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Portal Portlet

The system can be configured with a portal that utilizes a pickup/activation code method.

If your system utilizes a configured pickup/activation code portal, it is important to have the Portal portlet displayed within the Summary dashboard chart tab of charts.

Portal Portlet

The Portals portlet can be added to the Summary chart tab dashboard view by going to the Summary chart tab, using the Select Portlets hyperlink, and selecting Portal portlet to be shown for you when working in charts.

The Portal portlet displays any default pickup code portals configured to the system and/or the specific pickup code portal(s) the chart has a relationship with.

There are no accounts currently with portal-only access to this chart.

When you see the message There are no accounts currently with portal-only access to this chart within the Portal portlet, this signifies that the person has either:

  • Not had a unique pickup/activation code generated for their portal needs yet. They do not have ability to create an account to the portal because a unique pickup/activation code has not been generated.

  • Not claimed their unique pickup/activation code that has been generated for their portal needs nor has gone to the portal to create their account yet using the pending listed pickup/activation code. They do not have access to the portal and have not claimed their pickup code nor have created their account access.

These accounts have portal-only access to this chart

When you see the message These accounts have portal-only access to this chart within the Portal portlet, you will see the email addresses of what email accounts have portal access to this chart. Meaning, the person has claimed their pickup/activation code and has gone to the portal to create their account. They have access to the portal by using their pickup/activation code to claim and create their account access.

You will also notice that the listed activation codes do not show anymore, because the person has claimed their pickup code (that was generated) and has made a portal account. Only unclaimed pending pickup/activation codes are listed in the Portal portlet.

Activation / Created On

Within the Portal portlet, the Activation / Created On section displays any pending pickup/activation codes that have been generated for the chart's portal needs. These are considered the chart's unique pending pickup/activation code(s). If any are listed in that section, that signifies a unique pickup/activation code(s) has been generated, but the chart person has not used/claimed that pickup/activation code to create their portal account and access.

If no pending pickup/activation codes display in this section, then either the chart user has already claimed their pickup code to create portal access, or the chart has not yet had a unique pending pickup/activation code generated for them yet.

Generate & Email

An initial or new activation code can be manually generated from the Portal portlet at any time. Some systems have automated scheduled jobs that will generate a unique pickup/activation code for charts and have an automated scheduled job that will then email the pickup/activation code instructions to the chart.

However, at any time, one can manually generate and/or email a new unique pickup/activation code for the chart.

Generate & Email

The Generate & Email button will generate a unique pickup/activation code for the chart and emails the portal instructions to the chart's email address. The unique pickup/activation code for the chart is listed in the Activation list below the Generate button performed. It indicates the specific pickup code portal it was generated to and the unique pickup/activation code is visible within the parenthesis. The unique pickup/activation code generated is considered ‘pending' to be claimed since it is visible in this area. It is also date & time stamped for viewing needs.

The portal activation code instructions email sent is visible within the Email/Text Log chart tab or Documents chart tab.


The Generate button will simply generate a unique pickup/activation code for the chart. The unique pickup/activation code for the chart is listed in the Activation list below the Generate button performed. It indicates the specific pickup code portal it was generated to and the unique pickup/activation code is visible within the parenthesis. The unique pickup/activation code generated is considered ‘pending' to be claimed since it is visible in this area. It is also date & time stamped for viewing needs.


Portal Activation Code report: A searchable report that lists charts who were sent an invite and also activated their portal using the code.

Unused Activation Codes report: Lists specific unique activation codes (for charts) and stored email document ID regarding the activation code that was generated for the chart, but has not yet been used/activated by the chart to access their portal.

Additional Information

Portal Activation Code Employee Experience

LMS Course: (201.Ab) Activation Code Portal Method-Enterprise Health Focus 49 minutes