- URLs: production
- Translations: microsoft/TypeScript-Website-Localizations
This repo uses pnpm workspaces with node 18+, and watchman. (Windows users can install watchman via chocolatey)
With those set up, clone this repo and run pnpm install
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-website
cd TypeScript-website
pnpm install
code .
# Then:
pnpm bootstrap
# Optional, grab the translations:
pnpm docs-sync pull microsoft/TypeScript-Website-localizations#main 1
# Now you can start up the website
pnpm start
Working on this repo is done by running pnpm start
- this starts up the website on port 8000
and creates a
builder worker for every package in the repo, so if you make a change outside of the site it will compile and lint etc.
Some useful knowledge you need to know:
- All packages have:
pnpm build
andpnpm test
- All packages use debug - which means you can do
env DEBUG="*" pnpm test
to get verbose logs
Having issues getting set up? Consult the troubleshooting.
Deployment is automatic:
- Pushes to the branch
deploy to production
You can find the build logs in GitHub Actions
If you want to know in-depth how this website works, there is an hour long video covering the codebase, deployment and tooling on YouTube.. Otherwise there are some short guides:
- Converting Twoslash Code Samples
- How i18n Works For Site Copy
- Updating the TypeScript Version
- Something Went Wrong
This repo uses pnpm
+ changesets
to manage package version bumps and releases.
CI will fail if a PR modifies a public package but is missing a changeset. To add a changeset, run pnpm changeset
, then follow along with the CLI.
$ pnpm changeset
🦋 Which packages would you like to include? …
â—¯ changed packages
â—¯ create-typescript-playground-plugin
â—¯ @typescript/vfs
â—¯ @typescript/twoslash
â—¯ @typescript/sandbox
â—¯ @typescript/ata
New files will be created in .changeset
and must be committed.
PRs which don't modify public packages (e.g. website content updates) do not require changesets.
If you are making a change to a published package but are not affecting published code, you can create an empty changeset for your PR with pnpm changeset --empty
The main website for TypeScript, a Gatsby website which is statically deployed. You can run it via:
pnpm start
To optimize even more, the env var NO_TRANSLATIONS
as truthy will make the website only load pages for English.
The editor aspect of the TypeScript Playground REPL, useable for all sites which want to show a monaco editor with TypeScript or JavaScript code.
The JS code has an AMD module for the playground which is loaded at runtime in the Playground website.
A set of tools and scripts for generating a comprehensive API reference for the TSConfig JSON file.
# Generate JSON from the typescript cli
pnpm run --filter=tsconfig-reference generate-json
# Jams them all into a single file
pnpm run --filter=tsconfig-reference generate-markdown
Validate the docs:
pnpm run --filter=tsconfig-reference test
# or to just run the linter without a build
pnpm run --filter=tsconfig-reference lint
# or to just one one linter for a single doc
pnpm run --filter=tsconfig-reference lint resolveJson
The docs for TypeScript. Originally ported over from microsoft/TypeScript-Handbook then intermingled with microsoft/TypeScript-New-Handbook.
It's a little odd, but the tsconfig-reference
package creates the JSON schema for a TSConfig files:
pnpm run --filter=tsconfig-reference build
Then you can find it at: packages/tsconfig-reference/scripts/schema/result/schema.json
The user-facing documentation for the Playground.
The code samples used in the Playground split across many languages.
Most of these packages use (a maintained fork of) tsdx
A code sample markup extension for TypeScript. Available on npm: @typescript/twoslash
A comprehensive way to run TypeScript projects in-memory in a browser or node environment. Available on npm: @typescript/vfs
A template for generating a new playground plugin which you can use via npm init playground-plugin [name]
Generates contribution JSON metadata on who edited handbook pages.
A web worker which sits between the Playground and Monaco-TypeScript
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.
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Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Azure and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries. The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft names, logos, or trademarks. Microsoft's general trademark guidelines can be found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=254653.
Privacy information can be found at https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/
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