  • Facebook: Open Graph Sharing Debugger
  • Telegram: Webpage Bot
  • Twitter: Twitter Card Validator
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn Post Inspector


Make sure that it can build just fine:

npm run build

For more complementing the build:

npm run build
npm run lint


Make sure to lint the code with both ESLint and Stylelint:

npm run lint

Or individually:

npm run eslint
npm run stylelint
npm run prettier
npm run typecheck


After having run the create-remix command and selected "Vercel" as a deployment target, you only need to import your Git repository into Vercel, and it will be deployed.

Or you can click the buttons in the introduction.

If you'd like to avoid using a Git repository, you can also deploy the directory by running Vercel CLI:

npm i -g vercel

It is generally recommended to use a Git repository, because future commits will then automatically be deployed by Vercel, through its Git Integration.

⚠️ Make sure to setup the environment variables in the project settings.



If you have older way of importing from remix package prior to [email protected] or [email protected], you can use the migrate script to change the import statements.

npx @remix-run/dev migrate


import { json, redirect } from "remix";


import { json, redirect } from "@remix-run/node";

Vechai UI

Edit tailwind.config.js to remove custom colors to reduce the stylesheet build size. cssBase is still required to get the default Tailwind CSS colors into Vechai UI themes.

module.exports = {
  // ...
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
-       info:,
-       success:,
-       warning: colors.yellow,
-       error:,
  plugins: [
    // ...
     cssBase: true,
-    colors: ['info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'],


  1. Sign up a new account on ConvertKit
  2. Edit your profile information
  3. Get the API Key to be used as CONVERTKIT_API_KEY
  4. Create a Subscribe Form
  5. Get the Form ID to be used as CONVERTKIT_FORM_ID


Other references