This repository holds deployment package deliveries for deploying Microblinks document verification solution.
To use either helm or docker-compose based deployment you will need a licence key. You can acquire it on
For production ready, user facing loads we prepare a helm chart that can be used to deploy our solution on your Kubernetes infrastructure. Using our helm you can easily configure autoscaling rules and resource requirements for each service, making it easy to install on existing Kuberentes clusters. For more information please refer to under helm/doc-ver.
If you are working within a:
- constrainted environment
- do not require horizontal scaling/have predictable loads
- k8s is simply not an option
You can deploy the same service stack using docker-compose
. The only depenency you need to
have on the machine you wish to run our document verification solution is to have docker
installed. For more information and install guideline plese follow the instructions in
The documentation for BlinkID Verify API is maintained here and API reference is here.
Releases notes are published here