This application is a demonstration on how to integrate Microcks via Testcontainers within your development inner-loop.
You will work with a Go application and explore how to:
- Use Microcks for provisioning third-party API mocks,
- Use Microcks for simulating external Kafka events publishers,
- Write tests using Microcks contract-testing features for both REST/OpenAPI based APIs and Events/AsyncAPI based messaging
- Step 1: Getting Started
- Step 2: Exploring the app
- Step 3: Local Development Experience with Microcks
- Step 4: Write Tests for REST
- Step 5: Write Tests for Async
The code in this repository is made available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
$ go test -timeout 30s -run "^TestGetPastry$" ./internal/client -v
=== RUN TestGetPastry
2024/09/25 22:05:32 - Connected to docker:
Server Version: 24.0.2
API Version: 1.43
Operating System: Docker Desktop
Total Memory: 11962 MB
Testcontainers for Go Version: v0.34.0
Resolved Docker Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Resolved Docker Socket Path: /var/run/docker.sock
Test SessionID: 1b0461d7b7d13ee30ffb86fc72d836fcc9d8ae715fb0407d2af3f4e088d26657
Test ProcessID: 7629b56f-618d-4c6d-a37d-37ea9b7d6e56
2024/09/25 22:05:32 🐳 Creating container for image testcontainers/ryuk:0.9.0
2024/09/25 22:05:32 ✅ Container created: c23103c472eb
2024/09/25 22:05:32 🐳 Starting container: c23103c472eb
2024/09/25 22:05:32 ✅ Container started: c23103c472eb
2024/09/25 22:05:32 ⏳ Waiting for container id c23103c472eb image: testcontainers/ryuk:0.9.0. Waiting for: &{Port:8080/tcp timeout:<nil> PollInterval:100ms skipInternalCheck:false}
2024/09/25 22:05:32 🔔 Container is ready: c23103c472eb
2024/09/25 22:05:32 🐳 Creating container for image
2024/09/25 22:05:32 ✅ Container created: 77ddd018ca5f
2024/09/25 22:05:32 🐳 Starting container: 77ddd018ca5f
2024/09/25 22:05:32 ✅ Container started: 77ddd018ca5f
2024/09/25 22:05:32 ⏳ Waiting for container id 77ddd018ca5f image: Waiting for: &{timeout:<nil> Log:Started MicrocksApplication IsRegexp:false Occurrence:1 PollInterval:100ms}
2024/09/25 22:05:33 🔔 Container is ready: 77ddd018ca5f
2024/09/25 22:05:33 🐳 Terminating container: 77ddd018ca5f
2024/09/25 22:05:33 🚫 Container terminated: 77ddd018ca5f
--- PASS: TestGetPastry (1.61s)
ok 1.940s
$ go test -timeout 30s -run "^TestListPastries$" ./internal/client -v
=== RUN TestListPastries
2024/09/25 22:05:00 - Connected to docker:
Server Version: 24.0.2
API Version: 1.43
Operating System: Docker Desktop
Total Memory: 11962 MB
Testcontainers for Go Version: v0.34.0
Resolved Docker Host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Resolved Docker Socket Path: /var/run/docker.sock
Test SessionID: 96332d7af971d08d478592eca13f0c15f30f89ee17251b870f732595e9f5f341
Test ProcessID: bfbf6820-0924-4e6a-b6f9-9eeb5f677ac5
2024/09/25 22:05:00 🐳 Creating container for image testcontainers/ryuk:0.9.0
2024/09/25 22:05:00 ✅ Container created: eb0f86cd914d
2024/09/25 22:05:00 🐳 Starting container: eb0f86cd914d
2024/09/25 22:05:00 ✅ Container started: eb0f86cd914d
2024/09/25 22:05:00 ⏳ Waiting for container id eb0f86cd914d image: testcontainers/ryuk:0.9.0. Waiting for: &{Port:8080/tcp timeout:<nil> PollInterval:100ms skipInternalCheck:false}
2024/09/25 22:05:00 🔔 Container is ready: eb0f86cd914d
2024/09/25 22:05:00 🐳 Creating container for image
2024/09/25 22:05:00 ✅ Container created: a7f410f91fb2
2024/09/25 22:05:00 🐳 Starting container: a7f410f91fb2
2024/09/25 22:05:01 ✅ Container started: a7f410f91fb2
2024/09/25 22:05:01 ⏳ Waiting for container id a7f410f91fb2 image: Waiting for: &{timeout:<nil> Log:Started MicrocksApplication IsRegexp:false Occurrence:1 PollInterval:100ms}
2024/09/25 22:05:01 🔔 Container is ready: a7f410f91fb2
2024/09/25 22:05:01 🐳 Terminating container: a7f410f91fb2
2024/09/25 22:05:01 🚫 Container terminated: a7f410f91fb2
--- PASS: TestListPastries (1.27s)
ok 1.586s
$ go test ./internal/test -test.timeout=20m -failfast -v TestBaseSuite -testify.m ^TestOpenAPIContractAdvanced
$ go test ./internal/test -test.timeout=20m -failfast -v TestBaseSuite -testify.m ^TestPostmanCollectionContract
$ go test ./internal/test -test.timeout=20m -failfast -v TestBaseSuite -testify.m ^TestOrderEventIsPublishedWhenOrderIsCreated
$ go test ./internal/test -test.timeout=20m -failfast -v TestBaseSuite -testify.m ^TestEventIsConsumedAndProcessedByService