A powerful utility library that enhances Angular Signals with additional features for robust state management.
- Enhanced signal operations with built-in state tracking
- Type-safe validations and transformations
- Persistent storage with automatic serialization
- Time-based operations (debounce, throttle, delay)
- Signal operators for transformation and combination
- Built-in undo/redo functionality
- Form handling with validation
- Automatic cleanup and memory management
- Performance optimizations
- Transactions and batching for atomic operations
npm install ngx-signal-plus
- Angular >= 16.0.0 (fully compatible with Angular 19)
- TypeScript >= 5.0.0
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { sp, enhance, spMap, spFilter } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
import { signal, computed } from '@angular/core';
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-counter',
template: `
<div>Count: {{ counter.value() }}</div>
<div>Doubled: {{ doubled() }}</div>
<button (click)="increment()">Increment</button>
<button (click)="decrement()">Decrement</button>
@if (counter.canUndo()) {
<button (click)="counter.undo()">Undo</button>
export class CounterComponent {
// Create an enhanced signal with persistence and history
counter = sp(0)
.validate(value => value >= 0, 'Must be positive')
// Use signal operators
doubled = computed(() => this.counter.value() * 2);
increment() {
this.counter.setValue(this.counter.value() + 1);
decrement() {
if (this.counter.value() > 0) {
this.counter.setValue(this.counter.value() - 1);
import { sp, spCounter, spToggle, spForm } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
// Simple enhanced signal
const name = sp('John').build();
// Counter with min/max validation
const counter = spCounter(0, { min: 0, max: 100 });
// Toggle (boolean) with persistence
const darkMode = spToggle(false, 'theme-mode');
// Form input with validation
const username = spForm.text('', {
minLength: 3,
maxLength: 20,
debounce: 300
Enhance existing signals with additional features:
import { enhance } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
import { signal } from '@angular/core';
const enhanced = enhance(signal(0))
.validate(n => n >= 0, 'Must be positive')
import { spMap, spFilter, spDebounceTime, spCombineLatest } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
import { signal } from '@angular/core';
// Transform values
const price = signal(100);
const withTax = price.pipe(
spMap(n => n * 1.2),
spMap(n => Math.round(n * 100) / 100)
// Combine signals
const firstName = signal('John');
const lastName = signal('Doe');
const fullName = spCombineLatest([firstName, lastName])
.pipe(spMap(([first, last]) => `${first} ${last}`));
import { spForm } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
import { computed } from '@angular/core';
// Form inputs with validation
const username = spForm.text('', { minLength: 3, maxLength: 20 });
const email = spForm.email('');
const age = spForm.number({ min: 18, max: 99, initial: 30 });
// Form validation
const isFormValid = computed(() =>
username.isValid() && email.isValid() && age.isValid()
import { spValidators, spPresets } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
// Use validators
const email = sp('')
.validate(spValidators.string.required, 'Email is required')
.validate(spValidators.string.email, 'Must be a valid email')
// Use presets for common patterns
const counter = spPresets.counter({
initial: 0,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
withHistory: true
const darkMode = spPresets.toggle({
initial: false,
persistent: true,
storageKey: 'theme-mode'
import { spHistoryManager, spStorageManager } from 'ngx-signal-plus';
// History management
const history = new spHistoryManager(0, { maxSize: 10 });
// Storage management
const storage = new spStorageManager<{theme: string}>('app-settings');
storage.save({ theme: 'dark' });
const settings = storage.load();
Category | Features |
Signal Creation | sp , spCounter , spToggle , spForm |
Signal Enhancement | enhance , validation, transformation, persistence, history |
Signal Operators | spMap , spFilter , spDebounceTime , spThrottleTime , spDelay , spDistinctUntilChanged , spSkip , spTake , spMerge , spCombineLatest |
Transactions & Batching | spTransaction , spBatch , spIsTransactionActive , spIsInTransaction , spIsInBatch , spGetModifiedSignals |
Utilities | spValidators , spPresets |
State Management | spHistoryManager , spStorageManager |
Components | spSignalPlusComponent , spSignalPlusService , spSignalBuilder |
For detailed documentation including all features, API reference, and examples, see our API Documentation.
Please read our Contributing Guide.
ng serve
The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
ng build
Build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
ng test
ng e2e